Monday, March 23, 2009

THE EVIL OF ZERO- Dr. Jack Wheeler


Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler
Thursday, 19 March 2009

Is Zero a fascist dedicated to destroying the life savings of Americans, or is he criminally incompetent?

The answer is yes.

So let me tell you about Gao Xiqing (gow shee-ching). He's one of the smartest Chinese you'll ever meet (and that's saying something). Graduate of Duke law school, worked at a major Wall Street law firm, returned to his native China to direct the CIC, China Investment Corp., the Chicoms' trillion dollar sovereign wealth fund.

In other words, he's the guy who owns $700 billion of US Treasurys, the guy who Zero is depending on to keep buying. Should he not show up at the next Treasury auction, the dollar disintegrates the next day.

A friend of mine has gotten to know him (don't ask me how). "Gao is super-smooth, sophisticated, speaks English as good as you or me, and knows America inside and out," he says. "He can talk the language of high finance and international capitalism as good as anyone - yet he is a hard core Chinese Communist who regards America as China's enemy. He despises Obama as the epitome of American weakness."

Gao also thinks that gold is going to $5,000 an ounce.

No, the Chicoms aren't going to buy up the world's gold supply. That would artificially ramp up the price for little consequence - after all, the world's total gold production is about 2,500 tons a year or (at $1,000 per troy ounce; 12,000 ounces per ton) worth some $30 billion. A pittance with trillions at stake.

What it does mean is that Gao thinks the dollar's goose is cooked, thanks to Zero.

He's not alone. A UN panel is going to recommend ditching the dollar as the world's reserve currency. John Paulson, whose huge hedge fund made 37% last year by understanding the mortgage crisis, is pulling out of stocks and is into gold (particularly gold mining companies).

Millions of investors agreed today (3/19), shooting gold up $70 after the Fed announced it was creating another $1.5 trillion out of thin air.

I really, really hope you are nodding your head right now and saying, "I sure am glad To The Point told me about and I put my money into gold."

Well, if you didn't - don't freak out. Just move fast now. Gold is just getting started.

What makes this so evil is the flip side. What is also just getting started is the life savings and fixed-income pensions of tens of millions of Americans being wiped out.

Right along with dollar deflating against gold (and oil, above $51) today, it did the same with the euro, the yen, and the pound - which should be ridiculous, because the EU, Japan, and UK economies are in the tank more than ours. Again, this is just the start.

But it is not just the start of the destruction of our wealth, it is the destruction of our freedom - for to destroy one, you must destroy the other. We are seeing the start of an orgy of anti-capitalist envy-mongering. The phony outrage over AIG, for example, is only a hint of what's to come.

What is said privately by businessmen among themselves must be said publicly, such as: "Barney Frank and Chris Dodd should be lined up against a wall and shot by a firing squad." Preferably to their face at a Congressional hearing.

The Liberal Fascist modus operandi, typified by Frank and Dodd forcing banks to provide subprime mortgages to people who were poor credit risks, is to create a problem by interfering in the market. Then pretend outrage at the problem they created and demand more interference, more rules and regulation and power to solve it - which of course makes the problem worse.

This is on purpose - for the cycle can be repeated, gaining more power with each cycle.

While conservatives are interested in wealth creation, liberals are into wealth seizure. While conservatives want freedom, liberals want power. Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and the current President of the United States are fascist thieves.

Let's cut to the chase. We cannot afford to wait until 2010, much less 2012. We haven't got the time. The Democrat Fascist cycle of wealth destruction is accelerating too fast.

There are two growing protest movements: the Tea Party taxpayer revolt movement and the "Birther" movement that demands Zero prove he is a natural-born US citizen. These two must merge.

Far from a tin foil hat cause, Birthers are simply asking that Zero provide his actual birth certificate, which he won't - at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees.

Since all he has to do is provide the same thing all the rest of us do to get a driver's license or passport, and he won't, this is prima facie evidence that he can't. Or there is some scandalous secret he is covering up - such as his real father is not a Kenyan but a radical left black poet his mother was having an affair with, Frank Marshall Davis.

In any regard, until he provides solid proof of his natural born citizenship, we are justified in regarding his presidency as illegitimate.

This argument must be made at every Tea Party protest. We do not recognize him as president until he proves he legitimately, Constitutionally is.

Folks, this may get very ugly, real brown shirt fascist ugly, real fast. The economy, the dollar, employment, our life savings and pensions, may collapse real fast. Maybe not, but the odds are accelerating.

The silver lining is that the lying, the incompetence, the corruption, the purposeful wealth destruction is also coming at us so fast and so obviously that the veil is being lifted from the eyes of more and more people every day. Witness Zero's falling approval polls. Soon it will reach a tipping point and fall off the polling cliff.

When that point is reached, the Tea Party/Birther protests must reach a crescendo making one demand and one only: We want him to resign.

By that time - three months, six months, less than a year from now at the outset - the chaos, tax revolts, civil disobedience, violence from Zero's brown shirt supporters, impoverishment of millions, et al, will make the country ungovernable. He must resign. It is the only solution. He must resign. There is no other way to start correcting the situation. He must resign.

Yes, that means President Biden. Fine. As stupid and goofy as Biden is, he isn't malicious, he isn't out to impoverish America as a conscious goal. Stupid is better than evil.

He must resign. America cannot afford to wait until 2012 to rid itself of the Evil of Zero.

More from Dr. Jack Wheeler

Religion of Envy: The Evil Eye---Why Europe is probably doomed,com_seyret/Itemid,148/task,videodirectlink/id,1/


Anonymous said...

Just a little correction. We don't want him to resign , we want him escorted out. That makes everything he has done invalid. Resignation leaves everything intact!

Anonymous said...

Yes, we want the whole wide world to know he is a fraud, a usurpor, an imposter and an illegal alien.

We want him to be removed by force and thrown in jail.
(French Canadian)

Anonymous said...

Pepper is right.

By: Dr Edwin Vieira, PhD, J.D.


"If he turns out to be nothing but an usurper acting in the guise of “the President”..."

- Obama will not constitutionally be the “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States (see Article II, Section 2, Clause 1). Therefore, he will be entitled to no obedience whatsoever from anyone in those forces.

- Obama will have no conceivable authority “to make Treaties”, or to “nominate, and * * * appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not * * * otherwise provided for [in the Constitution]” (Article II, Section 2, Clause 2). And therefore any “Treaties” or “nominat[ions], and * * * appoint[ments]” he purports to “make” will be void ab initio, no matter what the Senate does, because the Senate can neither authorize an usurper to take such actions in the first place, nor thereafter ratify them.

- Congress can pass no law while an usurper pretends to occupy “the Office of President.” The Constitution provides that “[e]very Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States” (Article I, Section 7, Clause 2). Not to an usurper posturing as “the President of the United States,” but to the true and rightful President. If no such true and rightful President occupies the White House, no “Bill” will or can, “before it become a Law, be presented to [him].” If no “Bill” is so presented, no “Bill” will or can become a “Law.” And any purported “Law” that the usurper “approve[s]” and “sign[s],” or that Congress passes over the usurper’s “Objections,” will be a nullity.

- Congress cannot even impeach him because, not being the actual President, he cannot be “removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors” (see Article II, Section 4). In that case, some other public officials would have to arrest him—with physical force, if he would not go along quietly—in order to prevent him from continuing his imposture.

- Everything that was done during his faux “tenure in office” by anyone connected with the Executive Branch of the General Government, and quite a bit done by the Legislative Branch and perhaps the Judicial Branch as well, would be arguably illegitimate and subject to being overturned when a constitutional President was finally installed in office."

(French Canadian)

Anonymous said...

enough, already with the confounded birth-certificate! If BO Sr. is BO Jr's biological pop then he is NOT a natural born citizen. PERIOD. Native-born=territorial right
Natural-born=far more expansive incl hereditary right

Susi Chuma & Co. said...


Here is a perspective I share with you and hope that after checking and making sure that what I am about to tell you is correct and only begins to touch on something much larger, you will want to understand what and who is behind this county’s and the world’s current economic troubles. I wish that it were only attributable to Zero.

I watch how the events of this economic “crisis” have developed, and I just can’t believe that anyone thinks that this was such a shock or surprise to the bankers at the Federal Reserve. Like all the credit scares, tightening, restrictions, crunches, etc that have occurred since the Federal Reserve was set up in 1913 (to prevent these very same things), this time is no different. The “enlightened” few are taking full advantage, while no one adequately pins the blame where it belongs. It was the Federal Reserve Chairman, Bernanke, who hiked the interest rates umpteen times in a row to start this crisis, stating that he was worried about possible inflation. He increased the interest rates for millions of people with subprime option ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgages) to levels they couldn’t afford, initiating the foreclosure crisis, Bank credit crisis, and thence the increase in Government borrowing that will cause so much more inflation than could ever have resulted if the interest rates had not been raised in the first place(!) It was Chairman Bernanke who announced the crisis. So is he incompetent, since he is the one the nation looks to the get out of this mess?

Unfortunately, he is not. He, and those who give him his policy instructions, meant and calculated all of this. The timing of the “crisis” was carefully orchestrated to put in a new administration with reason to justify further excess spending, at the US taxpayer’s expense. Why? People forget that the Federal Reserve Bank is a private corporation! It is the single biggest trust (Monopoly) in the world! It is not Federal, as in part of the Federal Government, but the name was chosen to help the tax payers forget this fact. It’s shares are owned and controlled by 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks, which are owned in turn by a variety of large US banks whose root ownerships/control seem to be in Europe, principally the London banking houses connected to the Bank of England and the house of Rothschild through representatives in New York, J.P.Morgan Co., and Kuhn, Leob & Co. Just a few families (blood and business related) own controlling stock, and caused their banks to purchase controlling shares in the other Federal Reserve regional Banks, in 1914. Examination of the charts and text of the House Banking Committee Staff Report of August, 1976 and the current stockholder list of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks demonstrate that the same families are in control today.

The shareholders of the Federal Reserve Bank have a vested interest in seeing the US National Debt increase, the Federal Reserve issues the currency for the US Government, but much more importantly, places all the notes and issues the all credit for the Federal Government of the United States. (Was this ever Constitutional, without an Amendment?) Equally, the Federal Reserve can restrict credit. The dominant controlling influence in setting policy for the Federal Reserve is the Federal Reserve Board of New York (The new Treasury Secretary used to be it’s Chairman), and is dominated in turn by influences located in London. It should be remembered that Gordon Brown, now British PM, was for many years the Socialist Chancellor of the exchequer, an academic and a PROGRESSIVE. He has presumably not wasted his time mastering the connections to be made at the Bank of England or with his progressive counterparts in the US during his month long annual vacations in Nantucket. Notice how Socialists/Progressives/Communists/Marxists can work with these types of international bankers to gain and exercise CONTROL over nations and their people. It is worth noting the involvement of these same Banks in New York have had in the past with the financing of competing Governments and Ideologies, such as the Bolsheviks in Russia, Hitler in 1933, and more recently Communist China.

Anyone who wants to pursue who is really behind this economic crisis, the corruption and sale of the American political process and it’s people, it’s politicians of both parties, the corporate money from 34,000 lobbyists, the control of the majority of the major banks and corporations in the US who fund the lobbyists, the controlling hand behind the largest foundations, Mass Media, Universities, and ultimately ….One World Government where money, credit, ownership and control, fuse for those few “enlightened” individuals, while everyone and everything else is fused….. should do several things. Firstly, familiarize yourself with the game of Monopoly, and ask yourself which is the easiest way to win. a) by being a regular player playing by the rules, or b) by being a player who is also the Bank and makes-up the rules, and changes the rules at any time, in particular extending credit to himself or anyone else at any time, and then calling it in again as suits the play. If you had been this player in real life with almost one century to play as the owner of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, how much of the world might you be able to own or control? Consider all the various methods to get a government to expand its debt. E.g. World War 1, The Great Depression, The New Deal, World War 2, The Korean War, The Vietnam War, The Arms Race, Globalisation, Reduction of Taxation and Increase of Spending, Invading Iraq with 150k men and staying there, Trillion Dollar Trade Deficit, Triple the price of Oil, Initiate Asinine Home Loans to de-stabilize the Domestic Real Estate Market, Create a Global Credit Crisis and Double the Debt again, and again, give all the money to your own banks, and do it again and again…. Bribe or fund all the politicians, make everything look democratic, but get your own motions and agenda through, and let the parties squabble over the unimportant residue….and any one who doesn’t ‘behave’ on the important votes, fund their opponent to the eyeballs at the next election, and rub them out. Now you are ready to read “ The Secrets of the Federal Reserve”, the london connection, Jekyll Island Edition 1991 by Eustace Mullins, published by Bankers Research Institute, P.O.Box 1105, Staunton, VA 24401. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 83-072665. The implications are inescapable, the conclusions devastating, there are so many people making this all happen, and most of them don’t even have a clue that they are being used to do it.

Now that I have said my bit, let us remember the TEA parties around the country. There was NO income tax or IRS until 1914, the year of the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank, did you ever wonder why? (The US Government ran just fine with e simple excise tax…) To pay the interest on the debt to the bankers at the Federal Reserve, of course. The owners of the Federal Reserve have taken the voters and tax paying public for the patsies that they have been since 1913…but for how much longer?