Sunday, January 31, 2010
Who is AKA Barack Obama, or whatever his real name is?

That's the whole problem. One can't be certain about anything when it comes to AKA Obama.
The Question Remains: Who is Barack Obama?
Submitted by Phil on Tue, Jan 26, 2010356 Comments
Ahead of the State of the Union speech by America’s 44th President, questions continue to swirl concerning who Mr. Obama is and exactly for what he stands.
The most liberal Senator in America gets elected in the most crooked election in the nation’s history and the lamebrains who support him think he is opposed because of his race. These same halfwits think a phony document posted on the Internet proves this same con man is eligible to hold the highest office in the land. He is opposed because he is a crooked big city con man with a socialist agenda. Alan Keyes is strongly opposed to Obama. Is he a racist? Is Michael Steele a racist? Is this guy a racist? http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2009/12/we-were-tricked-in-2008-now-fix.html
Are these women racists? http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2009/07/is-obama-racist.html
And: http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2009/07/why-obamas-birth-certificate-issue-wont.html
Do you really think AKA Obama would have won the election if all the things he is hiding were made known?
Do you really think AKA Obama will be able to finish his first term if all the things he is hiding are made known?
Why aren’t the polls on the birth certificate issue 100% in favor of AKA Obama practicing the virtue of full disclosure? It makes sense that supporters of AKA Obama would want the issue settled along with everyone else. I guess there is a significant portion of the population who are opposed to releasing the birth certificate because they are afraid of what it will reveal. I would conclude that those opposed to releasing all of Obama’s history are frightened of the truth just like AKA Obama.
If you are not suspicious of a man who hides his history I have a bridge in the desert I want to sell you. If you are unwilling to call for an investigation of a man who attempts to sell you a bridge in the desert I have some beach front property in Florida at the intersection of I75 and Florida # 29 that I want you to buy. If you place a down payment on a contract for the bridge in the desert and the beach front property in the swamp I would conclude that you voted for Obama.
In 1961, the Public Health Services, U. S Department of Health, Education and Welfare, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics Division published the "Vital Statistics of the United StatesHere is a blank copy of the Standard Certificate of Live Birth. This is the information being hidden by Obama
Plus read the article that is included with the blank copy.
Somehow, you know its coming. That OMG moment is just around the corner. You can feel the inescapable reality creeping up on you. Something will leak. Someone will spill the beans. “For nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light.” Luke 8:17 Obama “I have nothing to hide but I’m hiding it.” http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2009/04/aka-obama-fans-all-together-now-say-omg.html
Can you pass the: Obama Eligibility Logic Test? http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2009/09/obama-eligibility-logic-test.htm
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Republican RINOS are not an alternative to Democrats
Posted By Tom Blumer
Although this quote [1] comes from a guy at Public Policy Polling (PPP), an organization that ought to consider renaming itself Pretty Partisan Polling, it sadly describes sensible conservatism’s situation on the ground in all too many states:
One lesson that can be taken from the recent GOP successes in Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Virginia is that your party can be a complete mess and still win an election.
Hidebound country club go-along-get-along Republican Party establishments are indeed making a mess of things. In state after state, they are doing everything in their power to pretend that the tea party phenomenon, arguably the most important grassroots movement in decades, either doesn’t exist or must be stopped. They are also reflexively supporting problematic candidates whose most important features are their name recognition and the size of either their personal bank accounts or their campaign war chests. Substantive issue positions dealing with what the country must do to stop Barack Obama, his apparatchiks, and the Democrat-controlled Congress from bankrupting us and closing down what for now remains the land of opportunity are coming in a distant third.
In California, Carly Fiorina is the GOP establishment’s fave to go up against Barbara “Don’t Call Me Ma’am [2]” Boxer. Her accomplishments as a businesswoman consist of decimating Lucent and nearly ruining HP while walking away with $42 million [3] for her troubles. One thing Fiorina rarely troubled with is actually voting in elections [4]. Her campaign tells us: “She voted in six of 14 elections in California since 2000. She lived in New Jersey for the previous 10 years but never voted.” In the Golden State governor’s race, they like squishy moderate and Mitt Romney pal Meg Whitman, who also [5] “regularly skipped elections in California and several other states where she lived and worked.” Are they trying to lose on purpose out there?
In Illinois, the Republican Party apparatus is clearing the field in its U.S. Senate primary for Congressman Mark Kirk, who voted [6] for the monstrosity of cap and trade, and whom Democrats will likely [7] “expose as a liar and adulterer in the general election.” In Arizona, moderate John McCain has forced Sarah Palin [8] into a lose-lose proposition: help me fend off a primary challenge from legit conservative J.D. Hayworth or be tagged an ingrate for the rest of your life if you refuse. In Florida, Charlie Crist and the GOP establishment seem to think that pulling off the nearly impossible — dragging down Florida’s economy following Jeb Bush’s amazing stewardship — qualifies him to be the Sunshine State’s next U.S. senator. Thankfully challenger Marco Rubio begs to disagree and GOP voters are coming around [9].
Clearly, RINO fever is bad all over. But nothing exemplifies what Zig Ziglar would call “stinking thinking [10]” as much as the recent GOP establishment moves in Ohio.
Just two weeks ago, the situation was at least tolerable. Though what I have been calling ORPINO (the Ohio Republican Party in Name Only) was backing a residency-challenged candidate for secretary of state (more on that in a bit), it at least had the sense not to get in the way of proven fiscal conservative John Kasich’s outsider-framed effort [11]. On January 14, Kasich selected current state auditor and rising star Mary Taylor as his running mate. This move justifiably led ORPINO chair Kevin DeWine to declare Kasich-Taylor “as strong a gubernatorial ticket as you will see on any ballot in any state.”
Then Kevin DeWine proceeded to complete his ruination of most of the rest of the ticket in the name of money and nepotism.
Until he decided he wanted to be Ohio’s next attorney general, Kevin’s relative, former U.S. Senator Mike DeWine, was last seen being repudiated twice by Buckeye State voters in a 17-month span in 2005-2006. First, despite spending $1 million, his son Pat finished a distant fourth [12] in a June 2005 GOP primary race to fill an open congressional seat. That thrashing was accurately seen as a proxy repudiation of Mike over his participation in the Gang of 14 [13] and other conservative-betraying votes. After yet another vote in November 2005 [14] to stop drilling for oil in Alaska and a 2006 GOP primary where two completely underfunded challengers blockaded by ORPINO nonetheless took 28% of the vote [15], Mike DeWine lost his U.S. Senate reelection race against far-left Cleveland-area Congressman Sherrod Brown by a stunning 12 points [16].
Second-cousin Kevin and the ORPINO gang decided that this awful track record justified clearing the AG field for Mike, even though DeWine’s primary opponent Dave Yost had already racked up a 5-0 record in December and January GOP county endorsement meetings and had earned an intense level of tea party and other grassroots enthusiasm.
Nobody seems to want to own up to what Kevin and ORPINO did next, but all of a sudden early this week Yost, whose campaign slogan was “A Prosecutor, Not a Politician,” decided that he wanted to run for state auditor instead. Not coincidentally, ORPINO was also unhappy with the not-beholden CPA who had just started his own auditor campaign after Kasich selected Taylor.
So let’s review:
At the top of the ticket, the party now has two formerly bulletproof candidates who stood around while their party apparatus rigged two down-ticket races. Their slogan is “A New Way, a New Day.” Really?
In the secretary of state race, the party is running Jon Husted, a guy who currently represents a state senate district he admits to not living in and owns an empty house in the district he admits to not living in, while claiming that his SOS campaign headquarters is that empty house. He is supposed to convince voters that he’ll be the state’s steadfast enforcer of election laws in a state where ACORN ran wild in 2008. Uh huh.
Attorney general candidate and Second Amendment skeptic Mike DeWine, four years removed from public office with no prosecutorial experience in almost three decades [17], is supposedly going to unseat a Second Amendment-supporting Democratic incumbent. Riiiiight.
Now auditor candidate Dave Yost thinks we’ll all forget his betrayal of his supporters and that voters will be jazzed about a lawyer running for head bean-counter. Don’t count on it, bud.
The only uncompromised candidate remaining is treasurer candidate Josh Mandel. The grassroots pray nightly that ORPINO leaves him alone.
Tea partiers who should be the Republican Party’s best friends in a state that has been horribly mismanaged during the past three years under Democratic Governor Ted Strickland are justifiably exasperated to the point where I understand that there is serious thought being given to going the third-party route in certain of the down-ticket races. I suspect that similar third-party moves are under consideration in other states and in higher-profile races. ORPINO and its compadres in other states will only have themselves to blame if this comes about.
Article printed from Pajamas Media: http://pajamasmedia.com/
URL to article: http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/rinos-rinos-everywhere/
URLs in this post:
[1] this quote: http://publicpolicypolling.blogspot.com/2010/01/direction-of-gop.html
[2] Don’t Call Me Ma’am: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jun/19/no-maam-for-boxer/
[3] with $42 million: http://money.cnn.com/2005/02/12/news/newsmakers/fiorina_severance/?cnn=yes
[4] actually voting in elections: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/11/06/politics/main5549879.shtml
[5] who also: http://www.sacbee.com/capitolandcalifornia/story/2205364.html
[6] who voted: http://michellemalkin.com/2009/06/26/the-8-cap-and-tax-republicans/
[7] will likely: http://hillbuzz.org/2009/12/28/question-of-the-day-do-republicans-really-want-to-take-back-the-senate-in-2010/
[8] forced Sarah Palin: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE60J41Z20100120
[9] are coming around: http://www.rttnews.com/ArticleView.aspx?Id=1190205&SMap=1
[10] stinking thinking: http://inspirationalguidance.com/attitude-makes-all-the-difference/
[11] outsider-framed effort: http://www.kasichforohio.com/site/c.hpIJKWOCJqG/b.5765673/k.B1C3/John_Kasich8217s_Response_to_the_State_of_the_State_Address.htm
[12] finished a distant fourth: http://www.sos.state.oh.us/SOS/elections/electResultsMain/2005ElectionsResults/05-0614Rep2ndCongDist.aspx
[13] Gang of 14: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gang_of_14
[14] in November 2005: http://www.ontheissues.org/Senate/Mike_Dewine.htm#Energy_+_Oil
[15] took 28% of the vote: http://www.sos.state.oh.us/SOS/elections/electResultsMain/2006ElectionsResults/06-0502RepUSSenate.aspx
[16] by a stunning 12 points: http://www.sos.state.oh.us/SOS/elections/electResultsMain/2006ElectionsResults/06-1107USSenate.aspx
[17] almost three decades: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_DeWine#Political_career
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Skin cells turned directly into neurons - Benefit degenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson's or those with spinal injuries.
By Clive Cookson
Published: January 28 2010 02:00 Last updated: January 28 2010 02:00
Stem cell scientists at Stanford University in California announced "a huge step forward" last night, with the publication of research that turned skin into nerve cells without any intermediate step.
The production of neurons [nerve cells] directly from other adult cells, without making stem cells en route, could transform "regenerative medicine" - providing a plentiful supply of neurons for treating people with degenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson's or those with spinal injuries.
"We actively and directly induced one cell type to become a completely different cell type," said Marius Wernig of Stanford's Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine. "These are fully functional neurons. They can do all the principal things that neurons in the brain do."
This includes making connections with and signalling to other nerve cells - critical functions if the cells are eventually to be used as therapy for brain disease. The study is published online in the journal Nature .
Although research had suggested that specialised cells could be coaxed to show properties of other cell types, this is the first time skin cells have been converted into neurons in a laboratory.
The change happened within a week of treating mouse skin cells with a mixture of three genes, with an efficiency of up to nearly 20 per cent. The scientists are now working to duplicate the feat with human cells.
Until recently, scientists believed cellular differentiation was a one-way process, with primitive and versatile embryonic stem cells giving rise to all the body's more specialised cells.
Then, in 2007 they discovered how to turn the clock back, reversing the specialisation process by converting adult cells to "induced pluripotent stem cells", which could then become a different type of cell.
The latest discovery shows that this intermediate step is unnecessary. But many years of work will be needed before direct conversion reaches the clinic.
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2010. You may share using our article tools. Please don't cut articles from FT.com and redistribute by email or post to the web.
Fact check on SOTU from two sources - "YOU LIE!"

His State of the Union speech skipped over a variety of complex realities in laying out a "common-sense" call to action.
A look at some of his claims and how they compare with the facts:
OBAMA: "Starting in 2011, we are prepared to freeze government spending for three years. Spending related to our national security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will not be affected. But all other discretionary government programs will. Like any cash-strapped family, we will work within a budget to invest in what we need and sacrifice what we don't."
THE FACTS: The anticipated savings from this proposal would amount to less than one percent of the deficit -- and that's if the president can persuade Congress to go along.
Obama is a convert to the cause of broad spending freezes. In the presidential campaign, he criticized Republican opponent John McCain for suggesting one. "The problem with a spending freeze is you're using a hatchet where you need a scalpel," he said a month before the election. Now, Obama wants domestic spending held steady in most areas where the government can control year to year costs. The proposal is similar to McCain's.
OBAMA: "I've called for a bipartisan fiscal commission, modeled on a proposal by Republican Judd Gregg and Democrat Kent Conrad. This can't be one of those Washington gimmicks that lets us pretend we solved a problem. The commission will have to provide a specific set of solutions by a certain deadline. Yesterday, the Senate blocked a bill that would have created this commission. So I will issue an executive order that will allow us to go forward, because I refuse to pass this problem on to another generation of Americans."
THE FACTS: Any commission that Obama creates would be a weak substitute for what he really wanted -- a commission created by Congress that could force lawmakers to consider unpopular remedies to reduce the debt, including curbing politically sensitive entitlements like Social Security and Medicare. That idea crashed in the Senate this week, defeated by equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans. Any commission set up by Obama alone would lack authority to force its recommendations before Congress, and would stand almost no chance of success.
OBAMA: Discussing his health care initiative, he said: "Our approach would preserve the right of Americans who have insurance to keep their doctor and their plan."
THE FACTS: The Democratic legislation now hanging in limbo on Capitol Hill aims to keep people with employer-sponsored coverage -- the majority of Americans under age 65 -- in the plans they already have. But Obama can't guarantee g point of contention for the president. In December, the administration reported that recipients of direct assistance from the government created or saved about 650,000 jobs. The number was based on self-reporting by recipients and some of the calculations were shown to be in error.
The Congressional Budget Office has been much more guarded than Obama in characterizing the success of the stimulus plan. In November, it reported that the stimulus increased the number of people employed by between 600,000 and 1.6 million "compared with what those values would have been otherwise." It said the ranges "reflect the uncertainty of such estimates." And it added: "It is impossible to determine how many of the reported jobs would have existed in the absence of the stimulus package."
OBAMA: He called for action by the White House and Congress "to do our work openly, and to give our people the government they deserve."
THE FACTS: Obama skipped past a broken promise from his campaign -- to have the negotiations for health care legislation broadcast on C-SPAN "so that people can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents, and who are making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies." Instead, Democrats in the White House and Congress have conducted the usual private negotiations, making multibillion-dollar deals with hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and other stakeholders behind closed doors. Nor has Obama lived up consistently to his pledge to ensure that legislation is posted online for five days before it's acted upon.
OBAMA: "We will continue to go through the budget line by line to eliminate programs that we can't afford and don't work. We've already identified $20 billion in savings for next year."
THE FACTS: Identifying savings is far from achieving them. If the past is any guide, little will result from this exercise because Congress routinely rejects the White House's suggested spending cuts.
OBAMA: "The United States and Russia are completing negotiations on the farthest-reaching arms control treaty in nearly two decades."
THE FACTS: Despite insisting early last year that they would complete the negotiations in time to avoid expiration of the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty in early December, the U.S. and Russia failed to do so. And while officials say they think a deal on a new treaty is within reach, there has been no breakthrough. A new round of talks is set to start Monday. One important sticking point: disagreement over including missile defense issues in a new accord. If completed, the new deal may arguably be the farthest-reaching arms control treaty since the original 1991 agreement. An interim deal reached in 2002 did not include its own rules on verifying nuclear reductions.
OBAMA: Drawing on classified information, he claimed more success than his predecessor at killing terrorists: "And in the last year, hundreds of al-Qaida's fighters and affiliates, including many senior leaders, have been captured or killed -- far more than in 2008."
THE FACTS: It is an impossible claim to verify. Neither the Bush nor the Obama administration has published enemy body counts, particularly those targeted by armed drones in the Pakistan-Afghan border region. The pace of drone attacks has increased dramatically in the last 18 months, according to congressional officials briefed on the secret program.
AP’s ten whoppers from the SOTU speechposted at 9:30 am on January 28, 2010 by Ed Morrissey
Share on Facebook printer-friendly Only ten? Maybe the Associated Press got as tired as everyone else listening to Barack Obama’s lengthy State of the Union speech last night and stopped paying attention after an hour. AP’s headline focuses on the “toothless commission” that Obama demanded, but the other nine fails on their fact-check test are just as interesting and revealing (via Geoff A):
President Barack Obama told Americans the bipartisan deficit commission he will appoint won’t just be “one of those Washington gimmicks.” Left unspoken in that assurance was the fact that the commission won’t have any teeth. …
OBAMA: “I’ve called for a bipartisan fiscal commission, modeled on a proposal by Republican Judd Gregg and Democrat Kent Conrad. This can’t be one of those Washington gimmicks that lets us pretend we solved a problem. The commission will have to provide a specific set of solutions by a certain deadline. Yesterday, the Senate blocked a bill that would have created this commission. So I will issue an executive order that will allow us to go forward, because I refuse to pass this problem on to another generation of Americans.”
THE FACTS: Any commission that Obama creates would be a weak substitute for what he really wanted — a commission created by Congress that could force lawmakers to consider unpopular remedies to reduce the debt, including curbing politically sensitive entitlements like Social Security and Medicare. That idea crashed in the Senate this week, defeated by equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans. Any commission set up by Obama alone would lack authority to force its recommendations before Congress, and would stand almost no chance of success.
Of course, even his first proposal was a rather dishonest dodge of accountability, especially for Democrats. A bipartisan commission that recommended tax hikes as a means of raising revenue would allow Democrats to shove part of the blame for raising taxes in a recession on Republicans. It would allow more of them to tell voters, “Well, we committed to doing what the commission demanded,” or “We had to accept the commission’s findings in toto based on the rules established for it,” or other such nonsense. We already have a bipartisan commission with 535 members to handle budgetary decisions — it’s called Congress.
The other whoppers:
Spending freeze – The AP points out that it will save less than 1% of predicted deficits over the next ten years — and that Obama scoffed at such a plan when John McCain proposed it in 2008.
Health care – Obama said the Democratic plan would allow people to keep their insurance and their doctors, but the bill doesn’t guarantee either. Their plan has massive cuts to Medicare Advantage, which would definitely affect coverage of a large portion of America’s seniors and disabled.
Lobbyists – Obama has not “excluded” lobbyists from his administration; he’s hired over a dozen for key posts, and the AP notes seven of those waivers were for White House posts. Obama called for restrictions on lobbyist contributions, but those already exist.
Two million jobs saved through Porkulus – The CBO puts the theoretical range between 600K and 1.6 million, but also cautions that the methodology of estimating jobs “saved or created” is “uncertain.” The last detailed numbers the White House produced totaled 650,000 — and were found to be highly inaccurate.
Openness: “Obama skipped past a broken promise from his campaign — to have the negotiations for health care legislation broadcast on C-SPAN “so that people can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents, and who are making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies.” Instead, Democrats in the White House and Congress have conducted the usual private negotiations, making multibillion-dollar deals with hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and other stakeholders behind closed doors. Nor has Obama lived up consistently to his pledge to ensure that legislation is posted online for five days before it’s acted upon.”
The last two are on the rate of killing al-Qaeda leadership and the status on START talks with Russia. In both cases, the AP suspects that Obama overstates his case, but also reports that it’s difficult to measure either. The US has never given body counts on fighting AQ in the Af-Pak theater, mainly because many of the operations are covert, and because enemy body counts fell out of favor with the Vietnam War and have been only reluctantly shared in other conflicts.
Let me add at least one other whopper that the AP doesn’t mention. Obama repeatedly insisted that he inherited massive budgetary problems from George Bush, but the Con Law professor may want to retake his high-school civics class. Congress passes budgets, not the President, and the last three budgets came from Democrats. In three years, they increased annual federal spending by $900 billion, while the admittedly profligate and irresponsible Republican Congresses under George Bush increased annual federal spending by $800 billion — in six years. And during the last three years before taking office as President, Obama served in the Senate that passed those bills, and he voted for every Democratic budget put in front of him.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Hey, AKA Obama Voters! Ready to Apologize yet?
See Aristotle the Hun's commentary at the end of the article linked above!
One Year Later: The 40-Percent President
By Brad O'Leary
Today, Obama's policies face public approval of around 40% or less. In fact, across the board, from his policies to the candidates he supports, 40% or less of the American public back the Obama brand. As they say, the numbers don't lie.
Voters Running from Obama
Only 43% of voters say they would vote to reelect Obama. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)
Only 45% of voters in competitive congressional districts this year would vote to reelect Obama today. (Zogby poll of 2,879 voters, November 10-12, 2009)
Voters Running from Obama-Backed Candidates
Only 43% of Virginia voters cast their ballots for Obama-backed gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds last November.
Only 45% of New Jersey voters came out for the president's gubernatorial candidate in that traditionally blue state last November.
Only 47% of Massachusetts voters cast their ballots for President Obama's candidate in the special election to fill the late Senator Ted Kennedy's seat.
Only 37% of Americans would vote to reelect their Obama-supported Democratic congressman. (Rasmussen poll of 800 likely voters, November 24, 2009)
Voters Feel Less Safe Under Obama
Only 22% of voters say they feel safer on airplanes under President Obama than they did under President Bush. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)
Only 8% of voters give Obama's Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano an "A" for the job she is doing keeping America safe. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)
Voters Oppose Obama's War on Terror Policies
Only 11% of voters think the U.S. detention facility in Guantánamo Bay should be shut down immediately. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)
Only 33% of voters agree with the Obama administration's decision to grant U.S. constitutional rights and a civilian court trial to the Nigerian national who tried to detonate a bomb aboard a plane over Detroit on Christmas Day. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)
Only 13% of voters think the U.S. should not revoke the visas of all non-immigrant students in America who are no longer enrolled in school. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)
Only 45% of voters agree with how Obama is handling foreign policy and the war in Afghanistan. (Quinnipiac poll of 1,767 registered voters, January 5-11, 2010)
Only 31% support the Obama administration's decision to grant American constitutional rights to foreign enemy combatants accused of terrorism so they can be tried in the U.S. federal court system as opposed to military tribunals. (Zogby poll of 3,616 voters, November 17-20, 2009)
Voters Oppose Obama's Health Care Plan
Only 32% think Obama's health care plan is a good idea. (NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll of 1,008 adults, December 11-14, 2009)
Only 13% of voters agree with the Obama administration's decision to bar C-SPAN from broadcasting negotiations about his health care bill. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)
Only 12% of voters agree with the provision in Obama's health care bill that would force some married couples to pay $2,000 more per year for health insurance than unmarried couples. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)
Only 21% of voters think that taxpayer dollars should be used to fund elective abortions. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)
Only 39% agree with the Obamacare provision that would penalize small businesses that do not offer health insurance to their employees. (Zogby poll of 2,879 voters, November 10-12, 2009)
Voters Disapprove of Obama's Handling of the Economy
Only 34% of voters approve of Obama's effort to create jobs. (Quinnipiac poll of 1,767 registered voters, January 5-11, 2010)
Only 28% of voters trust the Obama administration (very much) to get federal legislation passed that creates jobs in 2010. (Zogby poll of 2,879 voters, November 10-12, 2009)
Only 41% of voters approve of the way Obama is handling the economy. (Quinnipiac poll of 1,767 registered voters, January 5-11, 2010)
Only 13% of voters think it is very likely that the Obama-Pelosi stimulus bill helped create or save 600,000 jobs. (Rasmussen poll of 1,000 likely voters, November 17-18, 2009)
Only 21% of voters agree with the Obama administration that increased federal spending will help the economy. (Rasmussen poll of 1,000 likely voters, November 17-18, 2009)
Only 35% of Americans think global warming is a serious problem. (Pew Research Center Poll of 1,500 adults, September 30 - October 4, 2009)
Only 37% would support a cap-and-trade bill that raises their utility bill by just $10 per month, even if it meant a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. (Associated Press-Stanford University Poll of 1,005 adults, November 17-29)
Voters Disagree with Obama on the Second Amendment, Abortion, and Immigration
Only 39% of Americans think the U.S. needs stricter gun control laws. (Rasmussen poll of 1,000 adults, October 1-2, 2009)
Only 18% of Americans think abortion should be legal in all circumstances. (Quinnipiac University poll of 1,767 registered voters, January 5-11, 2010)
Only 35% of voters side with President Obama in the dispute over whether or not local law enforcement should be permitted to enforce U.S. immigration laws. (Zogby poll of 2,879 voters, November 10-12, 2009)
From a historical standpoint, the Obama presidency is much like the return of King Charles II to England. The English greeted the return of the monarchy with euphoria, massive celebrations, and fireworks. England was enveloped in a cloud of happiness, much as America was when the Democrats regained total control of the White House and Congress.
President Obama's approval rating soared to 65 percent. Old King Charles himself would have blushed if Elizabethan England had given him such admiration.
But just like King Charles's, Obama's first year at the helm has left much to be desired. Not that Obama himself has changed much at all. He still has that same wonderful rhetoric and polished style that won him 53 percent of the votes on Election Day. But in past year, Americans have begun to pay more attention to the substance of President Obama's policies -- policies that he never hid from them during his candidacy.
Today, only 43 percent of Americans would vote to reelect President Obama. Support for his policies is mired in the 30s, and the percentage of Americans who believe Obama can accomplish major tasks is in the 20s.
Prior to the 2008 presidential election, we commissioned a number of polls through Zogby International asking American voters if they supported certain policy changes prescribed by Obama the candidate. In this newsletter, we have included an interesting comparison that shows how Americans felt about President Obama's substance and policies in 2008 and how they feel today.
In fact, you can go to the barackobamatest.com website we created prior to the 2008 election and take the same test that over 900,000 Americans took in the two months leading up to the vote. By taking the test, you can see if you and President Obama agree on the major issues of the day, and you can determine if you would have voted for him had you known.
In January 2009, Obama's rising tide lifted all Democratic ships. Today, however, the president's agenda is an anchor around the necks of all who support it. Aspiring Democratic congressmen, senators, and governors running for election this year will likely do well to keep the president, and his policies, at several arms' length.
Brad O'Leary is publisher of "The O'Leary Report," a bestselling author, and a former NBC Westwood One talk show host. To see more, go to olearyreport.com.
This Might Be The Best Fifteen Minutes Of Glenn Beck Ever
In case you’re wondering why so many people watch Glenn Beck watch this. This is Beck at his most…entertaining. Beck opened tonight’s show with what can only be described as a tour-de-force excoriation of yesterday’s Joe Klein article accusing Americans of being dumb. Fifteen minutes worth. It was, to put it plainly, brilliant theater. A cast of thousands with Beck playing all the parts.
Hayworth: Obama 'Should Come Forward' With His Birth Certificate (VIDEO)
Why aren’t the polls on the birth certificate issue 100% in favor of AKA Obama practicing the virtue of full disclosure? It makes sense that supporters of AKA Obama would want the issue settled along with everyone else. I guess there is a significant portion of the population who are opposed to releasing the birth certificate because they are afraid of what it will reveal. I would conclude that those opposed to releasing all of Obama’s history are frightened of the truth just like AKA Obama.
If you are not suspicious of a man who hides his history I have a bridge in the desert I want to sell you. If you are unwilling to call for an investigation of a man who attempts to sell you a bridge in the desert I have some beach front property in Florida at the intersection of I75 and Florida # 29 that I want you to buy. If you place a down payment on a contract for the bridge in the desert and the beach front property in the swamp I would conclude that you voted for Obama.
In 1961, the Public Health Services, U. S Department of Health, Education and Welfare, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics Division published the "Vital Statistics of the United StatesHere is a blank copy of the Standard Certificate of Live Birth. This is the information being hidden by Obama.
Plus read the article that is included with the blank copy.
Somehow, you know its coming. That OMG moment is just around the corner. You can feel the inescapable reality creeping up on you. Something will leak. Someone will spill the beans.
“For nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light.” Luke 8:17
Obama “I have nothing to hide but I’m hiding it.” http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2009/04/aka-obama-fans-all-together-now-say-omg.html
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
AKA Obama's Crack Up is Coming Soon
From my friend Sam Vaknin author of "Malignant Self-love"
Obama may be a narcissist - read this:
How would Obama react to disagreement and criticism?
What will happen when Obama's popularity fades?
Monday, January 25, 2010
AUDIT: Barack Obama’s campaign finances
Pamela Geller
In light of the long-overdue ruling by the Supreme Court to throw out the free-speech-killing and unconstitutional McCain-Feingold finance law (was there ever a more destructive, corrupting influence on elections ever?), it is a good time to revisit the active complaint to the Federal Elections Commission over Barack Obama’s campaign finances.
Auditing Obama
Auditing ObamaWill the FEC examine the president-elect's campaign finances?
11. AKA Obama’s crimesBecause of the way AKA OBAMA ran his campaign; donations from Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse, donations from illegal foreign sources, and ACORN’s crimes; More than half the voter registrations turned in by ACORN canvassers during the last election were not valid, according to testimony to be presented before a House Judiciary subcommittee, etc, AKA Obama is subject to criminal violations of the Internal Revenue Code, federal campaign finance laws, and laws against voter registration fraud, according to a memo by Cleta Mitchell, co-chairman of the Republican National Lawyers Association. In spite of all this Congressional Democrats still want ACORN to be eligible for federal money.
Excerpt from: Obama “I have nothing to hide but I’m hiding it.”
Poll: Obama most polarizing in first year
"So the heart of Pharaoh was hardened" Ex. 9-35
There is a 65 percent gap between Democrats' and Republicans' average approval ratings for Obama this year. That compares to 52 percent for Bill Clinton, and 45 percent for George W. Bush.
Bush saw a huge approval bump among both Democrats and Republicans after 9/11, a boost which steadily declined over the rest of his tenure.
Obama's polarization is likely due to his strong backing of controversial legislation like the stimulus package and healthcare reform, but it nevertheless contradicts his campaign argument that he would help unify the country.
I Believe The Fix Was In for the 2008 Election and The Cover Up is Still Going Strong!
For Immediate Release - 24 January 2010
I Believe The Fix Was In for the 2008 Election and The Cover Up is Still Going Strong!by: Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., Commander USNR (Retired)Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & CongressPosted 24 January 2010 at: http://puzo1.blogspot.comI believe that the RNC and DNC at the highest levels in 2008 were both complicit in shutting down all discussion of Obama's eligibility issue in the Congress, Main Stream Media, Print Press, and in the leading conservative Talk Show radio stations. I believe that the RNC and the DNC were complicit in subverting Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of our Constitution as to the eligibility requirements for the Office of the President, i.e., the person eligible for that office must be a "natural born Citizen", i.e., one born in the country to parents who are both citizens of the country such that the child born has singular and sole allegiance at birth to the USA and no citizenship at birth with any other country via his parents or due to the place or location of birth. A natural born Citizen needs no law or resolution of Congress to give or clarify citizenship status. Natural born Citizenship status can only be obtained by the facts of nature at the child's birth. This is natural law. This is what the founders and framers of our Constitution required for the singular and most powerful office of the President and Commander in Chief of the military. John Jay and George Washington put that requirement into the Constitution for exactly the reason that the person serving in that office would have no foreign influences on him/her at birth due to the facts and circumstances of his/her citizenship at birth. Only "natural born Citizenship" in the USA per natural law guarantees no other allegiance or citizenship claims by an another country at birth. If you are born on the U.S. soil of parents who are both citizens, no other country can claim you as a Citizen of their country and you are only governed by the laws of the USA at your birth. This is natural law as written by Vattel in 1758 in his legal book, "The Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law". The 1775 edition of this legal book was used as a reference by Benjamin Franklin and other founders to set up our new nation in 1776 in the writing of the Declaration of Independence and also in drafting the new form of federal government in 1789 and the writing of our Constitution, the fundamental law of our nation.
Obama was born British. How can a person be born a British Subject be considered to be a "natural born Citizen" of the USA, to constitutional standards? He cannot. Our founders must be rolling over in their graves witnessing what transpired in the 2008 election cycle.
Both parties put up questionable candidates in 2008 as to their birth citizenship, Obama was born as a British Subject of a non-U.S. citizen father and McCain was born in Panama, and then they proceeded to cover up for each other and helped shut down the media and talk radio totally via their respective high contacts in the media industry and elected officials within the sitting Bush administration and in Congress as well as within their own respective presidential campaign organizations. No one in either political party wanted a free and open debate in the media as to the true historical, constitutional, and Supreme Court common law cases mentioning Vattel and his words on the meaning of "natural born Citizen". No one in either political party wanted a full Congressional hearing about the true meaning of Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution concerning who is constitutionally eligible to be President and Commander in Chief of the military, especially in the case of Obama whose father was not even an immigrant to this country, let alone not being a citizen of the USA. We are a nation of immigrants. But Obama's father was never one. The political parties and powers in DC wanted to hide this issue from the American people for the political ambition and power of both political parties to run the candidate of their choice irrespective of Constitutional issues. They did not want to hear from the People about this. So the cover up began to squelch all discussion of it to keep as many people in the dark as possible. "Thou shalt not talk about the presidential constitutional Article II eligibility issues" was the word put out by all the powers to be in Washington DC and the USA media. It was reported that even outright threats were made to certain conservative talk show radio hosts in the last quarter of 2008.
And it continues to this day, imo, and is most obvious with the stone silence and "cone of silence" and occasional mocking comments made by the talk show hosts about the eligibility issue questions if mentioned briefly by a guest now and then on Fox News. The approach on Fox News is to ban the topic. Other networks such as MSNBC simply mock the movement continually using Saul Alinsky's tactics from Rules for Radicals rule number 5, ridicule, to stifle all open, serious, and public debate on the issue and to scare off any one in political power from broaching the subject. Anyone even just mentioning this issue is pounced on for the ridicule treatment by the press. This shut down a free and full "on air" debate of the Obama eligibility issue with serious scholars and legal experts representing each side (such as my attorney, Mario Apuzzo) being allowed on the air together with someone from the Obot side to debate this issue openly is being orchestrated at the highest levels of the RNC and DNC and their elected official type contacts in various powerful positions both today and back in Dec 2008 and early Jan 2009. Whispers in the hallways allude to grave consequences if one breaches this subject seriously on the air ways. The RNC silenced opposition in the conservative talk show radio and elsewhere in late 2008 which has enabled Obama to take power virtually unopposed as to addressing his constitutional eligibility in any serious manner in public debate via the national media. The leadership of the RNC at the highest levels, imo, shut down members of their own political party in Congress and via using their contacts in the highest levels of government, they helped shut down conservative talk radio and TV hosts with innuendos and and whispers of the consequences if this subject surfaced for discussion in a major way on their shows. They were told to keep the eligibility issue and the so called "Birthers" banned on their callers list with special instructions to the call screeners to keep them off the air. The RNC powers to be and their political connections used their power to do this to cover up their own subverting of Article II of the Constitution via putting up a candidate of their own with questionable natural born Citizenship status as their candidate for President. The big liberal media anointed Obama (a hard core progressive and Socialist) and then anointed McCain (a progressive light) because they knew McCain had a citizenship issue of his own and thus would keep him silent about Obama's. And it worked. A "cone of silence" was dropped on the eligibility issue in the DC media and Congress and elsewhere in American to cover up for what both parties were doing, subverting Article II of the U.S. Constitution in the 2008 election. Listen to this radio show interview for more details.
Atty Apuzzo & CDR Kerchner on Andrea Shea King Radio Show hosted by Andrea Shea King - Friday, 22 Jan 2010, 9 p.m. EST: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/askshow/2010/01/23/the-andrea-shea-king-show
Imo, when this subversion of our Constitution in the 2008 election cycle and the massive cover up by people in the highest levels of the RNC and DNC and their elected official contacts, and our government is exposed, this will be a far worse scandal than Watergate. It will be the worst scandal & political crisis and constitutional crisis in America since the Civil War. Who will win the Pulitzer Prize for exposing this travesty to the Constitution, liberty, and justice in America.
I believe this is what has happened in America and the reason for the cone of silence about Obama's citizenship issues since the start of the 2008 election cycle and it continues to this day. It is a national disgrace and a threat to our freedom and liberty and the survival of our Constitution and Republic. We do not know Obama's true legal identity. He has hidden and sealed all his early life records. What is he hiding? How can we trust this man usurping the Oval Office to protect America from foreign influence at the highest levels. He bows to Saudi Kings! He backs far-left dictators in Central America like Castro and Hugo Chavez in stifling freedom and Constitutional government in Honduras. Maybe he saw what could happen to him in the Constitutional crisis down there. Who is Obama loyal too? We do not know who he really is. The eligibility issue must be fully and openly discussed in the Main Stream Media, the Congress, and in our Courts. Our liberty and freedom is in the balance.
God bless and protect America in the coming test this year of our fundamental core constitutional rights and our very freedom as this cover up is further exposed.
Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. , Commander USNR (Retired)Lead Plaintiff , Kerchner v Obama & CongressFor more information on the lawsuit: http://puzo1.blogspot.com
To help the cause, please visit: http://protectourliberty.org
Dr. James David Manning, PhD, who has charged Columbia University with selling a Political Science degree to Obama
by Sharon Rondeau
(Jan. 24, 2010) — Dr. James David Manning, founder and pastor of ATLAH World Ministries in Harlem and outspoken Obama critic, contends that Barack Hussein Obama never attended Columbia University as he claims, that Columbia “sold” Obama a degree in Political Science, and that these allegations will be proven in a court of law in New York State. He also believes that Obama is ineligible to hold the office of President of the United States due to his failure to meet the “natural born citizen” requirement set forth in the U.S. Constitution.
Dr. Manning grew up in Red Springs, NC, and is chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church in New York City. In 1992, Pastor Manning began a Christian radio program which expanded to a weekly television broadcast on several networks. He has sponsored numerous educational programs intended to “denounce racism as the catalyst for the problems facing the Black population” and to encourage “young people to become the leaders who will bring restoration to the broken and disshelved African- American population.”
He currently can be heard on “The Manning Report” Monday through Friday here from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. ET or by podcast on demand. For more information, please visit www.atlah.org.
Today, I interviewed Dr. Manning regarding his plans and strategy to uncover the truth about Obama’s Columbia University degree and other information that has been hidden from the American people.
MRS. RONDEAU: You have stated on video that Obama never attended Columbia University. When did you first become convinced of that?
The Rest of the Story
Pastor Manning might want to check his sources. Obama attended Columbia College, an affiliated undergraduate school but not technically the same thing as Columbia University. Also people do report knowing Obama at Columbia College.
One person who did remember Mr. Obama was Michael L. Baron, who taught a senior seminar on international politics and American policy. Mr. Baron, now president of an electronics company in Florida, said he was Mr. Obama’s adviser on the senior thesis for that course. Mr. Baron, who later wrote Mr. Obama a recommendation for Harvard Law School, gave him an A in the course.
Columbia was a hotbed for discussion of foreign policy, Mr. Baron said. The faculty included Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former national security adviser, and Zalmay Khalilzad, now the American ambassador to the United Nations. Half of the eight students in the seminar were outstanding, and Mr. Obama was among them, Mr. Baron said.
Michael J. Wolf, who took the seminar with him and went on to become president of MTV Networks, said: “He was very smart. He had a broad sense of international politics and international relations. It was a class with a lot of debate. He was a very, very active participant. I think he was truly distinctive from the other people in that class. He stood out.”
Barack Obama - WikiCU, the Columbia University wiki encyclopedia
Nov 18, 2009 ... Obama is the first attendee of Columbia College and the first graduate of any Columbia school, to occupy the Oval Office. ...www.wikicu.com/Barack_Obama -
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Why is Fox News Putting the kabosh on Obama eligibility expose?
Al Awi Ben Talal, the Saudi prince is nephew of King Abdullah...the 2nd largest shareholder in Fox--is this the reason O'Reilly, Hannity and Beck are silent on and actively seek to ridicule Obama birth certificate story? The story out of Canada via sources claimed they had been 'warned' to destroy the story---or else.
AKA Obama - The Republicans' secret weapon
GOPers celebrating Tuesday's Bay State Blowout got more good news Thurs day: President Obama is going to Las Vegas next month to stump for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Should Reid start packing?
Think about it: Obama raced to Massachusetts to shore up Democrat Martha Coakley's bid for Ted Kennedy's seat.
As the world knows, unheard-of Republican Scott Brown beat her handily in Tuesday's election.
The prez parachuted into Virginia and New Jersey last year to back Dems for governor of those states. Both lost.
He even jetted off to Copenhagen -- twice: once to snag the 2016 Olympics for Chicago and again to lock up a deal on climate change. Yep: 0-2.
A trend? Well, Las Vegas is a gambling town. How many points will the bookies lop off Reid's odds now? (He's already trailing one GOP challenger by 12 points in the polls and another by 14.)
One thing's for sure: Republicans may soon owe Obama -- big time.
Can We Please Stop Labeling Liberals “Elite?” - How about arrogant snobs?
It probably didn’t surprise the Pew staff to learn that a “partisan knowledge gap” existed between Democrats and Republicans.
But it surely horrified them to realize that the gap favored… Republicans.
On fully ten of twelve “News IQ Quiz” questions asked, Republicans demonstrated deeper basic knowledge than Democrats, with respondents tied on one question and Democrats leading on only one of the twelve.
Rest of Story: http://cfif.org/v/index.php/commentary/54-state-of-affairs/485-can-we-please-stop-labeling-liberals-elite-
Friday, January 22, 2010
Intellectuals, Elitists, Fools, and Democrats
Written by J. D. Longstreet
The intellectual elitists in charge of the US government these days have amply demonstrated "There is no fool like an educated fool." The socialists in the White House and the Congress currently are the most condescending bunch I can ever recall taking up space in those grandiose halls of power.
They show their disdain for us, the great unwashed, the proletariat, the hillbillies, the red necks, all of us from the lower economic and social classes, in ways too numerous to count.
I am reminded of an old story of an over-eager young man who tries, repeatedly, to help an elderly lady across the street, even though the elderly lady DID NOT WANT TO CROSS THE STREET!
The socialists in Washington are doing the very same thing with ObamaCare. They are forcing it upon us when we, the American people, have said, loudly and clearly, we DO NOT WANT IT!
It is almost funny to observe the near panic in Congress and the White House as they race to and fro trying desperately to come up with a plan to pass ObamaCare into law now that Scott Brown, the Republican candidate for the late Senator Ted Kennedy's seat has won the election and is on his way to Washington with a vow to vote AGAINST ObamaCare. If that happens they will not have the votes to pass the bill in the Senate -- at least not the way they had planned. They are searching desperately, in the roundabout, for an alternative plan to insure ObamaCare passes the Senate and gets to Obama for his signature. The socialists are scared witless!
Americans are tired, nay, exhausted, with the intellectual, elite, "Progressives" telling their constituents to sit down and shut up, and telling us THEY know better than we what we need, what we want, and what we are going to get because, well, they are smarter than we are. If you dare question how much smarter they are than you and me, ask them. They'll tell you, in no uncertain terms, just how dumb YOU really are.
Of course, the dumbest of all are we folks on the conservative right of the political spectrum. It has always amused me that, according to the leftists intellectual elites, ALL Republican Presidents are dumb as posts! Ever noticed that? How they can say that with a straight face, when you consider their glittering jewels of leftist intellect such as Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, is just beyond me. And now they have the socialist Obama who has proven to be even worse. The man is cold and distant in his elitism. He radiates narcissism, a "better than thou" attitude, a SMARTER than thou, attitude, while he practices his superior thought processes to come up with an answer months after the question. Those of us in the proletariat see that as indecisiveness. We also understand that while he wallows in his wishy-washy "superior" thinking the problem grows worse and in some cases cost the lives of fellow Americans. His dragged-out decision on sending the troops, requested by the Commander of US Forces in Afghanistan, springs to mind. US troops died while Obama was trying to make up his mind, which is, as we all know by now, because his henchman, and the Mainstream Media, continue to tell us, is far, far, advanced when compared to the mental capability of his fellow Americans.
Even though Obama is articulate, at least when he has a teleprompter with him, many are now convinced his intellectualism is, indeed, fake.
When one listens to Obama's oratory and observes his mannerisms, one can detect guilt and shame. One must then wonder if his egomaniacal narcissism isn't over compensation for all the guilt and shame he feels. He strikes me as one with a deep inferiority complex to boot. But he IS an elite - at least in his own mind.
As for the socialist elites in the US Congress they have finally succeeded in bringing America, at least our economy, to its knees. It was the policies of the pointy-head elites in the Congress that caused the lending institutions to make ill-advised loans to borrowers any idiot, surveying their loan application, would see instantly could not afford it and could not pay back the money loaned them. But the Congress insisted they make those loans. They did and, of course, the inevitable happened -- and whom does Congress blame - the very banks and lending institutions they compelled to take the risks in the first place. See how smart those intellectual elites really are.
In one year's time they have managed to virtually destroy the economy of the US and throw ten percent of the US work force out of their jobs and onto the streets.
Maybe intellectual elites have a place in our society, but for the life of me, I cannot identify that place. Maybe like the cartoon gurus they should be relegated to some mountaintop in the Rockies - and left there.
Many Americans are now concerned that our constitution is in danger. These same Intellectual elites are making it known they are of the opinion the constitution is outdated and has very little application to modern times. It is an inconvenience to them and their plans to transform America into some sort of socialist paradise. One can remind them that socialism has never worked anywhere it has been tried, but OUR Intellectual elites believe they are smarter than the intellectual elites of those countries; therefore THEIR brand of socialism for America will work. In their arrogance they actually believe that. See? How DUMB is THAT?!
America has ten months to save herself. In November we will have a chance to replace enough representatives in the US House of Representatives and the US Senate to repeal ObamaCare (If it, indeed, passes) and the same with the Cap and Trade Bill if it should somehow pass into law as well.
Conservatives and Moderates and Independents should understand there will likely be a flood of Obama supporters from the minority communities at the polls in November in an all out attempt to salvage what has already become a referendum on the Obama Regime. To put it as plainly as I know how: The Mid-Term election in November MAY be our last chance to save America, our country
AKA Obama down -18 - Out on the limb prediction
Thursday, January 21, 2010
New York State Presidential Candidate Qualification
A Bill To Be Entitled
New York State Presidential Candidate Qualification Verification
Accountability To NYS Citizens Act
1 Section 1: An individual seeking placement (ISP) on New York State’s election ballot(s) for the
2 office of President or Vice President of the United States must present proof of eligibility, as per
3 requirements that are stated in Article 2, section 1, paragraph 5 of the U.S. Constitution.
4 A) Hard-copy proof is to be submitted to the New York State (NYS) Board of Elections
5 Executive Director(s) office.
6 B) Determination of age, natural born citizenship and past fourteen years residency is by
7 information on or within an individual’s official birth certificate, school and work records, social
8 security information, documentation of international travel history that the ISP knows of to
9 the best of his/her ability and his/her past seven years of tax records.
10 (1) Written and signed permission by an ISP must be granted to the NYS Board of Elections
11 Executive Director(s) office to obtain proof of documents submitted to its office from various
12 sources listed within the documents.
13 C) The NYS Board of Elections Executive Director(s) office is to make its determination
14 within four weeks from the date of an individual’s full submission of documents, confirmation of
15 such full submission by the ISP and his/her signed statement, granting the office
16 permission to obtain proof of documents submitted to its office, as per Section 1 B (1).
17 D) With the exclusion of social security numbers, contained on documents, all pertinent
18 information obtained and pertinent findings that are obtained from such documents of
19 an ISP who is approved are to be made available to the public for viewing, in order for
20 the office’s approval to be enacted and the ISP to be placed on New York State’s ballot(s),
21 pending the fulfillment(s) of other current and future New York State requirement(s).
22 (1) An ISP must first view the information and findings of the NYS Board of Elections
23 Executive Director(s) office that it deems pertinent and approve such findings to be made
24 public, in order for such to be made available to the public for viewing.
25 E) Compliance with this act and the burden of proof of eligibility is fully on the ISP.
26 F) Disputes are to be handled through the New York State courts, with all legalities applicable.
27 Section 2: This act will be instituted in the State of New York.
28 Section 3: This act is to be instituted on or before November 1, 2010.
Written by Debra J.M. Smith – September 17, 2009
References: The U.S. Constitution
Half of Voters Still Conned - 51.5% Think AKA Obama is legitimate
It is inappropriate to include Obama's missing history, including his birth certificate, in an article about conspiracy theories. The facts, not theories, of the issue are clear and uncontested.
Obama is keeping the best available evidence secret. That is established fact, not theory. Let's just add suppression of evidence to the other charges of election fraud, campaign finance violations and filing fraudulent documents in all 50 states.
No matter what you might think there is no escaping that AKA Obama is not practicing the virtue of full disclosure.
In 1961, the Public Health Services, U. S Department of Health, Education and Welfare, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics Division published the "Vital Statistics of the United States
Here is a blank copy of the Standard Certificate of Live Birth used by all states including Hawaii., This is the information being hidden by Obama.
Plus read the article that is included with the blank copy.
If you are not suspicious of a man who hides his history I have a bridge in the desert I want to sell you.
If you are unwilling to call for an investigation of a man who attempts to sell you a bridge in the desert I have some beach front property in Florida at the intersection of I75 and Florida # 29 that I want you to buy.
If you place a down payment on a contract for the bridge in the desert and the beach front property in the swamp I would conclude that you voted for Obama
Do you really think AKA Obama would have won the election if all the things he is hiding were made known?
Do you really think AKA Obama will be able to finish his first term if all the things he is hiding are made known?
The only conspiracy is the media and the obots who suppress the revelation of AKA Obama's history
Obama “I have nothing to hide but I’m hiding it.”
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Health Care Reform, Abortion, and Scott Brown
Scott Brown is not what one would call an ardent pro-lifer. His record puts him squarely mid-field. Yet his victory in the Massachusetts senate race could be the boon that pro-lifers and conservatives have been needing.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
People Aren't as Stupid and Weak as Pols Think they are!
the move.

Look around big boy and
see who is next to bite the dust!
3 dozen lawmakers want proof of Obama eligibility
Proposal would demand state officials independently verify information
By Bob Unruh© 2010 WorldNetDaily
Lawmakers in Arizona have proposed a law that would require state officials to begin independently verifying the accuracy of newly required documents affirming the constitutional eligibility of any candidate for the U.S. presidency.
"Certainly, there has been controversy over President Obama and his birth certificate, where he was born, etc.," state Sen. Sylvia Allen, R-Snowflake, told the Arizona Capitol Times. "It just makes sense and will stop any controversy in the future to just show you are a natural born citizen."
She is one of about three dozen lawmakers to sign on as co-sponsors.
The plan would accomplish essentially the same thing as that proposed by Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla., on the federal level.
The provisions of Posey's H.R. 1503 are straightforward:
"To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee's statement of organization a copy of the candidate's birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution."
The bill also provides:
"Congress finds that under … the Constitution of the United States, in order to be eligible to serve as President, an individual must be a natural born citizen of the United States who has attained the age of 35 years and has been a resident within the United States for at least 14 years."
The sponsors' goal is to have the bill become effective for the 2012 presidential election. The legislation now is pending in a House committee and has more than a dozen co-sponsors.
But whatever support it does have, it faces massive obstacles in a House and Senate dominated by Democrat party faithful, as well as a president whose own political fortunes could be impacted by its requirements.
(Story continues)
Monday, January 18, 2010
IMPORTANT! Democrats’ Plan for Election: Cheat!
Democrats’ Plan for Election 2010: Cheat
By Sarah Durand
Destroying the integrity of U.S. elections has been a longtime project for the far left. For over a decade, elected Democrats have manipulated the American people into believing their counterfeit altruistic intentions to enable more citizens to vote. Though largely flying under the radar, they’ve been looking for ways to use our legislative system to trump up fraudulent votes and their subterfuge knows no boundaries.
In 1993 Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act [1], commonly called “motor voter.” Under the deception that it would boost voter turnout, the bill laid the foundation for much of the voter fraud we’ve seen over the last 15 years.
Motor voter set stringent provisions and regulations to restrict states’ abilities to remove names from the voter registry. Consequently, people who have died or moved away from many states are still registered to vote there, and many eligible voters are registered multiple times. Several states have more registered voters [2] than actual citizens. For example, Colorado has a million more registered voters [3] than citizens who are eligible to vote. And, at one time, some counties in Missouri had as much as 153% [2] of their population registered to vote.
Although motor voter was signed into law by then-President Bill Clinton, the bill is also tied to our current president. In 1995, then-attorney Barack Obama successfully fought for the law [4] in an Illinois court on behalf of ACORN. Later, in true you-scratch-my-back-and-I’ll-scratch-yours spirit, ACORN returned the favor, running Obama’s illegal get-out-the-vote [5] campaign that led to his 2008 presidential win. However, the campaign should be best known for prompting investigations [6] of ACORN voter fraud in 13 states.
Even Hillary Clinton suffered the consequences of her husband’s motor voter passage, according to a complaint [7] filed by her 2008 presidential election campaign committee. The complaint accused the Obama campaign of efforts to “manipulate the voter registration process in its own favor.” Other charges were that caucus chairs “deliberately miscounted votes to favor Senator Obama” and that unregistered persons and children’s votes were deliberately counted as Obama votes.
Since the passage of motor voter, liberals have become even more ambitious, attacking the integrity of the election process through the Soros-funded Secretary of State Project (SoSP) [8]. Because each state’s SoS is responsible for overseeing elections, leftists believe that if they control the SoS, they control the outcome of the elections. The main goal of the SoSP is to secure the election of far-leftist secretaries of state who have no problem throwing out thousands of Republican votes, while counting votes of the deceased, illegal aliens, and Mickey Mouse [9] instead. And, as a non-federal 527, they can accept unlimited contributions towards their goal.
SoSP has taken credit for bringing into power 11 of their 13 supported secretary of state candidates since 2006. According [8] to the SoSP site, one of those elected, Mark Ritchie [10], “pulled off a major upset, with [SoSP] support,” and played a decisive role in the Minnesota Franken-Coleman senatorial race [11]. Although Coleman originally won the race, Ritchie oversaw the recount, delivering victory to Franken and giving Senate Democrats their 60th vote.
Another secretary of state helped by the SoSP was Jennifer Brunner [12] of Ohio, who refused [13] to take action to verify 200,000 questionable voter registrations in the 2008 elections. Apparently, expecting the Social Security number on the voter registration form to match the name of the person registering to vote is a “veiled attempt at disenfranchising voters [14].”
One of the stated [15] goals of the SoSP is “universal, automatic, and portable voter registration.” Currently, many liberals in Congress are fighting to grant this wish through a universal voter registration bill [16]. This bill would be a federal mandate that gives the federal government power over the state governments’ election processes. According to John Fund [17] of the Wall Street Journal, “The feds will tell the states: Take everyone on every list of welfare recipients, take everyone on every list of unemployed you have, take everyone on every list of property owners, all driver’s license holders, and register them to vote, regardless of whether they want to be.” Proponents of this bill, Chuck Schumer [18] and Barney Frank [19], are not at all concerned with the felons or illegals on these lists, or the duplicate voter registrations that will be created for those on several lists.
Universal voter registration was a longtime goal of Columbia University professors Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven of the Cloward-Piven Strategy [20]. The goal of their political strategy is to overthrow the current system of government and replace it with socialism. Newsmax’s James Walsh reported on this issue in 2008, stating [21], “By advocating massive, no-holds-barred voter registration campaigns, [Cloward and Piven] sought a Democratic administration in Washington, D.C., that would redistribute the nation’s wealth and lead to a totalitarian socialist state.” Notably, Cloward and Piven were present at the ceremonial signing [22] of motor voter, beaming at the success of phase one of their ultimate plan to destroy the validity of the election process.
Much of what the universal voter registration bill will contain has been outlined in the Brennan Center for Justice’s [23] Voter Registration Modernization Policy Summary [24]. This summary calls for states to be required to enact permanent statewide voter registration. The center suggests a federal voter registration modernization act where, “once a voter is on the rolls, she would be permanently registered within the state and able to vote without re-registering even if she moved within the state or changed her name.” Unnoted in the summary is that such a system would crown married women the lucky winners of two votes each per election.
With the exception of Soros’s SoS Project oozing of obvious corruption, other initiatives like motor voter and universal voter registration appear innocent on the surface. But history tells us that if we open the door to voter fraud, ACORN and the like will walk through it. The combination of Soros money, corrupt leaders, and Ahmadinejad-esque election laws is a perfect recipe to force us into a fascist, interminable oligarchy where we the people have no voice. The legislation of this generation is enslaving the next; another example of “chains we can believe in [25].”
Article printed from Pajamas Media: http://pajamasmedia.com
URL to article: http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/democrats-plan-for-election-2010-cheat/
URLs in this post:
[1] National Voter Registration Act: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Voter_Registration_Act_of_1993
[2] more registered voters: http://blog.heritage.org/2008/10/09/motor-voter-acorn-vote-fraud/
[3] million more registered voters: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2464198/why_colorados_secretary_of_state_race_pg3.html?cat=8
[4] fought for the law: http://www.suntimes.com/news/politics/obama/700499,CST-NWS-Obama-law17.article
[5] get-out-the-vote: http://www.acorn.org/index.php?id=2811
[6] investigations: http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=Yzc0ZjZhMjdjNzU5MzEzNGU0ODg3ODA5MThjNWZmMDc=
[7] complaint: http://www.israpundit.com/2008/?p=1253
[8] Secretary of State Project (SoSP): http://www.secstateproject.org/
[9] Mickey Mouse: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1077707/Why-Mickey-Mouses-vote-Democrats-rebound-Obamas-chances-U-S-president.html
[10] Mark Ritchie: http://www.sos.state.mn.us/
[11] Franken-Coleman senatorial race: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate_election_in_Minnesota,_2008
[12] Jennifer Brunner: http://www.sos.state.oh.us/
[13] refused: http://spectator.org/archives/2008/11/07/sos-in-minnesota
[14] veiled attempt at disenfranchising voters: http://www.ohio.com/news/break_news/31101144.html
[15] stated: http://www.secstateproject.org/races/
[16] universal voter registration bill: http://blog.couragetosee.com/?p=823
[17] According to John Fund: http://conversations.blackvoices.com/top-news/4f0620e551114a3da130c144bc705f43/can-falsified-registrations-become-votes/ec8dc6a6c0784873841a0a5bfc9df133?sn=0
[18] Chuck Schumer: http://schumer.senate.gov/
[19] Barney Frank: http://www.house.gov/frank/
[20] Cloward-Piven Strategy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloward%E2%80%93Piven_strategy
[21] stating: http://newsmax.com/Politics/obama-voter-fraud/2008/09/22/id/325456
[22] present at the ceremonial signing: http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/11/clowardpiven_government.html
[23] the Brennan Center for Justice’s: http://www.brennancenter.org/content/resource/universal_voter_registration_draft_summary/
[24] Voter Registration Modernization Policy Summary: http://www.brennancenter.org/page/-/publications/VRM.Proposal.2008.pdf
[25] chains we can believe in: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=95135
"We see dead people": 116,483 registered voters in Massachusetts are dead