Monday, July 30, 2018

Author is 'confused' black man supports NRA - Colion Noir Speaks Out

Author is 'confused' black man supports NRA - Colion Noir Speaks Out
Colion Noir
Published on Jul 6, 2018

Gun Control's Racist History
Colion Noir
Published on Feb 10, 2017
Today's gun control advocates tend to paint themselves as concerned with the plight of minorities in America. What they don't want you to know is that their movement originated as an initiative to deprive African-Americans of the means to defend themselves. In this episode of The DL, Dana Loesch is joined by NRA personalities and gun-rights advocates to delve into the deeply racist history of gun control and to explain how it continues to disproportionately affect minority communities.

Colion Noir Gives the Media a Taste of Their Own Medicine
Colion Noir
Published on May 25, 2018
Colion Noir reacts to how the mainstream media disgraced themselves – rather exposed themselves – in their "coverage" of his video. They made the point for him, melting down at the mere suggestion of placing "common sense" restrictions on how the media covers mass killers, while missing the entire message – that this is how gun owners feel every time a politician, celebrity, billionaire or so-called journalist calls for restrictions on the Second Amendment.

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