Monday, November 28, 2011



Posted by: Dean C. Haskins This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Posted: November 28, 2011
© 2011 The Birther Summit
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dean_honolulu_dhsWhat started out on October 24 as a one-week investigative trip to Honolulu, turned into a 4 ½ week expedition! After working for two weeks in Honolulu, I started my trek back home to Virginia, only to have my itinerary changed, causing me to ditch the rest of that flight once I reached my first layover in Phoenix. As was already reported, I spent the next several days in meetings in Phoenix, San Antonio, Houston, and Austin, and was able to share a lot of information with many good people who were both highly interested in, and very supportive of, our efforts.
During that time in Texas, we became aware of some "loose ends" in Hawaii that needed some immediate attention, and decided that, as long as I was already on the road, it made more sense for me to return to Honolulu, rather than heading home. Although it initially looked like I wouldn't make it home for Thanksgiving, the work that needed to be done in Hawaii was actually finished on Tuesday, November 22, allowing us to start the final journey home on Wednesday afternoon, and I finally arrived back in Virginia the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day.
I have read a number of comments on websites urging The Birther Summit to reveal the specific details of the work we have been doing in Hawaii, and I thoroughly understand everyone's urgent desire to know what we uncovered. However, after investing so much time, energy, and resources, and knowing the delicacy of some of the factors involved, risking what we've done, simply so that everyone can know the facts immediately would not only be foolish, it could also end up destroying every bit of our efforts. I hope everyone will be patient and know that, at the minute we are assured that sharing the information will not jeopardize it in any way, we will give an immediate and thorough report.dean_trump_waikiki
During this trip, I became aware of the fiasco that occurred in New Hampshire, and I would like to personally commend Orly Taitz and several other patriots who have taken on the vital task of exposing the vast levels of political corruption that exist there. Many efforts are still underway on that front, and I am proud to be a part of such a passionate, truth-shining group! It is apparent that our national media has made the legitimate issues surrounding the fraud that has been perpetrated upon this nation appear to be vastly toxic, but the level of dishonesty and hubris that is still being displayed by those who falsely tout themselves as caring anything about our Constitution is a daily offense to those of us who continue to shine the light of truth into the dark crevices of their deceptive ways. We still have a long, hard road ahead of us, but at the end of it, these corrupt political creatures should be relieved of any possible life in the public arena, and should never again garner even a grain of the public trust!
Ultimately, the truth must prevail for this country to survive, and I know there are countless patriots across this country who, like me, will work daily to see justice done, and the guilty exposed and rightfully charged, tried, and sentenced for the inestimable damage they have done to our land. Our government must be returned to the people, and those responsible for the abrogation of our Constitution punished.
Now that I have had a few days back at home to rest and recover from such a hectic trip, I have realized the true length of this past trip—I completely missed the breath-taking beauty of the leaves changing here in Virginia. I will look forward to seeing that once again next year, and it will be that much better because the current fraud in the White House will be well on his way to being nothing more than a scandalous footnote in the annals of American history.
If you would like more information about the Birther Summit, please visit our website often at or contact Dean Haskins This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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