Friday, July 8, 2011

Misguided Conservative or Obot PSYOPS agent?

Some conservatives derisively dismiss anyone who supports the eligibility issue as a “birther.”   Some Obot PSYOPS agents say the same thing.  Do you know the difference?

There certainly is enough evidence out there to raise questions.  The significance of the eligibility issue is what happens if we are right.  If Obama was never eligible to serve as President, everything he did is void.  Two Supreme Court Justices, gone.  A host of Federal Judges, gone.  Every bill he signed, gone. Obamacare, gone. 

What are the chances of this happening?  Who knows?  The bigger question is, given the potential reward of undoing everything Obama has done, why any conservative dismisses the eligibility issues, as “birtherism” is simply beyond belief.  Why Obot PSYOPS agents dismiss the eligibility issue is obvious.  Maybe there is a clue in that statement that will help tell misguided conservatives from Obot PSYOPS agents.

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