Sunday, May 15, 2011

NEW BOOK - Dreams of Lucifer and Barack Obama

I wrote a brief review for this book:

“Selwyn Mills takes on the evil of politicians with all the cutting wit of C. S. Lewis’ “Screwtape Letters.”  This is a book of spectacular intellect, and humor that enlightens. Dr. Mills’ book is a much more entertaining read than Machiavelli’s “The Prince” but still very revealing of the soul warping effect of politics.”
Sam Sewell, PhD

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This book is about Lucifer and Barack Obama. We all know who Lucifer is, although he often goes by the name of Satan, Mephistopheles or the Devil. He may not be an actual historical figure, but he has enormous symbolic presence. He is the tempest, the personification of evil, the other side of love and kindness. And Barack Obama, who is he? A Muslim, a Christian, an Atheist, a Socialist, a Communist? What is his creed? We know more about Lucifer than about Obama. For someone who has written two autobiographies, given hundreds of speeches, has had countless interviews and had thousands of articles written about him, little is known about his real beliefs. I don’t believe he is a religious man, although he uses religious metaphors freely in all his speeches. He is too busy to follow the Muslim discipline of praying five times a day. He does not appear to practice any religion, although he has been known to give up a Sunday golf outing to make a showing at a Christian Church with family in tow for a photo-op. He doesn’t practice Atheism in public, and I doubt he is a card-carrying Socialist or Communist, although he seems to favor many of their ideas. No, I don’t think I have illuminated much about his inner nature. Perhaps after you have read my small but consequential discourse on the interaction between these two predatory characters, and stay to ponder my commentary in Afterwords, you will find the time well spent. Selwyn Mills

The Dreams of Lucifer and Barack Obama: The political collaboration and secrets never released –

Paperback (May 10, 2011) by Selwyn J Mills Ph.D  To purchase, go to

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