Sunday, February 23, 2020

Whistle-Blower who was About to Expose Dirt on Obama: Found Dead in Alleged “Suicide”

Whistle-Blower who was About to Expose Dirt on Obama: Found Dead in Alleged “Suicide”
Breaking Israel News
Latest News Biblical perspective
By David Sidman February 23, 2020 , 12:21 pm     
You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.Exodus 20:13 (The Israel Bible™)
Criminological expert collecting evidence at the crime scene. Law and police concept (courtesy: Shutterstock)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower Philip Haney was found shot to death. News reports have attributed his cause of death to a “self-inflicted” gunshot wound, however, details of his passing don’t add up with the official narrative.

Philip Haney (courtesy: screenshot)

67-year-old Haney had a lot of enemies. As an outspoken critic of the Obama administration and supporter of President Trump, the Middle East terrorism expert has been combatting Islamic terrorism since becoming a founder of DHS in 2002. He was reportedly working on independent investigations to help “protect America from progressive leftist socialists” when he was discovered dead near his vehicle, 40 miles east of Sacramento.

He was supposed to tie the knot later this year. Friends who spoke with him before his disappearance on February 19th told NOQ Report that he’d “never been happier” and that there’s “no way he would have taken his own life.” However, law enforcement seems to be treating it as a suicide.

According to Iowa congressman Steve King, Haney did not kill himself but was rather targeted since he had dirt on former President Obama covering up Islamic terrorism saying: “Phil Haney was a friend & patriot. He was a target because of all he knew of Islamic terrorist coverups. He insured his life by archiving data that incriminated the highest levels of the Obama administration. Phil Haney didn’t kill himself. RIP, Phil.”

Haney was a thorn in the side of the Obama administration. That’s because, in June 2016, Haney’s Senate testimony of his agency’s politically correct “purging” of intelligence on radical Islamist terrorist networks throughout the U.S. created much controversy in Washington. At that time, he told a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee headed by Sen. Ted Cruz that the Obama administration “modified” or eliminated over 800 of his records relating to the Muslim Brotherhood network in the U.S. The reason – they were deemed to be offensive to Muslims. Haney held that several terrorist attacks in the US could have been prevented if his files weren’t scrubbed.

“It is very plausible that one or more of the subsequent terror attacks on the homeland could have been prevented if more subject matter experts in the Department of Homeland Security had been allowed to do our jobs back in late 2009,” Haney said in a column for the Hill back in 2016. “It is demoralizing — and infuriating — that today, those elusive dots are even harder to find, and harder to connect, than they were during the winter of 2009.”

Haney was found dead outside his vehicle with a firearm next to him in the area of Highway 124 Plymouth, CA. The Amador County Sheriff’s office released a statement saying: “Upon their arrival, they located and identified 66-year-old Philip Haney, who was deceased and appeared to have suffered a single, self-inflicted gunshot wound. A firearm was located next to Haney and his vehicle. This investigation is active and ongoing. No further details will be released at this time.”

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