Sunday, April 18, 2010

Obama Delusion Syndrome

Obama Delusion Syndrome
Kevin McCullough
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Few things are less tasteful than arrogance amongst the empowered. Few things are sillier than believing one's own praise. Few people are more misguided than those who teach false doctrine, and few pose more danger than those who willfully deceive in order to gain power.

On all four points President Obama stands head and shoulders above us all.

It seems, however, that he saves his ugliest bit of guile, disdain, and self-exultation for when he is forced to deal with "We The People." For as much as he would like to believe it to be the case, he is not higher than us, but rather our servant. And though he bristles at the notion that anyone should be allowed to instruct his behavior or review his job performance, in November of this year the voters of America will do both.

Full Article Here

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