Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Understanding Sexual Harassment & Other Male/Female Interaction

Understanding Sexual Harassment and Other Male/Female Interaction
    by Samuel Orrin Sewell

Why do you think the tribal chieftain has fifty wives, while the rest of the men in the tribe are lucky if they get mating leftovers?

The head of the tribe is most likely an alpha male. Evolution on this planet is structured to advance the progress of the species. So the hardiest, most robust of genes are those which are most capable of advancing the various species on the planet. The principal stag deer attracts a substantial herd of does. The prevailing silverback gorilla has a generous harem of available partners, and the strongest male lion has a plethora of female lionesses with which to mate. The female contribution to the advancement of each species is that females are most likely to select alpha males as their first choice in mating behavior. If typically monogamous human females do commit infidelity, they usually cheat with alpha males.

Human female infidelity occurs significantly less often than does male infidelity, and dramatically less so than among alpha males. If we eliminate the ethical conditions of this behavior, we’re left with the following conclusion: the advancement of the human species is facilitated by alpha male sexual behavior, as well as by the fact that females are instinctually more attracted to alpha males than to non-alpha men. Thus the more desirable alpha males have less need for aggression in luring sexual partners. Since females have their own motives for having sex with alpha males, there is a significantly reduced need for aggression, intimidation or pushiness from the elite of the male species. Alpha males don’t need to coerce females to have sex with them.

The males who commit sexual harassment mostly are not alpha males. They are non-alpha men who are attempting to mimic alpha male behavior. It is no wonder that their clumsy attempts at persuasion are usually less than successful, and are generally resisted by desirable women who are just not attracted to alpha male wannabes.

Strong women are more likely to initiate sex with an alpha male, and to resist mating with a non-alpha male; this instinctual desire is strongly influenced by evolution. Biological development of the species does not progress when females mate with non-alpha males. Since less than 10% of males are alphas, and since they are biologically designed to mate with as many females as are available to them, it is not surprising that human instinctual advancement is proactively dominated by alpha behavior.

From an evolutionary point of view, if human mating agenda had been determined by females, the human race would have died out a long time ago - except in those cases in which the top percentage of hearty females act upon their attraction to alpha males. So we can rationally conclude that when we observe sexual male aggression, it is largely initiated by non-alpha males.
Another indicator of this premise was provided to me by a friend who had two dogs. The smaller of the two dogs was always yipping at visitors’ ankles, and pawing at people’s legs, looking for attention. The little terrier would jump onto the couch when the folks sat down, and would dance all over their laps, begging to get petted. This frenzied behavior mostly irritated people. The little dog’s attempts to get affection frequently resulted in him being pushed away. My friend also had a large, quiet hound who sat in the corner, perfectly content to be by himself. The guests who visited the home would frequently cross the room, bend down and sometimes even get on their knees, in an effort to make friends with this emotionally self-sufficient dog. Human females do not like being jumped on, pawed, or having their space invaded, preferring rather to initiate contact with a confident, alpha male. Emotionally dependent, non-alpha males would do well to mimic the behavior of my friend’s hound, who waited to be petted, rather than aggressively trying to make it happen.

Now here comes the important part of this article. As human beings advance on the evolutionary scale, they learn how to transcend their lower, biologically driven influences. It would come as a surprise to most people to discover that there are actually five identifiable humanoid species still cohabiting on our planet.
1.   The most primitive humanoid species coexisting on Earth today is Homo neanderthalensis. This scientifically identified species is the result of cross-breeding between Homo sapiens and the now extinct Neanderthals. Homo neanderthalensis physically resemble Neanderthals, with slightly more modern facial features. The hybrid Homo neanderthalensis are prone to be directed by their lower nature; instincts influence their conduct much more than intellect. Their behavioral patterns are more obviously determined by mating instincts and impulsive reactions to conflict. When I gave this information to a male friend of mine, he responded “I’ve dated a few of those!” whereupon his sister replied “Sounds like my ex-husband!” Highly sexed people of both genders share this dominant, lower urge, which is apparent in this more primitive, humanoid sub-species.
2.   The next evolutionary advancement is Homo sapien. Their behavior is about evenly divided between intellect and instinct. They are heavily influenced by mating and conflict instincts, but they can be trained to intelligently manage their mating behaviors and their violence. The training is done by adult parents, cultural institutions, and the necessary structure implicit in law enforcement. Homo sapien children exhibit most of the primitive behavior attributed to lower species: they bite, they hit, they throw tantrums, they have extreme emotional outbursts, and they need to be trained for as much as twenty years or more before they exhibit the kind of behavior usually associated with adult Homo sapiens. Adolescent Homo sapiens frequently exhibit unbridled sexual behavior. The instinctually driven behavior of this species results in racial prejudice, sexism, many forms of mental illness, rape, sexual misconduct, crime, violence and even the initiation of wars.
3.   The next advancement has not yet been named by traditional science, however some anthropologists, paleontologists and biologists have observed and written about the more advanced traits of this group, which I will take the liberty of calling Homo noeticus (no•et•ic: From the Greek noēsis / noētikos, meaning inner wisdom, direct knowing, or subjective understanding.) They are more influenced by the evolution of consciousness, than by biological evolution. They naturally tend to react to their world via their volitional intellect, rather than being dominated by their physical desires, but they have not yet fully transcended their instinctually driven influences. Under stress, they are still likely to revert to their lower-nature instincts. Homo noeticus would describe the species that appeared on our planet about 40,000 years ago. The primary virtue of the Homo noeticus is that they have advanced to the point of exhibiting respect and affection toward all other humanoid entities. However, they will conduct defensive strategies to protect themselves from the humanoids of a lower nature. Sexual aggression would be exhibited only rarely in the mannerisms of Homo noetics. Their advanced, collective human consciousness is what French paleontologist and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (who also discovered the famous Peking Man) called the “noosphere.” The noosphere is a postulated stage, or sphere of evolutionary development which is dominated by consciousness, the mind, and successful interpersonal relationships.
4.   The next human advancement, which I have also taken the liberty of naming, we call Homo spiritualis. These humanoids are more connected to cosmic consciousness and their intellects, than they are to their base instincts.
5.   The highest advancement that has been identified I call Homo transcendent. These humanoids are no longer burdened by biologically-driven reactions to their environment. Their higher nature has elevated their responses beyond their instinctual biology. Hindus call this state of advancement Sanatana dharma. Buddhists call them Bodhisattvas, those who are able to reach nirvana, but delay doing so out of compassion in order to save suffering beings.

And thus it is that modern Homo sapiens coexist on the planet with four other, variously developed, humanoid species.

So in conclusion, most sexually aggressive misbehavior is largely committed by the lesser evolved species of non-alpha males, who are emotionally dependent, driven by their lower natures, and probably are agnostics or atheists.

And now you know why the tribal chieftain has fifty wives.

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