Friday, September 30, 2011


New Hampshire State Representative Harry Accornero has charged Barack Hussein Obama with treason

Why is it our elected Representatives in Congress do not have the backbone to bring Mr. Obama up on charges of treason! If they let this traitor off they are just as guilty as he is. They swore to uphold and defend the US Constitution, so what are they waiting for? It’s time for our elected officials to grow a backbone and stand up for America. I hope you will join me in calling, writing or e-mailing you Congress person and ask them to do what is right for America, and ask for a Commission of Treason against Mr. Obama under Article III section 3 of the US Constitution. One person can make a difference. Wake up America!
Thank you,
Harry Accornero
State Representative, NH

Obama's honor and eligibility for office

Barak Obama issued a birth certificate online in April and it was evaluated by forensic experts and found to be a forgery. Many experts now agree it is a forgery. The document also proves that Obama's father was not an American citizen, if the document wasn't a forgery.
Actually, we don't know who his father is at this point, and we don't know where Obama was born either because if he was born in Hawaii, he would easily be able to produce a legitimate birth certificate like all the rest of us who were born in America.
Honor is something we expect in our public officials. I recall many times going to public affairs and hearing the mayor referred to as the Honorable Joe Smith or whatever his real name was. This honor is bestowed on all the officials at one time or another in their terms of office. So what do "honor" and "honorable" mean to us?
You're on your honor to serve the public and uphold the constitution of the United States, the laws of the land and the laws of the state, county and municipality. You're also on your honor to abide by those laws and rules.
A natural-born citizen was the term used because the founders wanted complete loyalty to the country when it came to our president. Natural-born citizen, as the founders understood it, was a person born in America with both parents citizens of the United States, so this fraudulent birth certificate he presented has his father a Kenyan citizen. Note, not American.
The other criteria was that you must be born in America. It looks like Obama can't meet either criteria, given the admission of a noncitizen father and the admission of not having a legitimate birth certificate by virtue of producing a fraudulent document.
The news is that Obama is being investigated by Arizona law officials and should be tossed from the ballot like Carl Lewis in New Jersey. Actually, Carl Lewis is more eligible to be president than Obama, since his parents, to the best of my knowledge, are both citizens of America and Lewis was born in America and could probably produce a birth certificate in 15 short minutes if asked. Where are the congressmen and other officials who have ignored this issue for three years?
So why has the media ignored this most basic constitutional requirement and this huge fraud against every American, Democrat or Republican?
Where is Obama's honor of our constitution? He signed laws that violate the Constitution and promotes bills that violate our rights as citizens and yet the media ignores it because he's partly black — or we think he is. Where's the proof of his heritage? We, the people speak out and want this man investigated now.
I am a forensic engineer, former Boy Scout, proud father of two Eagle Scouts, tea party supporter, son of a Navy veteran, grandson of an Army veteran and brother of a retired Air Force general.
William H. Green
Mount Laurel

Obama Suggests Sheriff Joe Racially Profiles Illegals – Fired Up Arpaio Hits Back

Obama Suggests Sheriff Joe Racially Profiles Illegals – Fired Up Arpaio Hits Back

by John Hill
Stand With Arizona
Barack Obama, doing his typical race-baiting pandering to the “Hispanic media”, took a shot at Arizona’s SB1070, and Maricopa Sheriff Joe Arpaio in particular, suggesting he enforces the law against people based on their “surnames”.
This after a politically-driven Justice Department investigation which has turned up no such evidence – and And despite 19 crime suppression sweeps by Arpaio which have netted hundreds of dangerous criminals and drug and human smugglers.
Here is Obama being asked about Arpaio by a Spanish language AOL “reporter”, his response, and Arpaio’s fiery reaction…

 While Sheriff Joe is doing his job and enforcing the law, Obama has contempt for those laws, exploiting them for political gain, while Americans suffer the increased crime and joblessness from illegal aliens.
And it is Obama who is obsessed with race – constantly catering to voters based on their “surnames“. Obama is doing a “Latino outreach” event almost every week now, scrambling to salvage his key 2008 voting bloc – as polls show his approval among Hispanics at all-time lows (despite his backdoor amnesty decree). And just as he is doing with class envy, no hyperbole is too much for Obama, to stir up racial tensions in a desperate drive for votes.

Obama will fail. The people of Arizona – and America – stand with Sheriff Joe, and against Obama’s divisive rhetoric and contempt for the rule of law.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Racism Test

OBAMA - E-VERIFY - Linda Jordan

Obama's SSN Fails E-Verify System - 26Sep2011 Wash Times National Wkly edition - pg 5



By: Dean C. Haskins, Executive Director
202.241.3648 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Posted: September 29, 2011
© 2011 The Birther Summit
The Country Must Be Granted an Annulment
If there is one thing we have wholly learned in the past three years, it is that "what should be" and "what is" are often so disparate that the former can appear to be nothing more than wishful thinking, which then becomes a daily assault on our sense of justice—and even our common sense. Common sense would certainly dictate that, at the beginning of this debacle, Congress would have done its constitutional duty to verify the eligibility of Barack Obama, but "what was" won out over what "should have been," and we continue to pay the vast price for the destructive complicity of our congresscowards.
You see, we continue to work under the auspices of "what should be," while "what is" seems to criminally trump our efforts, keeping a constitutionally subversive and corrupt status quo in the way of truth and justice prevailing. What began as a fatuous exercise in politically-correct delirium has given way to an all-out abrogation of the rule of law.
There are basically three schools of thought regarding the removal of the current illegal resident of our White House: removal through arrest, removal through impeachment, and removal through the election process. While each school maintains its particular points of belief, the beliefs of the first two schools have not been able to gain much traction beyond the "what should be" crowd. While the "what should be" group fully understands that Obama's acts of fraud and forgery are sufficient for his arrest or impeachment, those with the duty and the authority to act, stubbornly and wrongfully retain membership in the "what is" club, refusing to uphold their oaths of office to defend the Constitution.
The third school is the most constitutionally troubling, as those within it typically cast aside the legal concerns about Obama's ineligibility, and contend that there are many other more pressing issues for us to address, and that we should just concentrate on getting him voted out of office. What these milquetoasts apparently fail to understand is that there is no more important issue than the fact that our Constitution has been trampled upon, for if one clause of the Constitution is rendered of no effect, then the entire document is thus desecrated.
More important than the specific offenders in this multi-layered crime serving time for their transgressions (and yes, there should be prison time for those who helped propagate this calamity) is the vital matter of precedent. If we simply allow this fraudulent "presidency" to stand, it will provide the template for future constitutionally ineligible individuals to usurp the highest office in our land, as well as bolster the efforts of liberals who have been trying for years to remove this significant requirement from our Constitution altogether.
Because we are navigating previously uncharted territory as a nation, we must determine the legal principles that apply, and proceed based upon those; however, we must not fool ourselves into thinking this journey will be an easy one, as the miscreants in Congress will likely try to continue their complicit stonewalling. We must be indefatigable in our resolve to right this heinous wrong.
In a marriage that was the product of coercion or fraud, the rightful legal remedy is annulment. In such cases, the offended party is returned to the condition that existed before the fraudulent act was perpetrated, and thus, in the eyes of the law, it is viewed as never having happened in the first place. As fraud has been the entire basis of Barack Obama's illegal tenure in the White House, the offended party (America) is rightfully owed the equivalent of an annulment, which, legally, would put us back to the condition that existed before January 20, 2009.
Of course, there are many things that have occurred since that fateful day in 2009 that simply could not be undone, but, based upon the massive fraud of this "presidency," every piece of legislation, every executive order, and every appointment, that can be reversed, must be. Not one piece of this illegal administration can be allowed to stand, to the extent that each piece can be undone. Yes, we're talking about a nightmare maze of heretofore unknown proportions, but this is America, and we are governed by the rule of law—regardless of the consequences.
In light of this understanding, The Birther Summit has considered its necessary function, and has determined that it must prepare itself for a much broader role in addressing this national nightmare. Accordingly, a foundation was hired to establish a new 501(c)4 non-profit organization that will soon absorb The Birther Summit as but one of its initiatives.
The new entity, Vatteligibility, Inc., will promote public education and awareness of this constitutional issue, as well as serve as a fundraising organization to support other individuals and groups who will work to rectify this abatement of the law. From bringing the guilty parties to justice through the courts, to advocating and accomplishing the nullification of every illegal act performed by this administration, Vatteligibility, Inc. will work to help provide the necessary revenues these tasks will require. This will be a massive undertaking, and will certainly not be realized in a short period of time.
As a pronunciation aid, this name is a combining of the words "Vattel" and "Eligibility." Simply say "Vattel-igibility."
As the Board of Directors works with the hired foundation to complete all the necessary documentation, The Birther Summit will continue its daily operations until it is absorbed by, and becomes an initiative of Vatteligibility, Inc.; but we believe the entire process will be seamless and virtually unnoticeable.
Vatteligibility has established its first presence on the Internet with the website, with "Obama's Gotta Go" being the organization's first informational/fundraising campaign.
If you would like more information about the Birther Summit or Vatteligibility, Inc., please visit our websites often at or, or contact Dean Haskins This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

OBAMA - '3 years into the presidency, we really don't know who this guy is'

'3 years into the presidency, we really don't know who this guy is'

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the Arizona lawman who recently created a "Cold Case Posse" to probe the authenticity of Barack Obama's purported birth certificate, knew exactly what he was doing when he decided to investigate the president.

Jerome Corsi addressing the Sarasota Patriots in Sarasota, Fla., Sept. 28, 2011
That according New York Times best-selling author Jerome Corsi, who addressed a crowd of several hundred in Sarasota, Fla., tonight.
"What is happening right now is that there is the beginning, the first law-enforcement investigation that the birth certificate released by Obama is a forgery," Corsi told the Sarasota Patriots.
"Everyone should know that when Joe Arpaio made this decision, he made it knowing what he was doing, and intending to have it be a serious investigation. The White House is trying to minimize it, the left trying to attack it.
"But I think what Joe Arpaio is doing is going to sweep across the United States, with the result that is ultimately going to lead to a criminal investigation at the highest levels of government. I'm willing to predict that tonight and I think when you see the evidence ... you're going to realize President Obama, by forging a birth certifcate and lying, has only dug himself a much deeper hole."
Corsi says Arpaio and his associates looked at the evidence of potential fraud in Obama's documents for two weeks before deciding to create the Cold Case Posse, and he did it because citizens of Maricopa County, Ariz., felt their "their voting rights would be compromised" if a candidate on the ballot were not legally qualified to be there.
"I think as we investigate this, we have a situation where it may be a felony, which certainly falls within the category of high crimes and misdemeanors," said Corsi. "Also, I think with Obama knowing where we're proceeding, the fact that WND and I am not giving up, that we're continuing to press forward, that Joe Arpaio's investigation is coming forward, I think it's possible that Obama may ultimately decide not to run for re-election."
"The question of 'Where's the real birth certificate?' is really 'What's the identity of Barack Obama?'" Corsi continued. "Three years into the presidency, we really don't know who this guy is, and he's not about to tell us."
The author and investigative reporter stressed he was not acting out of any preference for the Republican Party.
"My goal is not electing Republicans," he said. "I think Marco Rubio is an excellent senator in this state," Corsi explained, but because Rubio's parents were not U.S. citizens when he was born, he's "equally ineligible" to be president because he's not a "natural-born citizen."
"We're gonna press to hold Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal to the same standards we're gonna hold Barack Obama to. This is not a personal attack on Obama. I don't necessarily even dislike him. In fact, I'd like him to stay around a bit longer and I'll write more books."
Sheriff Arpaio recently appeared on an Arizona television station to stand by his actions probing Obama's alleged birth certificate, which can be seen here:

Read more: Sheriff Joe 'knows what he's doing' in Obama probe

Sheriff Joe 'knows what he's doing' in Obama probe

Wednesday, September 28, 2011



By: Dean C. Haskins
202.241.3648 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Posted: September 24, 2011
© 2011 The Birther Summit
Download a PDF 
The Birther Summit's Executive Director, Dean Haskins, will be attending the Value Voters Summit in Washington, DC October 7-9, and will be on hand to discuss the various issues surrounding Barack Obama's ineligibility to be president of the United States, as well as the initiatives of The Birther Summit.
It is The Birther Summit's position that those who will attend this event are precisely the people who should be the most vocal about the constitutional subversion and blatantly fraudulent acts that have been perpetrated upon the American people, so it is essential that The Birther Summit be represented at this event as part of our ongoing efforts of citizen education and raising public awareness of this crucial matter.
Mr. Haskins will be available for interview or discussion at the Omni Hotel from Wednesday evening October 6 until after the Faith, Family, and Freedom Gala Dinner Saturday evening October 8. To arrange a meeting, please contact him at the information provided above.
0007kerchnercharlesUPDATE: Commander Charles Kerchner (Ret) has agreed to provide additional representation for The Birther Summit at the Values Voters Summit. As detailed on The Birther Summit website, Commander Kerchner took a solemn oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and feels it is his duty to support and defend the United States Constitution pursuant to that oath.
Commander Kerchner the lead plaintiff and his co-plaintiffs in the Kerchner et al v Obama & Congress et al maintained in the Twelve Counts in their lawsuit filed by Attorney Mario Apuzzo that the putative president, Barack Hussein Obama, is not a "natural born Citizen" as required by Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U. S. Constitution and that no one in the election process, including the U.S. Congress which had a duty to investigate the charges against Obama's eligibility (as they did for similar charges against McCain) has fully investigated Obama's hidden and sealed original records as to his early life and have not vetted Obama's Article II eligibility to constitutional standards.
Please visit CDR Kerchner's Org Website: and his blog:
UPDATE: The Birther Summit is pleased to announce the addition of CPT Pamela Barnett (Ret) to our list of representatives who will attend the upcoming Values Voters Summit. As her website states, CPT Barnett is “suing Obama to force the release of all records that will reveal all of his different citizenships. According to Obama’s website he is a “native born” citizen, not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN as required by the U.S. Constitution. Are we a nation of laws?”
She “attended both the Obama, Columbia treason trial in Harlem, NY, and the court martial trial of LTC Terrence Lakin. Also, was a regional campaign manager for Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. I have an active lawsuit in California (pro se, non-attorney) suing the Secretary of State and Jerry Brown for election fraud in the 2008 general election and the 2010 primary.”
Barnett is also the author of the soon-to-be-released book Never Vetted/Unlawful President The Loophole in our Democracy. Her website is
If you would like more information about the Birther Summit, please visit our website often at

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Obama's SSN Fails E-Verify System - 26Sep2011 Wash Times National Wkly edition - pg 5

Sheriff's Notified - Crimes Against Citizens in Your Jurisdiction

Also sent to National Association of Chiefs of Police

From: Rev. Samuel Sewell

10202 Vanderbilt Drive

Naples, FL 34108
TO: Sheriff

Subject: Crimes Against Citizens in Your Jurisdiction and MISPRISION OF FELONY

I am Samuel Sewell a citizen of the United States of America, 70 years of age, and of sound mind. I must address a matter of grave concern to me, and to our nation.

There is enough evidence available to the public for any Grand Jury to indict our fraudulent president for the crimes of Social Security Number fraud, birth certificate forgery, draft registration fraud, and identity theft in addition to election fraud in every jurisdiction in America. As it is now, and has been for some time widely known in America, as well as in many foreign countries that putative President Obama has submitted a form of his Certificate of Live Birth that has been proven by numerous well qualified official sources to be fraudulent and forged. It is a matter of concern that I write to you in the hopes that you will take action to investigate or initiate proceedings leading to prosecution of putative President Barack Hussein Obama, A.K.A. Barry Soetoro for the commission of this outrageous fraud perpetrated against the people of America, and the Constitution of the Republic of the United States.

The very fabric of our great nation has become a laughing stock at best, and many know of the validity of criminal charges that can and must be brought. By his own admission, in published book form, as well as upon releasing the forgery and claiming it as his real birth certificate, he has shown himself to be unquestionably ineligible to hold the office he now subverts by virtue of the US Supreme Court Precedence established with Minor vs Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1875) which specifically defines an Article 2 Section 1 natural-born citizen as a person born in the US to parents who are citizens.

Therefore, Obama –– according to US Supreme Court precedent –– is not eligible to be President, and his attempt to overcome that requirement, being other than natural born, constitutes criminal charges, and he should be indicted, and a trial should be held that may lead to removal from office. Obama cannot be leagally impeached.

As a fraud was facilitated by Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, the Notary Public certifying the candidacy nomination forms, and others in the Democratic National Committee charged with the duty to provide affirmation of his eligibility, they too must be investigated and brought to face charges of Fraud and Misprision of Felonies and other misdemeanors as outlined in U.S.C. 18 Ch 1, § 4.

In the interest of preservation of our great nation, I would strongly encourage your immediate action in moving forward to end this fraud. I have listed links to on-line sources for reference below to facilitate your ease of access. Thank you for standing up for law and order.

With all due respect,
Reverend Samuel Sewell
President, InterFaith Ministries.

U.S.C 18 Ch1, § 4 Misprision of Felony and other Misdemeanors

Misprision of felony is still an offense under United States federal law after being codified in 1909 under 18 U.S.C. § 4:
“Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

This letter hereby absolves me of my obligation to report crimes to authorities.

Rev. Sewell is a member of Mensa, a U.S. Navy Veteran, and a Member of the Association For Intelligence Officers.

He is an International Commentator and a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, a frequent commentator on religious and political issues. His articles are published by "Intellectual Conservative", "American Thinker" and various periodicals.

His award winning research on Family issues is published in several languages.

Member of Sigma Delta Chi Honor Society

Saturday, September 24, 2011


From my bother-in-law.
I have never heard this said as plainly or as well. 

The folks who are getting the free stuff, don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff, can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff. 
The folks who are paying for the free stuff, want the free stuff to stop and the folks who are getting the free stuff, want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting! 
Now... The people who are forcing the people who Pay for the free stuff, have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff, that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff, are being mean, prejudiced, and racist. 
So... the people who are GETTING the free stuff, have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff, by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff, and giving them the free stuff in the first place. 
We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff. 
Now understand this. All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them. 
The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 231 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. We have one chance to change that in 2012. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it. 


A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves! 

I'M 100% for PASSING THIS ON!!! 

Let’s Take a Stand!!! 

OBAMA - "I don't hear you!"

ATTN ALL SHERIFFS: Crimes Against Citizens in Your Jurisdiction and MISPRISION OF FELONY

There are nationwide Sheriff Conventions coming up soon.  I want those sheriffs to be talking about this issue.  So in addition to the notice already sent, I will be sending the below letter to all the Sheriffs on my email list.  Please do the same for your local sheriff , the sheriffs in your state and other law enforcement officials

If you need a fresh copy of the national email list for sheriffs please reply with your request.  This time I will not be sending the message to individual states but to all the sheriffs at one time.  That will be lots easier.  How do I do this?  My clinic purchases a service that will send 50,000 emails a month, thousands a one time.

From: Rev. Samuel Sewell
10202 Vanderbilt Drive

Naples, FL 34108
TO: Sherriff
Subject: Crimes Against Citizens in Your Jurisdiction and MISPRISION OF FELONY

I am Samuel Sewell a citizen of the United States of America, 70 years of age, and of sound mind. I must address a matter of grave concern to me, and to our nation.

There is enough evidence available to the public for any Grand Jury to indict our fraudulent president for the crimes of Social Security Number fraud, birth certificate forgery, draft registration fraud, and identity theft in addition to election fraud in every jurisdiction in America.

As it is now, and has been for some time widely known in America, as well as in many foreign countries that putative President Obama has submitted a form of his Certificate of Live Birth that has been proven by numerous well qualified official sources to be fraudulent and forged. It is a matter of concern that I write to you in the hopes that you will take action to investigate or initiate proceedings leading to prosecution of putative President Barack Hussein Obama, A.K.A. Barry Soetoro for the commission of this outrageous fraud perpetrated against the people of America, and the Constitution of the Republic of the United States.

The very fabric of our great nation has become a laughing stock at best, and many know of the validity of criminal charges that can and must be brought. By his own admission, in published book form, as well as upon releasing the forgery and claiming it as his real birth certificate, he has shown himself to be unquestionably ineligible to hold the office he now subverts by virtue of the US Supreme Court Precedence established with Minor vs Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1875) which specifically defines an Article 2 Section 1 natural-born citizen as a person born in the US to parents who are citizens.

Therefore, Obama –– according to US Supreme Court precedent –– is not eligible to be President, and his attempt to overcome that requirement, being other than natural born, constitutes criminal charges, and he should be indicted, and a trial should be held that may lead to removal from office. Obama cannot be leagally impeached.

As a fraud was facilitated by Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, the Notary Public certifying the candidacy nomination forms, and others in the Democratic National Committee charged with the duty to provide affirmation of his eligibility, they too must be investigated and brought to face charges of Fraud and Misprision of Felonies and other misdemeanors as outlined in U.S.C. 18 Ch 1, § 4.

In the interest of preservation of our great nation, I would strongly encourage your immediate action in moving forward to end this fraud. I have listed links to on-line sources for reference below to facilitate your ease of access. Thank you for standing up for law and order.

With all due respect,
Reverend Samuel Sewell
President, InterFaith Ministries.


U.S.C 18 Ch1, § 4 Misprision of Felony and other Misdemeanors
Misprision of felony is still an offense under United States federal law after being codified in 1909 under 18 U.S.C. § 4:
“Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

This letter hereby absolves me of my obligation to report crimes to authorities.

Rev. Sewell is a member of Mensa, a U.S. Navy Veteran, and a Member of the Association For Intelligence Officers.

He is an International Commentator and a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, a frequent commentator on religious and political issues. His articles are published by "Intellectual Conservative", "American Thinker" and various periodicals.

His award winning research on Family issues is published in several languages.

Member of Sigma Delta Chi Honor Society



By: Dean C. Haskins
202.241.3648 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Posted: September 24, 2011
© 2011 The Birther Summit
Download a PDF 
The Birther Summit's Executive Director, Dean Haskins, will be attending the Value Voters Summit in Washington, DC October 7-9, and will be on hand to discuss the various issues surrounding Barack Obama's ineligibility to be president of the United States, as well as the initiatives of The Birther Summit.
It is The Birther Summit's position that those who will attend this event are precisely the people who should be the most vocal about the constitutional subversion and blatantly fraudulent acts that have been perpetrated upon the American people, so it is essential that The Birther Summit be represented at this event as part of our ongoing efforts of citizen education and raising public awareness of this crucial matter.
Mr. Haskins will be available for interview or discussion at the Omni Hotel from Wednesday evening October 6 until after the Faith, Family, and Freedom Gala Dinner Saturday evening October 8. To arrange a meeting, please contact him at the information provided above.
0007kerchnercharlesUPDATE: Commander Charles Kerchner (Ret) has agreed to provide additional representation for The Birther Summit at the Values Voters Summit. As detailed on The Birther Summit website, Commander Kerchner took a solemn oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and feels it is his duty to support and defend the United States Constitution pursuant to that oath.
Commander Kerchner the lead plaintiff and his co-plaintiffs in the Kerchner et al v Obama & Congress et al maintained in the Twelve Counts in their lawsuit filed by Attorney Mario Apuzzo that the putative president, Barack Hussein Obama, is not a "natural born Citizen" as required by Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U. S. Constitution and that no one in the election process, including the U.S. Congress which had a duty to investigate the charges against Obama's eligibility (as they did for similar charges against McCain) has fully investigated Obama's hidden and sealed original records as to his early life and have not vetted Obama's Article II eligibility to constitutional standards.
Please visit CDR Kerchner's Org Website: and his blog:
If you would like more information about the Birther Summit, please visit our website often at

Friday, September 23, 2011

Finally! Project Finished - Obama's Crimes Against the People.

The Sheriffs in all 50 states have been notified.

I posted the notice on The Steady Drip along with the email addresses for Sheriffs in each state.  My hope is that others will contact the Sheriffs in their own state.  If you can help promote this project I would appreciate it.

Notice sent to sheriff's offices in al 50 states.

Sheriff's Eligibility 'Posse' Sparks Media Whirlwind



Summit News > In the News > WHAT ARE YOU HIDING, HONOLULU?


By: Dean C. Haskins
202.241.3648 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Posted: September 21, 2011
© 2011 The Birther Summit

Last year, Barack Obama made what must be the most dubiously ironic statement in history: "The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide." This, from a person whose entire life seems to be purposely hidden from even the most assiduous scrutiny; and, it appears to have been kept that way at great expense and vast assistance. At the heart of this clandestine artifice are two institutions in Honolulu that are purportedly part of the Obama nativity narrative; however, they both appear either unwilling or unable to corroborate the veracity of their inclusion in that story to any degree of comfortable certainty. A recent visit to both the Kapiolani Medical Center and the Department of Health in Honolulu revealed little more than the furtive mystery that has been characteristic of all things Obama.
In the middle of September, Miki Booth, George Peabody, and I visited both of those establishments hoping to glean any bit of information we could to provide answers for the myriad Americans who have sought the truth, but so far, have found little to none. Our first visit was to Kapiolani Medical Center, one of the two hospitals for which there have been claims made of being the birthplace of baby Barry (Queens Medical Center being the other). Our intention was to capture the visit on video, but we were informed that we could not do so inside the building.
kapiolaniWe first visited the records office, where Miki completed and filed a form requesting the hospital records for her son's birth. While there, an extemporaneous conversation occurred, simply because a clerk happened to question a co-worker about the "race" field on a document. The conversation is recounted here. After I had released that report, there were the expected comments from the truthaphobes, otherwise known as Obots, dissecting and doubting everything in it but the punctuation. There were subsequent statements made by Miki and George attesting to the facts presented, but facts are not the strong suit of those aforementioned creatures.
Allow me to digress for a moment. I recently witnessed Dr. Corsi, having obviously grown weary with the debased online comments made by a small group of Fogbow wannabes, uncharacteristically assail them verbally, and I must say, those brief diatribes were some of the most enjoyable comments I can remember ever reading. There is a Steven, a Cindy, and a couple Patricks who appear to do nothing else in life but sit at their computers and deride those of us with whom they disagree. As pitiful an existence as that must be, it can still be somewhat of an irritant to those of us who are daily targets of their mendacious manure. Nobody enjoys lies being told about them. One of the Patricks enjoys reading his deluded words so much that he copies and pastes many of his own comments to multiple websites, I suppose in a vainglorious attempt to receive some sort of praise for them. I'm no psychotherapist, but there appear to be some possible mommy issues involved.
Anyway, this Cindy critter reported that she had called someone at the Kapiolani Medical Center who first told her that, in that particular office, there would have only been one person working—a receptionist. Since that was a blatant lie, I reported the layout of the office here, recounting the multiple desks and employees who work in that office. Then, supposedly, the hospital official told her, "We have no comment on this topic, except to say it is not true." Now, the official didn't clarify what part of the "topic" she believed not to be true; was it that the conversation itself didn't happen, or was it the content of the conversation?
I guess we'll never know, for immediately prior to leaving the hotel in Honolulu to go to the airport, I called the hospital in an attempt to verify that the "official" did tell this lie. In the first call I made, I merely started to explain the comment that had been made, and the individual to whom I was speaking abruptly stated, "We have no comment on this," and then hung up on me. I called back five times, and each time (there were at least three different people who answered), I would barely start to speak before the hospital employee would just hang up on me. That is certainly not indicative of forthrightness and honesty. I attest to the veracity of that report, and note that the purported hospital "official" was not even present in the room, so she couldn't possibly report what was or was not said.
But wait, there was a second meeting at Kapiolani that day! Because the person to whom we spoke in that second meeting was so cordial and accommodating, and because we really do not desire to cause the individual any grief, I will not disclose a name or position (even though I can already imagine the vast Obot scrutiny not doing so will likely cause). That meeting lasted nearly an hour, and during the meeting, Miki asked about a purported letter from the White House to Kapiolani, and asked if the letter existed, if it was in a vault somewhere in the hospital, and if we could see it. The person to whom we spoke denied knowing anything about the letter, but said that the answer to Miki's questions would be researched, and sent to her via email.
Having heard nothing for several days, Miki sent this email:
Aloha XXXXX,
I tried calling a couple of times but was unable to reach you.
Thank you for your graciousness and patience hearing out our concerns.
If you were able to find an answer to the question whether a letter from the White House exists I would appreciate hearing what you found out if anything.
Thanks again,
To which Miki received this response:
Good Afternoon Miki,
It was a pleasure meeting all of you last week. With regards to your inquiry of if I was able to find an answer to the question whether a letter from the White House exists please know that we have politely declined these inquiries.
I hope that your trip home was a safe one and my email finds you doing well.
Hmmmm. Wouldn't one expect a hospital in which a president was born to take every possible opportunity to exploit that fact for PR purposes? Wouldn't one expect there to be some indication of it somewhere on their grounds? We saw none, and now, we get an email informing us that they won't even talk about it? What could be the possible reasoning in this? I'm sure it wouldn't have anything to do with this!
The next day, we ventured over to the Department of Health, where we were met with further shrouding and deceptive doublespeak. Since much of thedoh conversation was recounted here, I won't repeat it now; however, one must wonder about these elements of the dialog:
When asked about the apparent misspelling of the word "THE" in Alvin T. Onaka's stamp, why would the clerk first say that one of the "three sealers" they have might have a misspelling in the stamp, and then later state that they have "five sealers?"
Why would the clerk inform us that the only way one can obtain a copy of one's original long-form birth certificate would be to get a court order, and then tell us that Obama got a court order to get his? In the official White House narrative, there is no mention of any court order, only that Loretta Fuddy approved Obama's attorney's request for a waiver. The last time I checked, Fuddy is not a judge. What does this lie accomplish, other than a continued clouding of the facts?
Why would the DOH institute recent policies limiting access to long-form birth certificates, and concealing parental information on birth certificates issued before 1976, forcing those people who need that information for passport purposes to go to the DOH and get their birth certificate information updated to include it?
Aside from the obvious motivations of loyal liberal operatives, and Hawaii's interest in someone who claims to have been born there being president of the United States, what other reasons could Alvin T. Onaka have for conveniently altering these policies? Could it be that his globalist agenda lines up perfectly with Obama's, so he has an extra incentive to manipulate policies to further obfuscate the truth about Obama?
Why must these (and many other) questions even have to be asked about someone who claimed his would be the "most transparent" presidency in history? Why does Honolulu continue to be either tight-lipped or downright deceptive about its purported "native-born son?" Are they planning to build the first underground Presidential Library that will be accessible by only a select few (who can keep a secret)?
Barack Obama's history continues to be nothing but a question mark, but it is unmistakeable that there are those who are, willingly or otherwise, aiding and abetting the secrecy. The Birther Summit participants will continue pursuing the truth in these matters until the American people get factual answers to all these questions—including what Honolulu is hiding.
If you would like more information about the Birther Summit, please visit our website often at To schedule an interview with the event's Executive Director, please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Request From a Good Man

Friday is world cancer day - I'd
Appreciate it if you will forward
This request 


93% won't forward

A small request.. Just one line.

Dear God, I pray for a cure for cancer. Amen 

All you are asked to do is keep this circulating, even if it's
Only to one more person.  In memory of anyone you know
Who has been struck down by cancer or is still living with it.

A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle..

Please Keep This Candle Going