Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Businessman: Obama's Kenyan Birth Records in Possession of Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga

'Lucas Smith on weights and measures in the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya. 1938 Colonial Report. 1944 Mombasa Times And The East Coast Herald."


Of course!  When I saw the article I knew it was wrong.  A British colony would have British weights and measures.  I am surprised the Post and Email people didn’t catch that obvious error.



Businessman: Obama's Kenyan Birth Records in Possession of Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga
Tuesday, July 19, 2011 5:30

Obama and Odinga

Exclusive: Interviewee: Obama Born in Kenya, Birth Records are in the Possession of Kenyan Prime MinisterPERSON WHOSE COMPANY DOES BUSINESS IN KENYA: “WE WERE ABLE TO GET THE INFORMATION”
by Sharon Rondeau

(Jul. 19, 2011) — Recently The Post & Email was contacted by someone who stated that he was told by very reliable business contacts within his company that they were provided information before the 2008 presidential election that Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Mombasa, Kenya. The interviewee stated that his coworkers were told by an assistant to an under-secretary within the Kenyan government that Obama’s birth record existed in Kenya, and that the information was not difficult at the time to obtain.

The following is our interview with the individual:

MRS. RONDEAU: Thank you for contacting us regarding the knowledge which you said you have that Obama II was definitely born in Mombasa, Kenya. How did you learn that information?

INTERVIEWEE: Actually, it was prior to the presidential election when I had conversations with Atty. Philip Berg. He wanted to know if there was any way to find out if a certified copy of Obama’s Kenyan birth record could be obtained from any hospital in Kenya. We do a lot of business in that country and work very closely with the various ministries there as well as very high officials in the government, but the timing was such that the record had already been taken by Raila Odinga, the current prime minister of the country. I suppose if we had gone in there a month or so earlier, it might have still been possible for us to get it. It might still be possible to get it, but it would cost a lot of money and would be very, very difficult.

MRS. RONDEAU: Is there a way that you can be sure that Raila Odinga himself took personal custody of that birth record?



  1. The Interviewee states the 'Lucas' birth certificate must be fraudulent as Soetorobama was born in Kenya, and as that country was under British Rule for years, the measurements on the document would have been metric. If I am not mistaken, the United Kingdom began a conversion to metric in 1965, and the conversion was not complete until the mid-1990's.

    When Soetorobama was born, in Kenya, his measurements would most certainly have been in inches, pounds, and ounces.

    The document is not 'obviously fraudulent'.

  2. Of course! When I saw the article I knew it was wrong. A British colony would have British weights and measures. I am surprised the Post and Email people didn’t catch that obvious error.

    Lucas has posted a rebuttal on his own site: http://www.wasobamaborninkenya.com/blog/

