Excerpt from my research published April 2009:
What about the legal team that is keeping AKA OBAMA’s college records hidden? Several people probably know what they are hiding. The best guess as to what is so secret isn’t likely to be bad grades. More likely his admission papers will say he was a foreign student, or that he was receiving financial aid as a foreign student. How many people do you estimate already know what is on AKA OBAMA’s college documents? Those records were handled routinely for more than 20 years. How many personnel in the registrar’s offices of Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard University have seen AKA OBAMA’s records and know what is in them? How many of those people would be willing to talk about it, or maybe even “leak” just one sheet of paper that would put even more cracks in AKA OBAMA’s mirror? Is that number likely to be zero? Do you think that AKA OBAMA worries about how many people know something that could destroy his career? Fear of being “found out” is an obsession for NPD types. The Cost to hide Obama's past now 1.35 million.
Whistleblower: Obama Was Indonesian Citizen & Given Financial Aid As Foreign Student At Occidental College
In the original case there were over 100 pages that documented that Barack Obama was a citizen of Indonesia atthe time he attended Occidental and that he has used fraudulent means to secure Identification.
However, Superior Court Judge Charles Marginis ruled in favor of Occidental College and denied Taitz’s motion to force them to produce Obama’s college registration forms.
Kathleen O’Leary, the Chief Judge of the Fourth District Court of Appeals, then re-instated the appeal.
In Taitz’s press release she writes, “Additionally, Obama failed to submit the Appellee’s brief in Taitz v Obama, Feinstein, Emken. This is an appeal, which was reinstated by the Chief Judge of the Fourth District Court of Appeal Kathleen O’Leary. Appellant Taitz filed her Appellant’s brief.”
“Appellees failed to file an Appellees’ brief,” the press release continued. “They were given additional 15 days and they failed again. Attorney Taitz submitted a notice of failure by Appellees to file an Appellee’s brief and provided the court with this additional information, as part of the appeal revolves around the decision by the Superior Court judge Charles Marginis to rule in favor of the Occidental college and deny a motion to compel production of a redacted college registration for Obama in light of over a 100 pages of records showing Obama to be a citizen of Indonesia using forged and fraudulently obtained IDs.”
As a result, Taitz submitted the new information to the Superior Court claiming “Whistleblower wrote for Taitz in her own handwriting her first and last name, her work e-mail address, her personal e-mail address and her home and cell phone numbers.”
“Taitz did her due diligence and independently verified that the whistleblower is indeedemployed by the Higher Education Services Corporation in Albany, New York” Taitz’s submittal read. “She further checked that Obama transferred from the Occidental collegeto Columbia University in New York and his financial aid would indeed be handled by the Higher Education Services Corporation in Albany, New York (Hereinafter HESC). Whistleblower advised Taitz that the policy of the HESC is no to destroy records and microfilm is contained in the safe of the corporation. She further advised Taitz that several employees of the HESC made copies of the microfilm, in case the management decides to destroy the evidence. She came forward, as she is concerned about fraud being committed and the fact that as a citizen of Indonesia Obama was not eligible to be the president of the United States.”
A sword declaration was also attached, as you can see here.
Ms. Taitz say that the information provided should weigh in her favor in granting an appeal. Moreover, if further evidence confirms this information and attorney for Occidentalcollege knew that Obama’s registration, application and financial aid show him registeredas a foreign student and a citizen of Indonesia, then they would have knowingly been committing treason against the people of the United States of America and were aiding and abetting the most egregious fraud in the history of the US.
I wonder why those who have made copies of the microfilm have not simply pitched it into the hands of someone like Taitz. In either case, I’m sure the Obama administration has put its NSA ears to the ground around HESC now and employees can rest assured they are being monitored.
Barack Obama has spent millions of dollars to keep his records from the public eye? Why? Isn’t he the man that said, “The only people that don’t want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide?” Again, how hard is it for Obama to simply produce the documentation, not a forged digital image on the web, and put to rest the allegations? If I were in the position, that’s exactly what I would do and demonstrate the foolishness of the claim, but when someone goes to great expense and lengths to keep information hidden, it only lends credibility to the charges leveled against him, especially in light of his past and his time in office.
Tim Brown is the Editor of Freedom Outpost and a regular contributor to The D.C. Clothesline.
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