Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Trump 1st 6 months

1. Supreme Court Judge Gorsuch

2. 59 missiles dropped on Syria

3. He took us out of TPP

4. Illegal immigration is now down 70%( the lowest in 17 years)

5. Consumer confidence highest since 2000 at index 125.6

6. Mortgage applications for new homes rise to a seven year high

7. Arranged from 7% to 24% Tariff on lumber from Canada

8. Bids for border wall are well underway

9. Pulled out of the lopsided Paris accord

10. Keystone pipeline approved

11. NATO allies boost spending by 4.3%

12. Allowing VA to terminate bad employees

13. Allowing private healthcare choices for veterans

14. More than 600,000 new jobs created

15. Median household income at a 7 year high

16. The Stock Market is at the highest ever in its history

17. China agreed to American import of beef

18. $89 Billion saved in regulation rollbacks

19. Rollback of a Regulation to boost coal mining

20. MOAB to help destroy ISIS

21. Travel ban reinstated

22. Executive order for religious freedom

23. Jump started NASA

24. $600 million cut from UN peacekeeping budget

25. Targeting of MS13 gangs

26. Deporting violent illegal immigrants

27. Signed 41 bills to date

28. Created a commission on child trafficking

29. Created a commission on voter fraud

30. Created a commission for opioids addiction

31. Giving power to states to drug test unemployment recipients

32. Unemployment lowest since May 2007

33. Historic Black College University initiative

34. Women In Entrepreneurship Act

35. Created an office for illegal immigrant crime victims

36. Reversed Dodd-Frank

37. Repealed DOT ruling which would have taken power away from local governments for infrastructure planning

38. Order to stop crime against law enforcement

39. End of DAPA program

40. Stopped companies from moving out of America

41. Promoted businesses to create American Jobs

42. Encouraged country to once again -
'Buy American and hire American'

43. Cutting regulations - 2 for every one created

45. Review of all trade agreements to make sure they are America first

46. Apprentice program

47. Highest manufacturing surge in 3 years

48. $78 Billion promised reinvestment from major businesses like Exxon, Bayer, Apple, SoftBank, Toyota

49. Denied FBI a new building

50. $700 million saved with F-35 renegotiation

51. Saves $22 million by reducing white house payroll

52. Dept. of Treasury reports a $182 billion surplus for April 2017 (2nd largest in history)

53. Negotiated the release of 6 US humanitarian workers
held captive in Egypt

54. Gas prices lowest in more than 12 years

55. Signed An Executive Order To Promote Energy Independence and Economic Growth

56. Has already accomplished more to stop government interference into people's lives than any President
in the history of America

57. President Trump has worked with Congress to pass more legislation in his first 100 days than any
President since Truman

58. Has given head executive of each branches 6 month time frame, dated March 15, 2017, to trim the fat, restructure and improve efficiency of their branch. (Observe the push-back the leaks the lies as entrenched POWER refuses to go silently into that good night!)

59. Last, refused his Presidential pay checks. Donated first quarter to Veterans issues; second quarter went to the Betsy Voss for her version of better schools (Charter Schools are certainly on the list)

I hope each and every one of you copy and paste this everywhere, every time you hear some dimwit say Trump hasn't done a thing!

Ray Schneider, PhD

Associate Professor Emeritus, Bridgewater College

It took 32 years for the 3 prior administrations to totally destroy this nation and her people, and Trump's first 6 months to begin a major unwind of all the prior traitorous issues.

Pretty damn good for the first 6 months - wouldn't you say?

We owe President Trump a sincere debt of our gratitude. And yet, all the media want is to get him out of office...he is doing TOO much good for America !

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