Imagine" by Steve Deace of WHO Radio in Iowa
Imagine that you are a salt-of-the-earth Iowan clinging to his guns and religion. You love, revere, and worship the only true, living God and try as best as you can to obey His commandments. You believe that America has been given a providential place in human history. You believe that your rights come from God, not the government, and are guaranteed by our Constitution. And you believe the Constitution is intended to limit the power of the government, not the freedom and liberty of the people.
Imagine that’s who you are. Imagine that to you this isn’t a battle of right versus left, it’s a battle of right versus wrong.
Then imagine as you watch everything you believe and hold dear in your heart taken away from you, and most of the time by unconstitutional judges that you did not elect. Instead of a government by the consent of the governed, imagine you are now living in an oligarchy with power not in the hands of the people but instead in the hands of a scant few judges you can’t directly hold accountable.
Then imagine your horror as you watch those judges take prayer out of schools, remove every public reverence for Christ out of your community, steal your century farm from you and deliver it to private developers who use it to put up strip malls, rip the flesh of at least 50 million unborn babies from their mothers’ wombs, demand that the state gets to tell parents how to educate their children and what to teach them, and then unilaterally and with no authority decide to destroy the family that is the foundation of a civil society.
Imagine watching this imploding of a culture take place for a generation, and then imagine begging your elected leaders to take a stand and do the will of the people and not the state, only to have your elected leaders – including the ones that say they believe all the same things you believe – stand by and do largely nothing as evil rapes, pillages, and plunders the countryside.
Imagine how frustrated, heartbroken, and afraid for your children’s future you would be.
Then imagine a candidate for office comes along who seems to finally get it and is willing to confront evil at its source. Against all the scrutiny and mockery from the scoffers who play the fiddle while the republic burns he stands firm in his convictions. Imagine he still stands for the truth even when it costs him big money donors. Now, since he is a man he is not a savior and has blemishes like everyone else, but imagine he was speaking truths clearly and plainly in public that boldly hadn’t been proclaimed for more than a generation. Imagine after hearing this candidate your excitement because perhaps God had heard your prayers, and by His grace was willing to raise up leaders like this man to finally take a stand for your kids’ future.
Then imagine there was a faction of people who for many years claimed to care about the same things you do, and claimed to share the same vision of a Godly nation ruled by “we the people” that you have. Yet secretly this faction of people was really just using you for their own motivation, whatever that selfish motivation may be. Sure, they would act on some of the things you care deeply about if it was easy for them, but only when it also clearly benefited them and their personal agenda. Imagine how betrayed you would feel, especially after breaking bread with them and letting them into your life, to find out people you thought were on your team were really working for and even giving direct aid to the other side.
Then imagine those same people spent every resource they had to convince people who believe as you do to not support the candidate that shares your principles and passion, but to instead support someone who is a winner, and winner to them is defined as someone who will give them a job, purchase their products, appoint them to a prominent position, offer them a seat at their table of power, or give them a big, fat cut of other people’s money.
Imagine the winner those sellouts suggest you support is a likeable family man who has for the most part served his community with distinction except for one not-so-minor detail—his core convictions aren’t the same as yours.
Imagine their winner received $130,000 from casino pimps who cynically fill their own troughs on the backs of desperate people looking for an easy buck, and some of the winner’s biggest donors gave huge sums of money to the even more unrighteous candidate.
Imagine their winner has a close confidant that routinely goes out in public to ridicule what you believe.
Imagine their winner doubled the size of state government, raised taxes and fees 30 times, and despite presiding over a massive $4.5 billion budget is “bragging” about cutting taxes by a measly $194 million.
Imagine their candidate is proud of leaving a state of only 3 million people with a “government surplus” of $900 million, as opposed to giving you back a lot of more of what was your money in the first place.
Imagine their winner appointed two of the judges that destroyed marriage in your community, and then refused to advocate for people voting against retaining those judges when given the chance.
Imagine their winner got the endorsement of the progressive teachers union, which is using your tax-funded schools to indoctrinate your kids into beliefs totally contrary to what you believe.
Imagine their winner appointed someone who advocates for murder and depravity as his second in command.
Imagine their winner openly saying that he believes the judges who have taken away nearly virtue from America that made her special are the final word on the law, and not the people or their God.
Just imagine.
Imagine how concerned you would be that others may be deceived by the winner and the wolves in sheep's clothing you once thought were your friends. Would you do everything in your power to share the truth? Or would you shrink away from your responsibility to tell the truth in love out of fear of reprisal from friends, family, or even your capability to feed your family?
Imagine if you would love your neighbor enough to tell him the truth he may not want to hear but needs to. Imagine if you would be willing to hold your alleged “leaders” tempted to sell out accountable. Imagine whether or not this is a hill to die on, or if you even have any at all. Imagine that no one on their death bed ever wishes they could’ve sold out once more when looking back at their legacy. Imagine if you would be more interested in doing what’s right as opposed to what feels right. Imagine you, too, will one day give an account to your Creator for what you chose to do.
Imagine that never in human history has injustice been vanquished without bloodshed (either literally or figuratively), with Calvary being the greatest example. Imagine if you would have the courage of conviction to pledge your lives, fortunes, and sacred honors to the cause of righteousness as those who came before you once did.
Then imagine what God might do if you did.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.
Another example of the stuff I have to put up with to be a blogger:
The areticle was written by Steve Deace of WHO Radio in Iowa:
B ut here is the comment I got.
All this hate and rage coming from a so-called "reverend". Then has the audacity to put on airs by preaching hate under the name of God. Hypocrite to the bone! Where was all of this outrage when Bush and his roaddog Cheney were creating chaos left, right, and sideways? Didn't see any "tea partiers" in sight then!Claiming to be a "reverend" (supposedly a person promoting peace), a MENSA member (figures), and other "intellectual" groups -- I ain't buying none of it. If true, stupidity and ignorance is proven (especially with this blog) to be not immune to folks who like to believe themselves to be "intellects". Keep on with your hate-filled, ignorant delusions.
15 hours ago
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