Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Florida Paralegal Checkmates Obama’s Lawyers

Florida Paralegal Checkmates Obama’s Lawyers
Obama Spurns Offer to Limit Discovery to His Birth Records

Jerry Collette, plaintiff in the Pasco County Florida Ballot Challenge case against Barack Obama, stated that attorneys for Obama have declined an offer from Collette to limit discovery to Obama’s birth records. Collette said, “My offer was very simple. If I survive the motions to dismiss, Obama would permit me access to the original and microfiche birth records in Hawaii and the copies he claims to have gotten from Hawaii last year, then I would waive all other discovery. They declined my offer.”

Sam Sewell, Director of the Florida Ballot Challenge said, “This is amazing. Collette was willing to give up access to Obama’s social security, draft, and college records, any of which could contain information very damaging to Obama, yet Obama is still unwilling to release his original birth records.

George Miller, Assistant Director of the Obama State Ballot Challenge added, “Collette was also willing to give up his right to depose Obama. That was huge. Remember, the lie that led to Bill Clinton’s impeachment occurred during a deposition.”

Pamela Barnett, Director of the Obama State Ballot Challenge said, “Obama certainly must believe that there is something worth hiding in those original birth records.

Collette is a paralegal and the creator of the “Do It Yourself Ballot Challenge Kit.” He is handling his case “pro se” (without an attorney.)

Sam Sewell said “The reasons I teamed up with Jerry Collette are because he is a fellow Christian, he is a fellow clergyman, he is a fellow pastoral counselor, he is a fellow MENSA member, and he has a reputation for developing very creative outside the box legal theories and strategies. His offer to Obama’s lawyer was a brilliant move. The moment Collette made the offer, Obama was stuck in a no-win situation. If Obama had accepted, Collette would get access to the original birth records.  By declining, Obama again admits to the world, by implication, that he still has something to hide.”  Checkmate!

The case is Collette v. Obama, case number: 512012CA 2041WS. The next hearing is scheduled for July 10, 2012, at 3:30 pm at the West Pasco Judicial Center in New Port Richey FL.


Are you interested in being a plaintiff? We have developed a "Do It Yourself Ballot Challenge Kit" that is useable in many states and is available at:

WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you are interested in lending support to a Do It Yourself citizen activist filing in one of the local jurisdictions, please mark your donation: DIY Challenge. By filing cases in multiple jurisdictions, we greatly reduce our financial output, and multiply our chances of finding ONE courageous judge who will move on this case in a timely manner.

or send a check to:

Constitution Action Fund

10202 Vanderbilt Drive

Naples, FL 34108

Donations to this PayPal account go directly to Sam Sewell's LLC which is acting as trustee for one of the nonprofit ballot challenge orgs,

Sam takes no trustee fees for this and has already personally contributed over $5,000 to support the Florida Ballot Challenge.

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