Sunday, January 7, 2018

Peter Schweizer: Serious Investigation of Clinton Foundation and Email Server Is Long Overdue

Peter Schweizer: Serious Investigation of Clinton Foundation and Email Server Is Long Overdue
by John Hayward 5 Jan 2018
Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer talked to Breitbart News Daily on Friday about the renewed investigations into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified documents and pay-for-play corruption allegations against the Clinton Foundation.

Schweizer said it is important to investigate these allegations thoroughly to uphold the rule of law.

“The entire issue of investigating the Clintons has been politicized by the Clintons,” he said. “Their defense has been, ‘Look at who we are, rather than what we have done. Look at the fact that I’m a Democrat, and people have been targeting me for years, and this has been part of a political campaign.’”

“I think what everybody wants, as it relates to the Clintons or anybody else, is just let’s simply look at what a person did, and look at the circumstances, and determine whether it violated the law,” he said. “The politicized nature of this is a result of the Clinton campaign and the Clinton team to sort of muddy the waters. They’ve made it political. I think that’s what people are most frustrated about.”

Schweizer said the Clinton Foundation case raises questions about “whether they complied with certain rules and requirements,” but the key issue is whether there was a “pay-to-play” operation in effect at the State Department under Hillary Clinton.

“In other words, did people make large campaign – or, in this case, foundation – contributions to the Clintons, and did they get favorable treatment in return?” he told SiriusXM host Steve Bannon. “The fact of the matter is, Steve, there is a lot of circumstantial evidence, and there’s also now internal documents that speak exactly to that.”

“One of the things that they don’t want to talk about is that they did an internal review, the Clinton Foundation did, back in 2011,” he recalled. “It was actually ordered by Chelsea Clinton. It was done by Simpson Thatcher, which is a very prominent New York law firm, very heavy hitters; they understand the law. What they found in the review is shocking. They said in their own internal review that there was a culture of pay-to-play at the Clinton Foundation, that major donors had expectations that they were going to get favors in return.”

“Look at some of the reporting that came out as related to Haiti,” he suggested. “ABC News and other outlets have done a lot of reporting on this. You had emails that came out which showed that people who were FOB – Friends of Bill – were put at the head of the line to get contracts for the reconstruction of Haiti.”

“These are not theories. These are not speculations. These are actual facts, and this goes the heart – the basic heart – of American political decision-making. We’ve seen in our history that people from all walks of life, in terms of their political careers, have engaged in this. In the case of the Clintons, it’s the size and the scope of the contributions that are so unique. The amounts of money dwarf anything that we’ve seen historically,” he said.

Schweizer said the case has never been thoroughly investigated and maintained Hillary Clinton was not properly vetted by the Obama administration before becoming secretary of state.

“When she was confirmed by the U.S. Senate, she had hearings before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and the chairman at that time was John Kerry, who would later succeed her as secretary of state,” Schweizer noted. “One of the things that he insisted on, and also President Obama insisted on, to his credit, was that they had to put in a series of structural reforms, or they were structural requirements really, in order for her to become secretary of state.”

“One of the main ones was, ‘You simply have to disclose all the donations that you take.’”

“What you’ll find now is the Clintons tout the fact that, ‘Oh, yeah, we’ve put all the donations out there.’ Well, they were forced to do so. They didn’t want to do so. It was a condition for her to get the job,” he recalled.

“The problem is that even that basic requirement of disclosure – a signed agreement with the President of the United States, Barack Obama – they violated! We know that, for example, the chairman of Uranium One, this Russian uranium company, the chairman donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation as that deal was being approved, and it was never disclosed. That’s been confirmed by multiple news outlets. We broke it in Clinton Cash. We found out about that contribution by going through Canadian tax records.”

“At its very basic level, there were concerns early on by people like John Kerry and by Barack Obama and even basic requirements like disclosure they just simply ignored. I think that’s part of the problem that even a lot of Clinton supporters have had: sort of a cavalier attitude in which they have dismissed any sense of accountability,” he said.

Schweizer also stressed the importance of recovering and examining the more than 33,000 emails Hillary Clinton did not surrender to the State Department from her private server.

“The Clinton defense is, ‘Well, you know, there are other people that had private email accounts.’ The key difference is the Clintons not only had private email accounts; they had a private server. What makes that different? Well, you had Colin Powell, one of her predecessors, use an AOL account occasionally for business purposes. The difference is that if Colin Powell decided he wanted to delete his emails, he could delete them off of his laptop, but they were still available on a server that AOL controlled,” Schweizer explained.

“What the Clintons wanted was a private server with complete control and the ability to delete completely the communications she had while she was secretary of state,” he said.

“The process is pretty galling. First of all, they deleted more emails than they actually turned over to the State Department. They deleted 33,000. They turned 30,000 over to the State Department. Their argument was these were all personal in nature. So they’re basically arguing that she sent far more private, personal emails while she was America’s chief diplomat than she did professional ones,” he noted.

“The FBI looked at this and found that, no, there were lots of professional emails that she deleted because they found emails that were of a professional nature in other people’s email accounts. They wanted to erase the ability that we had to see what she was communicating about. I have believed from the beginning that the emails that were deleted are related precisely to these pay-to-play issues,” he said.

“Based on the emails that were released, the some 30,000, we plotted the dates on which those emails appeared,” Schweizer revealed. “What you find is that there are days, sometimes, when she is overseas in Asia, for example, or Africa, where a lot of these deals were going down, where, based on the emails that they turned over, they’re claiming that she didn’t send a single email – over, in some cases, a 72-hour period, which is absurd to believe that America’s chief diplomat traveling overseas did not send or receive any emails over a three-day period.”

“So the timing doesn’t work, and then when you look at certain critical moments – for example, when you talk about this visit she had in Colombia where she showed up as secretary of state in Bogota, Colombia, the same day as her husband, the same day as Frank Giustra, by far the biggest contributor to the Clinton Foundation – and there’s no emails whatsoever concerning meetings that we know took place between her, Bill Clinton, Frank Giustra, and the president of Colombia. It’s gaps like that that clearly indicate they were covering their trails,” he charged.

Schweizer said such clandestine arrangements are contrary to the Freedom of Information Act, which was intended to allow “citizens and journalists to chart official communications.”

“This is a law with real teeth,” he observed. “The problem is that if you have this kind of ability of politicians to erase servers, to hide tens of thousands of emails, that law is meaningless. This was a clear attempt and desire to avoid that law and any scrutiny that it brings.”

Schweizer pointed out that some of the actions involved in the Uranium One case may have exceeded the statute of limitations, but others could be covered by laws with much longer statutory authority, such as the RICO anti-racketeering act.

“A lot of the strategy on these issues for the Clintons has been to just buy time because of these issues of statute of limitations, arguing that this is sort of ‘old news,’” he said.

He also felt that thoroughly investigating the Clinton scandals could provide guidelines for cleaner government in the future, especially when considering opaque agencies like CFIUS, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

“There are decisions being made by CFIUS yearly that have fundamental importance. It is one of the most complex, mysterious, and lucrative processes that needs to be opened up. This is a great way to do it,” he suggested.

Schweizer said the FBI’s reopening the Clinton Foundation investigation in Little Rock, Arkansas, is important because “one of the problems that has dogged the email investigation and others is, so much of that was steered from the headquarters of the FBI, and like any other government institution, when it’s located in Washington, DC, it becomes much more politicized.”

“This is a fascinating and, I think, important development. The field officers of the FBI are second to none. They are, by my experience, not politicized. We’re going to have an opportunity to really see what the FBI can find, especially if they’re given the sort of subpoena powers that they were denied in the past by the Obama Department of Justice,” he said.

“It’s a little bit like the American military,” he elaborated. “If you are a general officer in the U.S. military, and you get assigned in Washington, DC, the running joke is that you kind of go native, that you start to reflect less the values of the branch of the military you’re in – the Army, Navy, Air Force, whatever – and you start to go native. When they’re in Washington, they’re socializing with political figures. They’re very aware of budgets. They have institutional responsibilities.”

“I think having field offices lead these investigations is far better. These are driven, dedicated, ambitious FBI agents who are looking to get to the bottom of these stories. They don’t have the same kind of political motivations that people at headquarters do,” he said.

“I think, by the way, if the Clinton email investigation had been done much more by, say, the New York branch or other entities, as opposed to the headquarters, I think it’s very possible that that investigation would have been a lot more hard-hitting than it ended up being,” Schweizer added.

Let’s connect the dots:

Clinton Foundation
Arkansas state government was a funder for the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

Note: Paul D. Reynolds was a funder for the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, and an adviser on UrAsia-Uranium One merger at Uranium One.
Ian W. Telfer was the chairman for Uranium One, a funder for the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, and a friend of Frank Giustra.
William J. Clinton is the founder of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, Chelsea V. Clinton’s father, married to Hillary Rodham Clinton, Frank Giustra’s friend, was an adviser for the 2016 Hillary Rodham Clinton presidential campaign, and a Arkansas state government governor.
Open Society Foundations was a funder for the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.
George Soros is the founder & chairman for the Open Society Foundations, a co-chair, national finance council for the Ready PAC (Ready For Hillary), a board member for the International Crisis Group, and was the chairman for the Foundation to Promote Open Society.
Foundation to Promote Open Society was a funder for the Urban Institute (think tank), the International Rescue Committee, the Climate Reality Project, and the Aspen Institute (think tank).    
Ready PAC (Ready For Hillary) supported the 2016 Hillary Rodham Clinton presidential campaign.      
Chelsea V. Clinton is William J. Clinton & Hillary Rodham Clinton’s daughter, the vice chair for the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, and Vernon E. Jordan Jr. was a guest at her 2010 wedding.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is married to William J. Clinton, Chelsea V. Clinton’s mother, was the candidate for the 2016 Hillary Rodham Clinton presidential campaign, and a director at the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.
Frank Giustra is a friend of William J. Clinton & Ian W. Telfer, a director & funder for the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, and a board member for the International Crisis Group.
Kim Campbell was a board member for the International Crisis Group, and a prime minister for Canada.
Vernon E. Jordan Jr. was a guest at Chelsea V. Clinton’s 2010 wedding, a trustee at Howard University, is a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), a senior counsel for Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP, the Urban Institute (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP was the lobby firm for Colombia.
Colombia is a Burson-Marsteller client.
Donald A. Baer is a global CEO for Burson-Marsteller, and a trustee at the Urban Institute (think tank).
Colin L. Powell was a trustee at Howard University, is an adviser at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, an overseer at the International Rescue Committee, and Michael K. Powell’s father.
Kati Marton is an overseer at the International Rescue Committee, and was the Bonn bureau chief for the ABC News.
ONE Campaign is a partner with the International Rescue Committee.
Michelle Obama was an advocate for the ONE Campaign, and is married to Barack Obama.
Albert A. Gore Jr. is an adviser for Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, the chairman for the Climate Reality Project, and was a St. Albans School (Washington) graduate.
This ‘Bitter Cold’ Is What Global Warming Looks Like, Explains Al Gore
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Frank J. Caufield is a co-founder of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, and was a director at AOL Inc.
Michael K. Powell was a director at AOL Inc., a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), and is Colin L. Powell’s son.
John F. Kerry was a St. Albans School (Washington) student, and is Cameron F. Kerry’s brother.
Cameron F. Kerry is John F. Kerry’s brother, a senior counsel at Sidley Austin LLP, and was an associate at Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr.
Sidley Austin LLP was a consulting firm for Canada.
Barack Obama was an intern at Sidley Austin LLP.
Michelle Obama was a lawyer at Sidley Austin LLP, and an advocate for the ONE Campaign.   
Colin L. Powell is an overseer at the International Rescue Committee, an adviser at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Michael K. Powell’s father, and was a trustee at Howard University.
Kati Marton is an overseer at the International Rescue Committee, and was the Bonn bureau chief for the ABC News.
Aaron Zebley was a partner at Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, a chief of staff to the director for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and is assisting in Russia probe with Robert S. Mueller III.
Robert S. Mueller III is assisting in Russia probe with Aaron Zebley, a director with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), is a special counsel for the U.S. Department of Justice, a special counsel investigating Russian ties in the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign, and investigating the interference in 2016 U.S. election with Russia.

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