Monday, November 21, 2011



Posted by: Dean C. Haskins This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Posted: November 21, 2011
© 2011 The Birther Summit
What started out four weeks ago as a one-week trip to Honolulu for our Executive Director, Dean Haskins, is now in its fifth week, as the many issues surrounding Barack Obama's ineligibility to be president have been shared with numerous people in Hawaii, Arizona, and Texas. Since details of the two-week investigation in Honolulu must still be withheld on the advice of counsel, we want to note two contacts that were made last week in Texas.
dean_at_bradys_officeOn Thursday, Dean attended a meeting at the office of Congressman Kevin Brady in Conroe with a group of patriots who were voicing their concerns to the Congressman's District Director about the current fiscal problems our country faces—problems that are being compounded by a reckless Congress. At the end of the meeting, Dean identified himself as our Executive Director, and said to the Congressman's District Director, "Because Congress has refused to do its job, I want to let Congressman Brady know that ordinary American citizens are doing it for them, and the evidence that continues to mount will eventually demonstrate to the American people that Congress has been woefully derelict in its duty." As he spoke, several of the people who attended the meeting gathered around him, asked many questions, and showed strong support for the efforts of The Birther Summit.
After Dean's informational session in the Congressman's office, he was asked to participate in an impromptu interview for a Texas state-level Republican blog.
Then, on Friday, Dean traveled to Austin, where he hand-delivered a package of information to Texas Attorney General Gregdean_at_abbotts_office Abbott's office. Since our investigation produced conflicting information from the office of the Attorney General of Hawaii (more specifically, from Deputy Attorney General Jill Nagamine), Dean has supplied Attorney General Abbott with the specific details of the investigation, and has asked for his direction in how the conflicting information from Hawaii Attorney General David Louie's office should be handled. The representative from Attorney General Abbott's office thanked Dean for bringing the information to the attention of Texas' Attorney General, and assured him that it would be reviewed.
If all goes as planned, Dean should be able to return home to Virginia sometime late this week, most likely after Thanksgiving, as there is still much work he must do this week. We know that he is looking forward to being able to see his wife and family, as it will have been nearly five weeks he has been away from home when he finally returns. Once home, he will not only share where he spent the final week of this trip, but he also plans to prepare a narrative of his investigative work in Honolulu, which will include photographic and video documentation, and will include a thorough analysis of the evidence that has already been prepared for counsel.
Of being away from his wife and family on Thanksgiving Day, Dean stated, "I guess it's just the price that will have to be paid. Let's get this criminal out of the White House, and then we'll all have reason to give thanks!"
If you would like more information about the Birther Summit, please visit our website often at or contact Dean Haskins This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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