Last night, we had the eleventh Republican Presidential Debate. They are fun but is debate fatigue setting in? Regardless, there was one really great idea offered at the debate last night. It was said, almost in passing, yet it is a brilliant idea.
Who had the idea and what was the idea?
The idea came from Newt Gingrich. The idea was in response to a question about what to do about Iran’s nuclear ambitions. It is impossible to tell whether Gingrich was just speaking off the cuff or if this is an idea he and his campaign staff had been working on for a while.
The idea is simple.
Drill as much American oil as we can and crash the international price of oil.
What would happen if we crashed the price of oil?
For starters Iran would lose its major source of income. So would Saudi Arabia and most of the Persian Gulf. So would Venezuela. So far no down side there.
Those nations make a lot of money off of the oil that is sold in the international markets. Some of that money they use to cause problems for the United States. By crashing the international oil price, we would cripple them economically.
When Newt made the comment, he only talked about it briefly, in terms of bringing Iran to heel and stopping Iran from building the bomb. But what are the other benefits of crashing the international oil market?
It would be an immediate stimulus to America. Not only would more Americans be working in the oil industry and the industries that support oil, but it would create a ripple effect through out the economy.
Gas prices would fall radically.
What would that mean? For starters, it would mean more money in the pockets of Americans to spend. If gas fell to a dollar a gallon or less that would free up a huge amount of American money. Goods all across the economy would suddenly become cheaper because the fuel costs for delivery of those products would drop.
This would be an incredible stimulus. This would help bring this country out of the Obama depression.
Could this be done?
Does anyone remember the summer of 2008? Gas prices hit $4.50 a gallon and in some places were even higher. George W. Bush announced he was revoking the executive order prohibiting off shore drilling. Bush’s act was mostly symbolic. For the ban on offshore drilling to be really repealed, congress would also have to repeal a couple of laws.
Bush’s one act worked. By the time Bush left office six months later, gas prices had fallen to $1.60 a gallon. What was Obama’s first act as President? He reinstated the ban on off shore drilling and now we have $3.50 a gallon gas.
We could do this today, except for the fact that Obama and the Party of Treason do not want America to succeed. They do not want to see an economic recovery. They want to see the American economy languishing. They want to see America, not as a great power but just another country with a failing economy, dependent on the rest of the world.
If we needed any reason to get rid of Obama and the Party of Treason, this is it. We need a President that loves America and wants to see America as the greatest nation in the world. We need a President who will work for America instead of against America.
In short, we need almost anyone but Barack Obama.
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