Thursday, July 14, 2016

Colion Noir on Fox & Friends: Is The 2nd Amendment For Whites Only?

Colion Noir on Fox & Friends: Is The 2nd Amendment For Whites Only?

Al Sharpton
Al Sharpton is a member of the Phi Beta Sigma, Roy Innis shoved him to floor during a TV show taping, and Josh Isay was his political consultant.

Note: Huey P. Newton was a member of the Phi Beta Sigma, and a co-founder for the Black Panthers.
Rev. Al Sharpton knocked on his keyster by Roy Innis
Roy Innis shoved Al Sharpton to floor during a TV show taping, a trustee at the Hudson Institute (think tank), is the chairman for the Congress of Racial Equality, and a director at the National Rifle Association of America (NRA).
Martin Luther King Jr. was a co-founder for the Congress of Racial Equality.
Congress of Racial Equality is an advocacy group for the civil rights movement.
Foundation to Promote Open Society was a funder for the Hudson Institute (think tank), the Harlem Children's Zone, the Robin Hood Foundation, and the Center for American Progress.
George Soros was the chairman for the Foundation to Promote Open Society, a benefactor for the Harlem Children's Zone, a supporter for the Center for American Progress, and is the founder & chairman for the Open Society Foundations. 
Open Society Foundations was a funder for the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, and the Center for American Progress.
Michael R. Bloomberg was a benefactor for the Harlem Children's Zone, a donor for the Robin Hood Foundation, a contributor for the Americans for Responsible Solutions, Josh Isay was his political consultant, is the founder of Everytown for Gun Safety, a co-chair for the Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the founder of the Independence USA PAC, and Emma Bloomberg’s father.
Americans for Responsible Solutions is a “Gun Safety, Gun Control” PAC for guns.
Everytown for Gun Safety is a “Gun Safety, Gun Control” group for guns.
Mayors Against Illegal Guns is a “Gun Safety, Gun Control” group for guns.
Independence USA PAC is a “Gun Safety, Gun Control” PAC for guns.
SKDKnickerbocker is a media consultant for the Independence USA PAC.
Josh Isay is a managing director at SKDKnickerbocker, and was Al Sharpton & Michael R. Bloomberg’s political consultant.
Audrey Gelman was a VP at SKDKnickerbocker, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s intern, and is an actor in Girls.
Allison Williams is an actor in Girls, and Brian Williams’s daughter.
Brian Williams is Allison Williams’s father, and a director at the Robin Hood Foundation.
Emma Bloomberg was the chief of staff for the Robin Hood Foundation, and is Michael R. Bloomberg’s daughter.
William A. Burton is a managing director at SKDKnickerbocker, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, and was a deputy press secretary for the Barack Obama administration.
Center for American Progress calls for heightened “Gun Safety, Gun Control” for guns.
Tom Daschle is the chairman for the Center for American Progress, was the nominee for health and human services secretary for the Barack Obama administration, Anita B. Dunn was his senior political adviser, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
Anita B. Dunn was Tom Daschle’s senior political adviser, the communications director for the Barack Obama administration, produced ad campaign for the Keystone XL pipeline, and is a managing director at SKDKnickerbocker.
SKDKnickerbocker is a media consultant for the Independence USA PAC.
Independence USA PAC is a “Gun Safety, Gun Control” PAC for guns.
TransCanada Corporation is SKDKnickerbocker’s client, and the proposed builder for the Keystone XL pipeline,
Susan E. Rice is a stockholder is the TransCanada Corporation, the White House national security adviser for the Barack Obama administration, and a friend of Madeleine K. Albright.
Madeleine K. Albright is a friend of Susan E. Rice, a director at the Center for American Progress, an advisory board member for the Truman National Security Project, and was the president of the Center for National Policy.
Center for American Progress calls for heightened “Gun Safety, Gun Control” for guns.
Gabrielle Giffords is an advisory board member for the Truman National Security Project, an advisory board member for the Center for National Policy, and a co-founder for the Americans for Responsible Solutions.
Americans for Responsible Solutions is a “Gun Safety, Gun Control” PAC for guns.
Michael R. Bloomberg was a contributor for the Americans for Responsible Solutions, a benefactor for the Harlem Children's Zone, a donor for the Robin Hood Foundation, Josh Isay was his political consultant, is the founder of Everytown for Gun Safety, a co-chair for the Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the founder of the Independence USA PAC, and Emma Bloomberg’s father.
Al Sharpton’s political consultant was Josh Isay, Roy Innis shoved him to floor during a TV show taping, and is a member of the Phi Beta Sigma.
Everytown for Gun Safety is a “Gun Safety, Gun Control” group for guns.
Mayors Against Illegal Guns is a “Gun Safety, Gun Control” group for guns.
Independence USA PAC is a “Gun Safety, Gun Control” PAC for guns.
SKDKnickerbocker is a media consultant for the Independence USA PAC.
Josh Isay is a managing director at SKDKnickerbocker, and was Al Sharpton & Michael R. Bloomberg’s political consultant.

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