Friday, December 14, 2012

HOW TO STOP AN INELIGIBLE 'PRESIDENT' Exclusive: Larry Klayman demands GOP lawmakers challenge Electoral College tally

Over the last four years, modern-day “Sons of Liberty” – such as Joseph Farah, WND, its prized investigative reporters such as Jerome Corsi and courageous lawmen like Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse – have worked tirelessly to have President Barack Hussein Obama thoroughly investigated over the issue of his place of birth.
It is well-known that Obama had for years refused to release his claimed Hawaiian birth certificate and other official documents that reflect on whether he was born in U.S. territory as he claims, or in Kenya where his father of the same name hailed. If born in Kenya or somewhere else outside of American territory, Obama would be ineligible to run for and serve as president. And, even if born in America, Obama does not qualify as a “natural born citizen” under our Constitution, since he was not, as also required under our law to be president, sired by two American citizen parents. Only his mother was an American at the time of his birth.

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