Saturday, August 18, 2012

Movie Reviews: 2016 Obama's America

2016: Obama's America | Official Movie Site
(includes theater listings)
Well, I saw it today. Wow. Not exactly what I expected. What I expected was a boring Conservative hit piece on Obama. Done by Dinesh D'Souza, Indian immigrant, author, intellectual, commentator and produced by Gerald R. Molen (Schindler's List), it is instead a documentary tour de force. For a documentary, it had stunning cinematography, music (by Calvin Jones, with significant help from our own Tea Partier Greg Kellogg), sound, pace and drama. First-class, actually.
D'Souza definitely did his homework, delving into the recesses of the brains and histories of AKA "Obama's" lineage, associates and major historical influences. It contains on-location footage of travels to and interviews with Obama associates in Kenya and Indonesia, as well as around the USA.
Two things really surprised me:
1. D'Souza's main thesis is not that Obama deceived us about his intentions (he did), but that he hid his toxic background and associates. Of course, his main goal is reducing, humbling America, while bringing it under a Socialist, even Marxist regimen. Actually, Obama was very vague about his intentions, vaguely talking about "Hope 'n Change" and in fact failing to deliver most of his campaign promises. Only occasionally did a truism like "spread the wealth" slip out in un-TelePrompTed moments.
2. The AKA "Obama" identity fraud/eligibility issue was never even mentioned. D'Souza seemingly accepts the Hawaiian birth at Kapiolani Med. Center and Columbia U matriculation, as a given. Why is a good question. I thought he was at least somewhat on board with that argument, but probably didn't want to lose focus on his main message.
His thesis was that the "Dreams from My Father" -- Obama's animating life goals-- were resentment of White European Colonialism (D"Souza postulates that Obama sees America as its inheritor), totalitarian Marxism and the father's dream to see Marxism implemented widely. Obama's entire life has been an attempt to realize his failed father's (assuming that is his real father) dreams. He worships him, in spite of being abandoned by him, in spite of the fact that the father was an irresponsible, philandering drunk, in spite of the fact that he was a failure in his career and life. D'Souza seems to have more than a little sympathy for Obama's resentment of White Colonialism and at least a little for the belief that the U.S. is a different kind of colonial master.
His other point is that Obama mistakenly equates European colonialism with American empire. And then, true or not, D'Souza strongly disagrees that the solution is to impose a totalitarian form of Socialism, which he sees Obama attempting.
One by one, D'Souza uses his interviews of and words of Obama's main influencers, own words and subsequent actions as damning evidence of his intentions/motivations. It is quite convincing, even if you're not already predisposed to believe that, although I doubt it will move the hard-core Obots. Doesn't have to, though. Anyway, I'd rather see them stunned and clueless, as their "Messiah" is steamrolled soon.
The absurdity of electing an inexperienced unknown, just 2 years out of a state legislature is pointed out, along with warning signs, minimized and even covered up, not only by media, but the bipartisan political and civil establishment.
Bonus surprise: D'Souza interviewed Obama's infamous impoverished brother George Obama, who actually opined that Kenya would have been better off to have stayed under white rule longer, for further development before becoming independent. He is very disappointed with Kenyan progress, compared to other ex-colonial nations. He did backflips to avoid saying anything against his famed brother. He seemed intelligent, thoughtful and shrewd, yet lives on a dollar a day. I think D'Souza, as a dark, Indian guy was able to get people to let down their guard in interviews much better than, say, Jerome Corsi. See: Dinesh D’Souza Pays Obama’s Brother’s Medical Bills After President...
Anyone who votes for "Obama" after seeing this movie deserves what he/she gets- but we shouldn't be forced to live with it.
In the Theater
At 1:30 PM on a weekday, there was a line running outside the door of the theater to buy tickets! I looked around and saw it was mostly white seniors, with a sprinkling of younger folks, some Latinos, Asians and a couple of young black guys, who looked like foreign students. Everyone I talked to was there to see the Obama movie. Nearly a hundred were in the viewing room-- for a documentary, on a weekday afternoon!
There was some bitter laughter in response to some Obamaisms and observations about the protaganist. On the way out, I shouted out: So what are you going to DO about it? Many shouted responses: VOTE! WOW! Our faith in the electoral system had better not be misplaced, or there will be hell to pay this time. Not that the likely alternative is any great shakes- but it's a damn sight better than Obama/Bite-Me.
On the way out, something happened to me that has never occurred in 60 years of going to the movies: the gal at the counter, who had heard me talking earlier, asked what I thought of the movie. I told her I was pleasantly surprised at the quality, but disappointed that D'Souza didn't hit on eligibility and noted that his main thesis was anti-colonial rage. She thought that the questions he posed would naturally encourage people to inquire about the former issue. Maybe she's right, but after four+ years, many haven't, even after being hit over the head with a figurative 2 x 4.
Previous review by Ted Baer, Movieguide CEO and Ventura County Tea Party member! ...
Movie trailer:

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