Sunday, October 14, 2012

Liberal Friends or Family? - Convert them with this!


The full text of Rev. Sewell’s sermon here:  

 Reading this sermon, something seemed to click and I felt compelled to re-read it.  Afterwards, staring at the words of Sam Sewell, I considered the magnitude of what I had just learned and, strangely, remembered a scene from Atlas Shrugged.  Here’s the quote:
 “…it was as if he had been struggling to find the secret combination of a lock and felt, at those words, a faint click within, of the first tumbril falling into place… ”
And then the  “…click of the second tumbril connecting the circuits of the lock.”
 This is no ordinary sermon.  This is a ‘Thinking Man’s Sermon’.
 “Children of The Beast” is a most important and timely work.
 What you are about to read will open doors that, gratefully, can never be closed.    
 The full text of Rev. Sewell’s sermon here:  
 Maximum exposure for this work is important! 
I ask you to read and forward this to those you know.
Those who share the great work of Freedom will be strengthened; others will be enlightened or remain in the dark. 

Other Comments:
“Just tremendous work.  I didn't think to mention this before but...., your analyses should be sent to the largest bookbinder in the Country, printed and sent to every middle school, high school and all colleges and universities in America (and the world for that matter) because it lays out in simple language, the importance of what we (the people) are up against in terms of prodding "The Beast" back into submission!!!  It really should be required reading.”

“You have given/taught us many things.... I'm sure it all hasn't connected yet.... but your fine mind, studies, writing style and experience within this sermon has opened our minds and given clarity to many questions.”

“Thank You for your work for our LORD, Freedom and the individual 'selves' that you have guided into greater Truth. " 
“I think it's spot on and revelatory, even critically important that just this message and true to life narrative be brought to people's faces.”
“The new paradigm is growing and it is even becoming easy to tell liberals afraid of the NWO the "gospel" of the founders. This is extraordinary medicine to help with that, for those who won't be too offended.”

“Sam, you have nailed it again!”

“This is wonderful--and explains so much”

“We will be glad and proud to share it with others. “

“Wow!!  Great article!  Sad part is..., most of those trapped in the snares of "The Beast" won't recognize themselves.”

“It is absolutely brilliant and should open the minds of any who are smart enough to dissect its content!!  It is well-written and as easy as any technical article can be.”

 “Dr. Sewell is one of the most intelligent folks I know. Please read his perspective on what's happening in our country today. It is enlightening.”

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