Saturday, November 26, 2016

Did aliens create and maintain the universe? Science gets closer to accepting a creation account with radical departure from Genesis

Did aliens create and maintain the universe?
Science gets closer to accepting a creation account with radical departure from Genesis
WASHINGTON – How did the universe get started?

With the Big Bang theory under assault, science and philosophy are fishing for new theories – seemingly anything but the Bible’s Genesis account.

The latest idea comes from a Columbia University astrophysicist who suggests the universe may have been created and maintained by non-human life forms that morphed into the physical world and remain the driving force behind quantum physics.

Professor Caleb Scharf is behind the radical theory that the universe is what remains of intelligent alien life that controls all aspects of the physical world – from gravity to the speed of light.

In an article for the science journal Nautilus, Scharf wrote that alien life could exist in the behavior of subatomic particles and the expansion of the universe.

“Perhaps hyper-advanced life isn’t just external,” he said. “Perhaps it’s already all around. It is embedded in what we perceive to be physics itself. In other words, life might not just be in the equations. It might be the equations.”

His theory suggests alien life forms have already turned themselves into living machines.
Humanity also faces this prospect when its creations overtake its own intelligence, defined as “singularity.”

Taking the theory a step further, Scharf said hyper-advanced aliens may have gone beyond turning themselves into machine creatures and gone as far as becoming a complex physical system.

“If you’re a civilization that has learned how to encode living systems into different [materials], all you need to do is build a normal-matter-to-dark-matter data-transfer system: a dark matter 3D printer,” Scharf explained.

His theory centers around the idea that mankind has not detected “advanced life because it forms an integral and unsuspicious part of what we’ve considered to be the natural world.”

However, others question whether there is any evidence to support the theory and whether it is just a way to explain existence apart from God.

Columbia University
Faye Wattleton is a trustee at Columbia University, and was the president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Note: Open Society Foundations was a funder for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the American Constitution Society, the Committee for Economic Development, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (think tank), and the Human Rights First.
George Soros is the founder & chairman for the Open Society Foundations, an advisory board member for the Earth Institute, Jonathan Soros’s father, was the chairman for the Foundation to Promote Open Society, a benefactor at the Harlem Children's Zone, and William D. Zabel was his divorce lawyer.
Foundation to Promote Open Society was a funder for the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, the Committee for Economic Development, the International Rescue Committee, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (think tank), the Harlem Children's Zone, the Millennium Promise, the Climate Reality Project, the New America Foundation, and the Aspen Institute (think tank).
Eric H. Holder Jr. was a board member at the American Constitution Society, an intern at the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, and a trustee at Columbia University.
Michael I. Sovern is a director emeritus at the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, and was a president emeritus at Columbia University.
Lee C. Bollinger is a trustee at the Committee for Economic Development, and the president of Columbia University.
George E. Rupp was a trustee at the Committee for Economic Development, the president of Columbia University, and is an overseer; former president & CEO for the International Rescue Committee.
Frederica P. Perera is a trustee at the Natural Resources Defense Council, and a professor at Columbia University.
Robert Legvold was a trustee at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (think tank), and is a professor emeritus at Columbia University.
Jessica Tuchman Mathews was the president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (think tank), a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
Ed Griffin’s interview with Norman Dodd in 1982
(The investigation into the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace uncovered the plans for population control by involving the United States in war)
Joan E. Spero was an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), and a trustee at Columbia University.
Richard E. Witten is a trustee at the Harlem Children's Zone, and was a trustee at Columbia University.
Mark E. Kingdon is a trustee at the Harlem Children's Zone, and a trustee at Columbia University.
Jeffrey D. Sachs is a director at the Earth Institute, a director at the Millennium Promise, and a professor at Columbia University.
Joseph E. Stiglitz was a director at the Climate Reality Project, and is a professor at Columbia University.
Michael M. Crow is a director at the New America Foundation, and was an executive vice provost at Columbia University.
Jonathan Soros is a director at the New America Foundation, and George Soros’s son.
Louis Henkin was a director at Human Rights First, and a professor at Columbia University.
William D. Zabel is the chair at Human Rights First, and was George Soros’s divorce lawyer.
Stephen Friedman is a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), and was a chairman for Columbia University.

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