Monday, October 24, 2011

Video: CNN's Bullsh*t Birther Report: A Criminal Media Conspiracy; R-Rated

Video: CNN's Bullsh*t Birther Report: A Criminal Media Conspiracy; R-Rated

CNN's Bullsh*t Birther Report

Numerous Computer Experts Tear Apart Obama's Forged Birth Certificate - VIDEO

Karl Denninger - a computer documents' expert who uncovered some of the more relevant issues with the electronically released long form birth certificate. Video

Mara Zebest - a recognized Adobe expert and author whose written report on the problems with Obama's birth certificate is a must read!

Albert Einstein Renshaw Ph.D. - Introducing the 16 year old computer whiz kid who owns his own software firm and received 1.3 million hits on his video that ripped Obama's long form to pieces. 

Joseph M. Newcomer - the person who exposed the "Killian documents" in the Rathergate scandal as fraudulent in 2004. 

Tom Harrison - a software designer with more than 30 years experience in graphic design. Harrison - a 58 year-old Dartmouth graduate with a background in mathematics, physics and computer science – believes the dots prove the document is a forgery.

Obama's SSN Fails E-Verify System - 17 Oct 2011 Wash Times National Wkly edition - pg 5

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