Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Exclusive–Oliver North at Shot Show: Second Amendment 'Key' to Freedom

Exclusive–Oliver North at Shot Show: Second Amendment 'Key' to Freedom
by AWR Hawkins 14 Jan 2014
On January 14th, Lt. Col. Oliver North sat down with Breitbart News and talked about carrying the pro-gun momentum from 2013 into 2014.

Bretibart News explained to North that we saw 2013 not as the year of gun control, but as the year of the gun. We asked what we can do, in his opinion, to translate this momentum into victory in November 2014.

He responded:

I honestly think that what we've got is a second revolution occurring in America: a renewal of freedom. And it's not simply a matter of gun rights – the Second Amendment – it's the First Amendment too.

Just think about some of the challenges to the First Amendment that we've seen over the course of the last five years of this administration. Think of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, and the Fifth Amendment as well.

Literally the challenge for us who believe in freedom, liberty, and responsibility – the kinds of things that our Founders really had in mind – 2014 is an opportunity for us. Every member of the House of Representatives is up for election and one third of the Senate is up. We can send a message across the country that this is the year of freedom.

To do this we have to switch the language from "you're entitled" to "you're responsible."

Breitbart News asked North if he was saying 2014 is the year to fight for the whole body of natural rights, rather than just the right to keep and bear arms. He smiled and clarified:

As Charlton Heston was famous for saying, the idea that you can have any of the other parts of the Bill of Rights without the Second Amendment is foolishness. The Second Amendment is the key to the other nine.

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