Wednesday, May 29, 2024

UNICEF (Connecting the Dots: United Nations (U.N.), UNICEF, Catherine Russell, Thomas E. Donilon, Patrick Leahy, Jill Biden, Joe Biden, Smithsonian Institution & Soros Funding, All Networking)

UNICEF (Connecting the Dots: United Nations (U.N.), UNICEF, Catherine Russell, Thomas E. Donilon, Patrick Leahy, Jill Biden, Joe Biden, Smithsonian Institution & Soros Funding, All Networking)

We repeat.

A military besiegement and ground incursion in Rafah, Gaza, poses a catastrophic risk to the children sheltering there.

Many of the children cramped in Rafah have been displaced multiple times and have lost homes, parents and loved ones. Thousands are injured, malnourished, traumatized or living with disabilities.

They must be protected, along with the few remaining basic services and infrastructure they need to survive.

For over seven months, we’ve witnessed this tragedy unfolding, resulting in thousands of children killed or injured.

UNICEF continues to call for an immediate ceasefire, the unconditional release of all hostages and an end to the senseless killing of children.

Catherine M. Russell

Catherine Mary Russell (born March 4, 1961) is an American attorney and political adviser who is the current Executive Director of UNICEF.[1] Russell previously served as Director of the White House Presidential Personnel OfficeUnited States Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues, and Chief of Staff to then-Second Lady of the United States Jill Biden.


After law school, Russell began working in Democratic politics. In 1984, Russell worked on Walter Mondale’s presidential campaign, on which she met her husband, Tom Donilon. In 1987, Russell worked on Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

On Capitol Hill, Russell was Counsel and then Senior Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee's Technology Subcommittee, chaired by Senator Patrick Leahy. She also served as Staff Director to Judiciary Committee when it was chaired by then-Senator Biden. In that role, Russell worked on the successful passage of the Violence Against Women Act and the Supreme Court nominations of Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer. Russell later served as Associate Deputy Attorney General under Janet Reno.

In 2007, Russell returned to work part-time for then-Senator Biden who was the Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee. She drafted the International Violence Against Women Act of 2007, modeled on the legislation Biden had introduced in 1994.

Connecting the Dots:

Catherine Russell was Jill Biden’s chief of staff, is married to Thomas E. Donilon and the Executive Director for UNICEF.

Thomas E. Donilon is married to Catherine Russell, a friend of David M. Rubenstein, was a trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank) and the White House deputy national security adviser for the Barack Obama administration.

David M. Rubenstein is a friend of Thomas E. Donilon, a regent at the Smithsonian Institution, a trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank) and spent Thanksgiving with Joe Biden.

Joseph R. Biden Jr. spent Thanksgiving with David M. Rubenstein, was the vice president for the Barack Obama administration, is a regent at the Smithsonian Institution, the president of the Joe Biden Administration and married to Jill Biden.

Patrick J. Leahy is a regent at the Smithsonian Institution and a U.S. Senate senator. 

John G. Roberts Jr. is and the chancellor for the Smithsonian Institution and an honorary member of the Robert Trent Jones Golf Club (Gainesville, VA).

Vernon E. Jordan Jr. is the president emeritus for the Robert Trent Jones Golf Club (Gainesville, VA) and an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank).

Foundation to Promote Open Society was a funder for the Brookings Institution (think tank).

George Soros was the chairman for the Foundation to Promote Open Society.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was a funder for the Brookings Institution (think tank) and the U.S. Fund for UNICEF.

U.S. Fund for UNICEF is a support organization for UNICEF.

Sarah Jessica Parker is a celebrity ambassador for UNICEF and a director at the Brain Trauma Foundation.

George Soros is a director at the Brain Trauma Foundation, the founder & chairman for the Open Society Foundations and was the chairman for the Foundation to Promote Open Society.

Open Society Foundations was a funder for the Center for Economic and Policy Research (think tank).

Foundation to Promote Open Society was a funder for the International Rescue Committee.

Danny Glover is a director at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (think tank) and a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF.

Maureen White was a U.S. representative for UNICEF and is a director at the International Rescue Committee.

Samantha Power was a director at the International Rescue Committee and is the U.S. ambassador for the United Nations (U.N.).

Elie Wiesel is an overseer at the International Rescue Committee and a messenger of peace for the United Nations (U.N.).

William J. vanden Heuvel is an overseer at the International Rescue Committee and was a U.S. representative for the United Nations (U.N.).

Gillian Martin Sorensen is a director at the International Rescue Committee and was an assistant secretary-general for the United Nations (U.N.).

Palestine (Hamas) is a member of the United Nations (U.N.).

International Rescue Committee is a partner with the ONE Campaign.

Michelle Obama was an advocate for the ONE Campaign and a lawyer at Sidley Austin LLP.

Barack Obama was an intern at Sidley Austin LLP and the president for the Barack Obama administration.

Cameron F. Kerry is a senior counsel at Sidley Austin LLP, John F. Kerry’s brother and a fellow at the Brookings Institution (think tank)

John F. Kerry is Cameron F. Kerry’s brother and the climate czar for the Joe Biden Administration.

Foundation to Promote Open Society was a funder for the Brookings Institution (think tank)

George Soros was the chairman for the Foundation to Promote Open Society.

Thomas E. Donilon was a trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), the White House deputy national security adviser for the Barack Obama administration, is a friend of David M. Rubenstein and married to Catherine Russell.

Catherine Russell is married to Thomas E. Donilon, the Executive Director for UNICEF and was Jill Biden’s chief of staff.


UNICEF (/ˈjuːniˌsɛf/ YOO-nee-SEF), originally called the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund in full, now officially United Nations Children's Fund,[a] is an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide.

Palestine (Hamas) is a member of the United Nations (U.N.).

Samantha Power is the U.S. ambassador for the United Nations (U.N.) and married to Cass R. Sunstein.

Cass R. Sunstein is married to Samantha Power and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution (think tank).

Susan E. Rice was the United Nations (U.N.) U.S. ambassador for the Barack Obama administration, the White House national security adviser for the Barack Obama administration and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution (think tank).

Donald F. McHenry was a U.S. ambassador for the United Nations (U.N.) and is an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank).

Joan E. Spero was a U.S ambassador for economic & social affairs for the United Nations (U.N.) and an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank).

Foundation to Promote Open Society was a funder for the Brookings Institution (think tank)

George Soros was the chairman for the Foundation to Promote Open Society.

Thomas E. Donilon was a trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), the White House deputy national security adviser for the Barack Obama administration, is a friend of David M. Rubenstein and married to Catherine Russell.

Catherine Russell is married to Thomas E. Donilon, the Executive Director for UNICEF and was Jill Biden’s chief of staff.

Resources: Past Research

Israel Should Tell Leahy to ‘Go to Hell’ with His Outrageous Human Rights ‘Violations’ Claim (Past Research on Patrick Leahy)


White House turns to star power for ObamaCare boost (Past Research on UNICEF)


Sarah Jessica Parker: ‘I Am Not a Feminist’ (Past Research on UNICEF)


Hours After John Kerry Demands Green Transition Accelerated – His Emissions Closet Swings Wide Open (Connecting the Dots: Cameron Kerry, John Kerry, Teresa Heinz Kerry, Soros, the Climate Reality Project, the Brookings Institution (think tank), the EPA and onto the FDA, Pfizer & Johnson & Johnson. It’s the Network That Never Ends. One Project (Climate Change) Just bleeds into the Next (Covid Project)) (Past Research on Cameron Kerry & Sidley Austin LLP)


MSNBC Airs Palestinian Jihad Propaganda Map (Past Research on Palestine (Hamas))


THE NEW WORLD DISORDER (Connecting the Dots: The United Nations & Soros Funding, All Networking) (Past Research on the United Nations (U.N.))

MONDAY, JUNE 26, 2023

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