Thursday, September 13, 2012

Five reasons to not vote for President Obama

WASHINGTON, September 12, 2012 – The United States of America has survived more than two centuries as the greatest country in the history of civilization. The US has been a beacon of freedom, innovation, and prosperity for the free world, and it is not by accident. 

The main point of distinction separating the United States from all other civilizations is the Constitution and what it represents.

Most of this country’s Founders personally adhered to Judeo-Christian values and principles but they did not craft a government that was a mouthpiece of the Church, as it was in England. Instead, they used Judeo-Christian principles to shape and craft this rugged document known as our Constitution, a document so enduring that we have a continuous string of elected officials who have sworn to “preserve, protect and defend” it. 

Any deviation from our Constitution is a clear and present danger to our great Republic.

So why should we not vote for President Obama? It is because far too many of his actions and rhetoric have either circumvented, challenged or blatantly disregarded the clear mandate set forth in the U.S. Constitution. Regardless of what your personal sentiments are, none of us, as U.S. citizens, are above our founding document.
Looking over the last four years of the Obama administration, following are some of the egregious actions by the Obama Administration that, while not clearly impeachable offenses, nevertheless violate the spirit and intent of the oath to “support, protect and defend” our U.S. Constitution.   

These actions betrayed the public trust, compromised national security, and negatively impacted the lives of America’s citizens and their prosperity. 

See if you agree:

Read more: Five reasons to not vote for President Obama | Washington Times Communities
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