Without question, the smartest man in the room. Watch the other candidates seemingly looking at him in awe when he is answering the questions with specifics, historical context as well as current application to fix our Countries many/many issues and problems. He definitely has some baggage, both personal and professional, but when you look at his accomplishments: 1) Balanced the Budget, 2)gaining Republican Control of the House, when he was the Minority Leader, after 40 or 50 years of Democrat control (think Great Society Programs in the Sixties by the Democrats and what that has done to our Country in terms of individual responsibility, accountability etc) 3)Welfare reform approved (The Media conveniently forgets to mention Clinton vetoed twice before approving when he knew he would be overridden by a 2/3rds majority in Congress) He answers every question and there are no hesitations. Be sure to notice how 'rude' the reporters ask the questions to him too. He probably knows more about the government, etc. than anyone currently running for President, including the current president. Not just probably but he does..!!!!!!!! Definitely take the time to watch his answers to questions from last weeks debate. Particularly if you missed the debate. Please, please take the time to review the video in this URL: |
16 hours ago
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