Monday, November 3, 2014
MORE INFORMATION continues to focus on matters including, but not limited to, foreign policy, energy security, veterans’ unemployment, and opening military service to life-long Americans born to undocumented immigrants, as well as continued investment in care for veterans. 

More often than not, Veterans have a stake in the top issues of the day, and is committed to getting their voices heard on these issues.  For that reason, has, and will continue to, work with all progressive allies representing labor, immigration, gay and lesbian rights, and environmentalists, when their issues coincide with the needs of troops and veterans.  
In the field, VoteVets Action Fund has: 
  • Over 400,000 supporters in all 50 states, including troops, veterans, military families, and their supporters
  • State Captains organizing in all 50 states
  • Over 5 million voter contacts since 2006, spending over $1.25 million in direct mail, phone calls, and voter canvasses
  • Over $30 million raised and spent since inception 
On the air, VoteVets Action Fund has: 
  • Run over 40 TV commercials and radio spots in 30 states advocating the support of our friends.
  • Aired over $15 million in television and radio ads, advocating re-election for allies and urging defeat of those who do not support troops and veterans.
In the media, VoteVets Action Fund has:
  • Done over 500 interviews, news stories, and on air media appearances
  • Dropped over 300 Letters to the Editors and Opinion Editorials throughout the 50 states from local veterans
Wesley K. Clark is a board of adviser’s member for VoteVets, and a director at the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank).

Note: Lawrence J. Korb is a board of adviser’s member for VoteVets, and a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.
Open Society Foundations was a funder for the Center for American Progress, and the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank).
George Soros is the founder & chairman for the Open Society Foundations, a board member for the International Crisis Group, was a supporter for the Center for American Progress, and the chairman for the Foundation to Promote Open Society.
Foundation to Promote Open Society was a funder for the Center for American Progress, and the Common Cause.
Leslie H. Gelb was a board member for the International Crisis Group, and is a board of adviser’s member for VoteVets.
Bill Belding was the chief of staff for Common Cause, and is a board of adviser’s member for VoteVets.
VoteVets is a national partner with America Votes.


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