Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Therapy for Human Communities and Healing for the Universe

Therapy for Human Communities and Healing for the Universe
Therapepuo is the Greek word for “to serve” and “do service”. The meaning of the word “therapy” is to serve God by healing pain.
The healing of human communities is connected to the overall healing and advancement of the eventual spiritual nature of physical reality.
Recently, scientists have made mind blowing contributions to resolving the dichotomy of the inherent duality of the cosmos, that Einstein spent the rest of his life attempting to unite. Einstein called this the “unified field theory.” Some scientists call this vexing conundrum the theory of everything. Here are a few examples of the scientists that have resolved the conflict between science and religion:
Dean Radin, PhD, is Senior Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). He already knows that consciousness is the “ground of all Being,” as designated by Paul Tillich in his book “Systematic Theology.”  Also, in Dean Radin’s book, “Entangled Minds,” he discusses the theory of quantum entanglement.
Mr. Radin has studied the connection between absolute consciousness and human consciousness, concluding that there is valid evidence to support his research. He has also determined that there are important aspects of the prevailing, scientific worldview that are seriously incomplete. He found that there is, of course, huge anecdotal literature about consciousness connections, but the evidence that convinced him is the accumulated laboratory performance by humans, collected under controlled conditions and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
The DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and Navy research, demonstrated solid evidence that the Navy fighter pilots - known as the Top Guns - are able to detect anti-aircraft missiles with their consciousness before their electronic instruments detect the danger. These pilots had precognition of an event that had not yet occurred because of their access to the consciousness that unites all events, both past and future.
Here are other examples of brilliant people who operate in the razor-thin moment of now:
Russell Targ received a Bachelor of Science in physics from Queens College, and did graduate work in physics at Columbia University. He received two NASA awards. In 1997 he retired from Lockheed Martin as a project manager and senior staff scientist. He has published more than one hundred papers on lasers, plasma physics, laser applications, and electro-optics, as well as authoring “Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness.”

At the Stanford research institute in the 1970s and 1980s, Targ co-founded a 23-year, $25-million program researching into consciousness abilities and their operational use for the U.S. intelligence community, including the CIA, DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) and Army Intelligence. These abilities are referred to collectively as "remote viewing." From 1972 to 1995 the program was classified SECRET, and compartmentalized with “Limited Access.”
The remote viewing project was fascinating. James Lee Dozier is a retired United States Army officer. He was kidnapped by the Italian Red Brigades Marxist militant group. He was rescued by NOCS, an Italian SWAT force, after 42 days of captivity. General Dozier was the deputy Chief of Staff at NATO's Southern European land forces headquarters at Verona, Italy. The remote viewing personnel were given the assignment to locate the kidnapped General. As an illustration that consciousness is not limited to distance, thereby also illustrating the principle of quantum entanglement, remote viewers in Langley, Virginia were able to actually remotely view the location of the kidnapped General in Italy, thereby directing the Italian SWAT force to rescue him. There are many other successful remote viewing incidents.
The intelligence community claimed that the remote viewing project was “cancelled.” Do you believe that?
Is the Universe actually a Duoverse?
The reason why the universe was seen as a duality from the time of Einstein to the present day is offered by this simple explanation:
Isaac Newton was the scientist that developed the principles that governed anything larger than an atom. Those principles are thoroughly proven and govern most technology and allowed humans to go to the moon and Mars. The science for anything smaller than an atom is called Quantum Physics and is not thoroughly understood and is perplexing when attempting to apply as practical applications.
The science of Newtonian Physics and Einsteinian-Quantum Physics do not agree. It’s as if there is one practical God controlling everything bigger than an atom and a mysterious, incompletely defined God controlling everything smaller than an atom and they are in conflict with each other.
Most philosophers and scientists know that when there are two valid ideas that are in conflict with one another they call out for a larger idea that resolves that conflict. This thinking is the most fundamentally important advancement of modern science.
Cosmic consciousness is not governed by time and space, so matter and energy are created by a spiritual void that exists outside scientific awareness. Because they are unable to explain it, scientists call this the quantum void.  As you may suspect the idea of resolving the conflict between energy and matter by offering the “God Mind” as a resolution to the conflict, explains the resistance of scientists in accepting any new evidence of what some people call “God as the ground of all being.”  When scientists are unable to resolve the dichotomy of energy and matter, they say that the absolute that connects both of those realities is the quantum void. Ancient religious literature puts forward the same conclusion:  “In the beginning the world was without form and void.” (Genesis)
Until the big bang theory, many scientists believed that there was a static universe, meaning it always had been and it will always be and thus there is no creator and there is no end and therefore there is no need for people to believe in God. The big bang theory of 1964 countered the belief in a   static universe. Two Bell Labs researchers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson gathered the first experimental evidence that established the Big Bang model of the origin of the universe. They won the Nobel Prize for the work they did in 1964. Since then, scientists are able to accept that the cosmos has a beginning and an end. That new awareness encouraged theological thinking.  The universe is now seen as a constantly evolving event in progress.
Scientists have started to believe that consciousness is a two way street. “Mind stuff” was the creating force for the entire cosmos and continues to influence this creation event in progress. Human beings have these tiny little consciousness generators between their ears that have a minimal influence on universal consciousness, thus having an effect on energy and matter. One’s individual mind can influence the absolute mind to an unknowable degree. Enlightened collective consciousness, which is many people connected to divine consciousness, can have a far more significant influence.  Matthew 18:20 - “For where two or more are gathered together in my name, I am there among them.”
If the human community begins to understand that divine consciousness is the ground of all being, their collective consciousness may have the power to significantly change the nature of physical reality.
Early in the twentieth century, science hinted at the connection between the human mind and the mind of God. This connection is demonstrated by the following examples:
Einstein – E = MC2 :  When Einstein was offered the Nobel Prize for his work, he said, “I didn’t discover anything; it was revealed to me. Intellectual honesty prevents me from accepting the prize the way it is worded. If you would award the prize for describing what was revealed to me and for formulation of the mathematics that makes it understandable to fellow scientists, then I can accept this prize.” He was therefore awarded the prize a year later. Einstein was inspired. (Note that the word “inspired” contains the word spirit.)

The functions of fission and fusion are here:--Most people have heard of the scientific revolution created by Einstein and expressed as E=MC2 . Here is an abbreviated explanation of that formula: the E represents Energy, the non-physical aspect of creation. The M in this formula represents the physical or “Mass” aspect of creation. The C2 represents the speed of light times itself, or squared. Translated out of math and into the real world, this means that Mass is condensed Energy. The immense amount of energy stored in matter is represented by the speed of light multiplied by itself. A particle of mass that is the size of a bouillon cube has enough condensed energy to destroy a city or power the electrical needs of a city for years. Only a small portion (only 4%) of the energy contained in a uranium atom is released when that atom is split.

Extracting the energy of a large atom by splitting it is called nuclear FISSION. Combining simple atoms into complex atoms also releases energy and that is called FUSION, which is far more efficient than fission and provides no dangerous radioactive side effects.  Thus, it has been incontrovertibly accepted that energy and matter are made out of the same substance. Anytime in nature that there is a duality, finding the truth requires resolving that duality by finding the constant that underlies the two variables. That conundrum has puzzled physicists throughout the twentieth century. Albert Einstein called this the search for the unified field theory.
Modern scientists, using inspired thinking and years of research, have come to the conclusion that cosmic consciousness is the constant which unifies these two variables.
The totality of all reality is created, controlled and influenced by divine mind in collaboration with mankind. We humans are co-creators with God.
So, can my thinking influence physical reality?  Answer: Yes, but the mind can only influence reality to an unknowable degree.
For more information, see a video of the famous double slit experiment “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXvHfCeXd5U
“The quantum world is far more mysterious than physicists could have imagined”. That mystery was mostly solved by revolutionary ideas.
The first clue toward acceptance of cosmic consciousness as the constant underlying the variables inherent in Einstein’s formula was first performed with light by Thomas Young. His experiment with light was part of classical physics well before quantum mechanics, and the concept of wave-particle duality. He believed it demonstrated that the wave theory of light was correct.
In modern physics, the double-slit experiment is a demonstration that light and matter can display characteristics of both classically defined waves and particles; moreover, it displays the fundamentally probabilistic nature of quantum mechanical phenomena.  The physicists Davison and Germer demonstrated that electrons show the same behavior, which was later extended to atoms and molecules.
Therefore, since energy and matter are interchangeable, that change can be observed as occurring in atoms and molecules, if they are being observed. “Observed” is the primary word we need to focus on. Energy and matter are being influenced by the observation of the scientist. We humans have a consciousness-generating characteristic. That individual consciousness has the ability to connect with absolute consciousness and thus, the human scientist can actually influence the outcome of the experiment. CONSCIOUSNESS IS CONNECTED TO PHYSICAL REALITY!
Most scientists have not yet accepted that conclusion. Science still sees this matter of the connectedness between these two variables as a mystery.
THE DOUBLE-SLIT EXPERIMENT – Human observation can change energy to matter and vice versa. Consciousness has a measurable effect on the duality of energy and matter. The observation causes the possibility wave to collapse and manifest as matter. The cosmic consciousness that created all reality is interconnected to individual human consciousness and they influence each other.
THE HEISENBERG PRINCIPLE OF UNCERTAINTY - Most scientists have accepted the Heisenberg principle of uncertainty. This declares that one can never be certain about scientific measurement because the entire universe is constructed both by energy and matter. There is even a joke about it.
“How many Heisenberg’s does it take to change a light bulb?”
“If you know how many, you don’t know where the light bulb is.”
The question is built into the fundamental structure of the universe itself.
Other science suggests that all reality exists as a possibility wave. When human consciousness intersects that possibility wave, the wave collapses and the secret reality we experience is now perceived.
Reality really does exist, but just barely.
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
Nobel Prize Winning physicist Richard Feynman declares that things can pop in and out of existence randomly outside time and space.  The cohesiveness of the entire cosmos can be influenced by the human mind.
Now let’s take a look at why scientists have historically been opposed to the principles of science. Scientists rely heavily on mathematics to support their conclusions. Since infinity cannot be measured and anything outside time and space is not subject to mathematical observation, all of the scientist’s tools are finite, including mathematics. They cannot access an infinite existence outside time and space with those puny tools. They erroneously conclude that if they cannot measure it, it doesn’t exist.
Here is what Einstein said about math: As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.” The biggest problem with math is it keeps coming up with infinite numbers to describe finite reality. For instance, the use of the pi formula to define the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter is infinite. The answer to applying the pi formula to the circumference of any circle gives this result: 3.14159265359 and on and on into infinity. Certainly the circle on your wedding band is not infinite, unless you’re speaking metaphorically.
However, the premise that consciousness exists outside time and space makes the confusion of quantum physics become understandable. Making anything outside time and space understandable requires that you must connect your individual consciousness to the absolute consciousness.
This quote is a portion of 1 Corinthians Chap 13 verse 12: "Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely."  That is why scientists are not wrong, they just have incomplete awareness. Remember that quantum entanglement creates a mirror image at an infinite distance outside time and space.
What if the reality we usually experience is but a distorted mirror image of the perfected reality that already exists?
“The Omnipresent, Creative Spirit in which we live, and move, and derive our very Being, is inextricably intermingled in the midst of us; within you and without you.” Samuel Sewell

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