Disgraceful Cover up for ObamaMatt Drudge
Rogue No More
November 19, 2011 (TPATH) - Matt Drudge, the once powerful media rogue who garnered a reputation for fearing no one or no group by posting information regardless of the subject, has now, officially, crossed over to the dark side of the media.
Yesterday, for about 10 minutes, it appeared that Drudge had finally decided to start reporting on the largest cover up in American history. He posted an article on the election board hearing in New Hampshire that was being held in response to a challenge by Ms. Orly Taitz, stating that Obama has issued false identification documents and therefore should not be allowed on the ballot for the upcoming primary.
Apparently, whoever posted the story for Drudge, had not received the "blackout" memo because less than 12 minutes after the story was posted, it disappeared. The main stream media, the Democrat Party as well as the "Blue Bloods" in the Republican establishment, have now been joined by The Drudge Report in their efforts to cover up and hide from the American people any information about the forged birth certificate Obama posted on April 27, 2011 as well as the problems he will eventually have to face, concerning the illegal use of a Social Security Number.
Even though the hearing in New Hampshire, appeared to have a substantial presence of news media and photographers, was very contentious and lasted almost 2 hours, not one minute of the hearing, one photograph or video made its way to the news outlets of TV, radio or newspapers.
As with every other "legal" hearing on all of Obama's identification problems, the one in New Hampshire pretty much followed a similar course. That being, the so called judges or officials, continued to ignore the facts presented, had no counter argument or have been able to refute any evidence, stonewalled the advancement of the truth by refusing to address the issue and dismissing the case.
Please check out this link for the news regarding this hearing. Drudge and his pals in the MSM don't want you to see it, but TPATH thinks you should.
Report On New Hampshire Hearing.
1 comment:
This is absolutely horrible news! I thought that Drudge was the last of the true, honest, tell-it-like-it-is, shoe leather-pavement pounding reporters. NOT! Everyday, our usurping occupier of the white house commits high treason, just by being there, and none of the big boys in the media have the guts to even say anything. Absolutely pathetic! My favorite link to drudgereport now has been transferred to my recycle bin to keep my old favorite link to foxnews company. At least we still have several very good alternative news sites where we can learn the truth. However, I doubt if they will still be there this time next year, because the truth, evidently, cannot be tolerated...
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