Monday, July 22, 2019


But the nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify means. On the contrary, the means always determine the end. - Aldous Huxley

Hitler was an idealist. Misguided idealism can result in evil. Hitler thought that the German people were superheroes. He thought that if Germany ruled the world, the quality of the human race would be enhanced. He believed that art, music, architecture and even children should be positively influenced by the principals of Nazism. Hitler was so idealistically attached to his ideas that killing six million Jews was but an aftereffect in achieving his goals. So he accepted the false notion that the idealistic end was so important that any means was justified in getting to that goal.
The Islamic terrorists who flew into the World Trade Center were idealists. Karl Marx and the communist and socialist governments who have killed 20 million human beings were idealists.
The highest death tolls that have been documented in communist states occurred in theSoviet Union under Joseph Stalinin the People’s Republic of China under Mao Zedong, and in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. The estimates of the number of noncombatants killed by these three regimes alone range from a low of 21 million to as high as 70 million. There have also been similar killings on a smaller scale in North Korea, Vietnam, and some Eastern European and African countries due to the pathological influence of socialism. All of these political leaders were firmly convinced that they were right and that they were achieving a noble goal. WHY? Because their noble goal more than justified the evil means.
“Both socialism and communism require a commitment to the use of force. You cannot decide what to do with the other guy’s money unless you are committed to using force to take that money from him.” Rick Kelo
A contributing influence to the support of socialism is that we are all born dependent.Childhood is primarily a dependent experience. It takes some people longer to grow out of their biologically based dependency than others. Most young people have a tendency to accept socialism because they are being fed, clothed and sheltered by their parents’ money. As they mature and work to earn their own money, they rapidly reject socialism; suddenly they don’t want anyone else taking their income.
“If you’re not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you’re not a conservative at forty, you have no brain.” Winston Churchill
So the biologically based dependency instinct is one of the contributing factors to the acceptance of socialism and communism. But, it is a pathology that should disappear as we mature, so that by adulthood people are wiser than to still be embracing the dependency on which socialism or communism depends. For adults, self-sufficiency is a virtue, and dependency is a pathology. Liberal politicians adeptly take advantage of the latent dependency instincts still active in some immature adults by creating welfare and other “free stuff” in order to buy votes.
Beyond the biologically influenced dependency, idealism brings a more significant contribution to poverty, murder and oppression. The cause of all of these evils created by idealism is a complex mixture of cognitive, biological and behavioral influences. In our other books we have publiched, we’ve made it clear that thinking causes emotions and influences behaviors, so it’s easy to understand that idealistic thoughts create strong emotions which result in a “true-believer” kind of behavior.
Let’s investigate the cognitive contribution to idealistic evil. Idealistic thinking creates very pleasing emotions. So we come up with thoughts about how to improve our institutions and population and, of course, those thoughts have a “feel-good” component built within; the more we think about those thoughts, the better we feel. Good feelings are self-validating: “My thinking is going to make our institutions meet human need more effectively. My thinking is going to improve not only people in institutions but it will also enhance reality as we experience it.” The repetition of this kind of delusional, idealistic thinking over a period of time will create significant neuron pathways through the scientifically validated effect of neuroplasticity. As this process is accepted and repeated, more and more people dream up misguided, idealistic movements, causes, political parties and special interest groups. But these simplistic schemes which would expect others to bear the responsibility for all of us end up creating dissention, and increased conflict. Yet in order to bring their schemes into fruition, the “true believers” of these movements feel they are justified in the evil subversion of the masses in order to accomplish their idealistic goals.

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