Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Excessive Regulation

"There's no way to rule innocent men.
The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals.
Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them.
One declares so many things to be a crime
that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws."  Ayn Rand
Excessive Regulation
Here is more about the DOJ raid on Gibson Guitar. It seems that Gibson is a Republican. His competitor, Martin, uses the same wood Gibson does, but armed agents aren’t swarming all over Martin’s factory to check up on the wood he is using. Perhaps this is because Martin donated to Obama. This is what they call “the Chicago Way.” Obama rewards his supporters and punishes Republicans. Welcome to the age of Obama.
Similar tactics were used with Chrysler dealerships.
Tyrants typically impose so many laws and regulations that honest people cannot live without breaking the rules. This gives the authorities discretionary power over the people that can be applied on the whim of the tyrant. The tyrant can be an autocrat, or it can be a state bureaucracy. Obama is busy turning the United States into a tyranny with Executive Edicts and thousands of pages of new regulations from his growing array of bureaucracies. Here is an article about the government harassing makers of musical instruments. Note that people can be sent to prison for many years for errors in paperwork over which they had no control. (It is true that if the victim fights the case to the Supreme Court he will probably win, but most do not have the funds to do that, so plead guilty to a lesser crime for a suspended sentence. This “victory” gives the government more power to intimidate.)

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