Monday, January 2, 2012

ATTN: New Hampshire Legislators - Jane Clemons admits Election Fraud

ATTN: New Hampshire Legislators - Jane Clemons admits Election Fraud

To all NH elected officials:

YouTube video: "
Jane Clemons admits on the air that her NH Ballot Law Commission Committed Election Fraud!" « link at CDR Kerchner's Blog

This is not a fringe issue!  South Carolina Poll Results – A poll done by Public Policy Polling (PPP) shows that almost 2/3 of GOP voters want Obama eligibility investigated. This is not a fringe issue:

Gallup Poll, May 5-8, 2011, after release of fake birth certificate: 47% of those surveyed, less than a majority, say they believe the president was "definitely" born in the United States.

Scientific Poll: Half of Americans would like Congress to investigate Barack Obama's eligibility. Nearly that many believe the definition of the constitutional term "natural born citizen" means both parents must be U.S.citizens.  Wenzel Strategies, June 16 thru 19.

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