Thursday, November 10, 2011


Clintons/Obama behind Herman Cain Attackers
It seems these days if you are a Black man that escapes from the 'Democrat plantation' it doesn't happen without severe repercussion.  Throughout the past several days, Republican presidential contender Mr. Herman Cain has been MERCILESSLY hunted by the Democrat power machine for doing just that.  Looks as though they couldn't handle watching Cain's surge in the polls so they had to thrust a knee blow to the campaign when, supposed "news organization" Politico broke a vicious story last Sunday.  The sham of a "story" that Politico broke has turned into a whirlwind witch hunt on Mr. Cain; capitalizing and playing into America's "Mandingo" syndrome-a stereotype that encompasses the fear of a Black mans 'sexuality'.  What better way to knock down a principled Conservative Black man vying for the highest office of the land on the Republican ticket. Which begs the question, who has the vendetta and ax to grind?  Meet Karen Kraushaar....a registered "Republican" whom for some reason donates MONEY to the DNC?  Part of the scam?

Karen Kraushaar, a 55-year-old federal employee and registered Republican, was one of the two women who, in the late 1990s, settled claims of sexual harassment against the 2012 GOP presidential candidate.  

Karen Kraushaar  a career government employee who shockingly the media has missed was a TWO time employee for the INS under the CLINTON administration BEFORE and AFTER her short hiatus from 1998-1999 as an employee and spokeswoman for the National Restaurant Assosiation.  

Meanwhile, Karen Kraushaar, 40, has left her senior INS press slot to take over as director of media relations at the National Restaurant Association. At the INS, her duties included speechwriting for Attorney General Janet Reno and coordinating events for the Border Patrol. At one such event in Texas, she had worked with Eric Ruff, then the communications director to Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas. When Ruff took a job as senior VP at the restaurant group, he recruited Kraushaar.

Hmmm...interesting.  After receiving the severance settlement at the NRA after Mr. Cain was CLEARED of any wrong doing because for her baseless accusation Kraushaar then went back to work for the INS.  In 1999 she was hired back at the INS by CNN contributor Maria Cardona after she left the restaurant lobby. Under Cardona for the INS under the Clinton administration she was immediately sent to Miami to handle the media coverage of the infamous "Elian Gonzalez" case.  Curious that all of that commenced into her current position under the Obama Administration as Communications Director at the inspector General's Office of the Treasury Department.  Time to connect the dots....who has the vendetta again??  Let's take a look back. Rest of the story

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