Saturday, April 17, 2010

Samuel Speaks By Scribe Orrin

If a book started out like this would you continue to read?
Samuel Speaks
By Scribe Orrin


There are three main characters in this book. The first character is Samuel, who is fictional; or perhaps I should say intangible. The second, Sam, is an old friend and the most fascinating man I have ever known. The third person is me, Scribe Orrin, the storyteller.

Samuel is an intangible manifestation of the ancient Hebrew leader and Prophet, from back before Israel became a nation. I am not bold enough to declare that Samuel is fictional. Certainly he seems real to Sam, the modern day man whom I have known since the days when his mother called him Sammy.

Sam, after he survived a heart attack in his mid sixties, became aware that the Spirit of the Prophet Samuel had been revealing himself during Sam’s entire life. Since Sam has always been “brilliant and eccentric” his sanity was questioned by some, but when his life is more fully examined he proves to be as “sane” as anyone else. Something very unusual was happening with Sam, but it wasn’t mental illness.

You will learn more about me, Scribe Orrin, as we go along.


My most vivid, early recollection of Sam occurred just before the beginning of second grade when we were both seven years old. We were gloriously discovering adventure, summer, and the wonder of living in the “now.” We were walking along a gravel road kicking rocks when Sammy just announced, “God is in those rocks. God is in you and me and the rocks and the sky and Mom and Dad. God is in everything. That is why everything is Holy.” I also remember thinking that kicking rocks that were Holy was a lot more gratifying than kicking ordinary rocks.

I knew Sammy had just shared a profound idea with me. I didn’t understand it. I still need to think about it from time to time. But, somehow I knew I needed to write it down. I showed Sammy what I had written, to make sure that my pre-second grade printing had the right words. He was pleased and went on to explain that he hadn’t planed to say those words. “Some times I hear ideas for the first time when they come out of my own mouth. Some times I don’t remember what I said. It is good that you wrote down ‘The Words’.”

That is how our roles were established, while we were still children. Eventually Sammy became Sam, and I went from being Sammy’s childhood friend to the depersonalized generic; ‘Scribe Orrin’, Sam and I both seemed to know that the thoughts which came to him were important.

I have spent 60 years of my life collecting ‘The Words’. Over the years I have sensed a growing conviction that “Samuel Speaks”needed to be published for the world to hear.

So, here is that collection of truths that have been entrusted to my charge. Woven in between ‘The Words’ is the personal story of Sam and Scribe Orrin.
Exerpt from the forthcoming book "Samuel Speaks".

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