Time to Break Apart the United States?
November 18, 2011, 12:00 pm By 6 Comments
“The truth is that there is no compromise possible between Liberty and Tyranny.
We have irreconcilable differences with the Progressives, and every attempt
to compromise with them, always results in an incremental loss of our Liberty,
not to mention our income. Perhaps it is time for a divorce.”
- Dave Hunter “Why Live in a Salad Bowl”
We have irreconcilable differences with the Progressives, and every attempt
to compromise with them, always results in an incremental loss of our Liberty,
not to mention our income. Perhaps it is time for a divorce.”
- Dave Hunter “Why Live in a Salad Bowl”
A little over two years ago I wrote an article in which I discussed the idea of letting the liberal elements in America go their way, and conservatives go theirs. At the time I felt that it was not a good idea, and that maintaining the union was the best way to go, all things considered. Link
Recently Dave Hunter sent me an article that he wrote on the topic, and after considering his proposals, I found myself thinking “You know, this may be the way to go after all — sort of a Red-state/Blue-state separation — an amicable separation, instead of a civil war.”
It is no news that the United States of America is a parody of the free republic that it was designed to be. Our Godless, rudderless Ship of State has morphed into a ship of fools, mismanaged by a glib crew of brigands and cut-throats – barbarians in three-piece suits. American culture is a moral wasteland that has exchanged restraint and virtue for gluttony and greed.
The infiltration, infestation, and indoctrination of America’s culture by elements inimical to decency, truth, and honor, has been going on for so long that a sizable percentage of the American public is, in effect, treasonous. I do not consider them to be my fellow countrymen, or women. I find listening to them a “fingers across a chalkboard” experience, and would just as soon live on a different planet, let alone in a different country. Compare the typical OWS mob to the people found at your average Tea Party rally, and you will have an idea of the sort of ideological divide that I am talking about. Link Link
I cannot begin to tell you how sick I am of the duplicity, phoniness, greed, and incessant whining of the liberal element in America. I am more and more tempted every day to simply say “Fine — you can have yourcountry to run, and we’ll have ours.”
As a model of what such a liberal utopia would look like, what better place to pick than someplace where the liberals have held the reins of power for decades, where the unions are king; where multiculturalism is the law of the land. America has such a place — Detroit, Michigan. I suggest that you check into the housing market in Detroit; check out the crime rate, drug use, corruption, graft, and all around general destruction of this once fine city. Link Link Link Link
What the liberals have done to Detroit they do most everywhere that they go. The only reason that each and every liberal enclave has not imploded under the weight of liberal stupidity, greed, and cupidity is the constant influx of revenue from the more conservative and responsible (and yes, honest) citizens in America. These responsible citizens are not deemed forthright and upstanding by the liberals; they are considered reactionary chumps and suckers — rubes to be alternately stroked, flattered, used, and discarded as the situation warrants.
As I have mentioned before in my articles, either God exists, or God does not exist. There is no half-way — God does not sort of exist,” or sort of not exist. This being the case, someone is very, very far off track, and deluded to the point of mental derangement. I should mention that the vast majority of atheists are liberal.
Seeing as how atheists are the ones who overwhelmingly tend to embrace such concepts and “realities” as relativism, chaos, nihilism, narcissism, polymorphous perversity, and moral ambiguity, there will be no awards given for correctly guessing who the deranged ones are here. I do not honestly know if I have the stomach for any further “up close and personal” dealings with lunatic liberals anymore (there is no lunatic “fringe” — all liberals are insane to one degree or another. At best they are myopically deluded and spiritually stunted). Perhaps, as Dave Hunter says, a “divorce” would be best.
The patriots in the Revolutionary War at least had an ocean separating them from the main force of their enemy. “We the people” have no such luxury — our enemies are firmly entrenched among us, and they will not miraculously become freed from their anti-American globalism and other liberal notions as the result of a conservative win in 2012, should we be blessed with such a result.
The times call for bold and innovative reforms — thinking outside of the box. The threats and troubles facing “we the people” are so dangerous, so numerous, and so multi-directional that radical conceptualizing must be the order of the day.
Some folks may say, wouldn’t it be less stressful to work within the system to change America? Not necessarily. In addition to a mass media, educational, and legal system that will need a massive attitude adjustment, there are any number of dug-in government bureaucrats, union leaders, and inside players who will fight tooth and nail to protect their various “kingdoms,” and meal tickets. There are ideological zealots and indoctrinated crazies who will throw all manner of wrenches into the works, and an army of “legal eagles” who will practice unceasing lawfare against any changes being made to the status quo.
James Francis Byrnes (1882-1972) knew a thing or two about power — he served as both a Representative, and as a Senator in the US Congress, and was also an Associate Supreme Court Justice, the Secretary of State, and Governor of South Carolina. As one who knew the lure and attraction of temporal power well, his words regarding the subject carry substantial gravitas: “Power intoxicates men. It is nevervoluntarily surrendered. It must be taken from them.” (Italics added) Link
All things considered, it might be more practical, and less cataclysmic, to separate America into liberal and conservative regions, than to attempt to fix a perhaps irreparably broken system. Of course conservatives, who comprise a substantial majority of the population, would receive the vast bulk of the land in such an arrangement. The details and particulars of the separation (referendums, etc.) can be worked out as the process moves along — but if such an undertaking is to be implemented, it should be undertaken soon. Time is not on our side.
Separating from a tyrannical US government is in truth no more radical than what the colonial revolutionaries did when they separated from the British government. Remember, they too had an enemy firmly entrenched in their country — Tories and British soldiers. They, also, had a populace that contained a sizable element that was clueless and/or apathetic to what was going on around them. I am not talking about covering totally new ground here. This sort of thing has happened before — right here in the good ol’ US of A.
Of course there would be a plethora of problems surrounding a venture as drastic as cutting loose from Washington DC — but think of the benefits! We could tell the liberals “Here — here is your own area — call it a state, a country, a utopia — call it what you will. You can pay OPEC as much as you want for their oil. Oh that’s right, you hate fossil fuels. Your Muslim buddies won’t like that I suspect.”
“Heck, who cares, the thing is you can let in as many illegal foreigners as you want; invite all of Mexico to come if you like – Chinese, Muslims, whoever. The more the merrier I say. You can go back to nature and bang on drums to your heart’s content. You can f–k your dog and marry a goat — it will be bliss. You reallyshould go — go now. Oh, and you can leave any guns you might have with us – you will not have a need for such things any more, of course. Ta ta.”
“We the people” on the other hand will set up a free republic under God that will promote personal freedom and free enterprise — capitalism will be respected and encouraged. Energy independence will be a given, with new forms of energy welcomed as they become practical. The environment will be conserved in a responsible manner, but humanity, not animals, will be the stewards of nature. Rules of law will be cut back, but the laws that remain will be honored — the Decalogue, or Ten Commandments, will hold pride of place.
We have the blueprints for such an undertaking — the Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, and Bill of Rights — as I said before, this isn’t exactly untrodden ground. The Founding Framers did it before us, and with God’s grace we can do it again.
One thing that any new republic will have a special need for, however, is a well defended border. In short order people from the new liberal utopias will be clamoring at the gates for entrance — sure as the sun rises in the morning.
After mulling over the idea of separating America into conservative and liberal areas, what do I think? To be honest I don’t know. Although I would not (yet) call myself a proponent of dividing up and remaking the United States, I no longer dismiss the notion out of hand. I’m thinking about it — seriously.
Laus Deo.
Addendum: This article is followed by “Breaking Apart the United States, Part II“
Graphics and video added by Gulag Bound
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