Friday, February 3, 2012

Georgia Judge Rules In Favor Of Obama - and a note from Carl Swensson

We are much further along than anyone thinks. This WILL be appealed. We will get a court of competent jurisdiction to deal with the issues which this court did not and we will be separated from any and all proceedings having to do with Orly Taitz. On pages 4 and 5 this Judge skewered her presentation.  This comes as no big surprise. The rest we’ll re-work for the off chance we’ll get before a less politically oriented Judge in the heavily Democratic Fulton County Superior Court. Expedited hearing will be requested so that it then moves to the State Supreme Court where we will get a much better chance of having un-biased Judges rule.

The fight has just begun my friends and at the next levels it gets a lot more serious. None of this “Speed hearing” bs this Judge did.

Don’t lose the faith my friends.., I haven’t.

We’re in this fight to win and we’re in it till the end.        Let’s rumble!


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