Saturday, April 18, 2009

I just had to post this comment from an angry Kathy!

Kathy has left a new comment on your post "Right Wing Extremists!":

Here's my letter to "Mz" Napolitano:

Secretary Janet Napolitano April 17, 2009
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

Mz. Napolitano,

I am writing to you today to express my outrage at your incredibly arrogant and ignorant actions to allow the release of the most-biased, discriminatory, anti-civil rights piece of crap ever to come out of a federal government agency!

Lady, let me tell you who I am: I am a believer in Jesus Christ, the Ten Commandments, the rule of law (including only legal immigration!), the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, Second Amendment rights, the sanctity of human life starting in the womb, fair taxation, and a marriage only between a man and a woman. And you have the unmitigated, completely-off-the-wall gall to call me a “domestic terrorist”!

As a retired federal employee, I never abrogated or in any way retrieved my oath as a federal employee to “support and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” It is in support of the Constitution as the supreme law of this land, that I declare to you that YOU, Mz. Napolitano, are the right-wing extremist that you so hypocritically castigated and marginalized in your incredible and despicable memo. Even your own civil rights employees tried to warn you against the civil rights violations that were all over that memo. What fascist mentality you must obviously possess to even think, let alone publish, such a horrendous assault upon the rights of freedom-loving, law-abiding American citizens! I have to ask: what planet did you just step off of, Mz. Napolitano? What were you thinking? Who the hell are you?

You are a disgrace to all the precepts and principles set forth in the founding fathers’ documents of this country, to everything that is good, orderly and decent, and you need to step down NOW! You do not deserve to hold public office, let alone serve as the head of a federal agency. You have trampled upon millions of American citizens, and have slaughtered and greatly impugned the reputation of our great military veterans.

One last thing: before you step down, get down on your knees and APOLOGIZE TO AMERICA!

Fighting and mad as hell,


  1. WPW veru good letter and one we all should write. It is time for all good American's to stand up and star voicing our concerns as we did with the TEA PARTY. WE need to follow up and let Homeland Security Janet Nepolition know how we feel and that we agree she shoudl resign.

  2. Very well said Kathy!
