It wasn’t one of those “out of body” experiences. You may have had similar experiences where the self absorbed inner cognitive background thought clutter clears and you suddenly become aware of yourself in an objective way. Almost as if you were outside yourself as an observer.
So I became aware of myself sitting in my 1981 Volvo 262C Bertone Coupe with the modified 5.0 Mustang engine that has won a Best of Show Trophy at the West Coast Muscle Car club in Naples, Florida. I was listening to the Rolling Stones on my state of the art stereo at chest thumping volume.
I was waiting in the parking lot while the biggest blessing in my life, my beautiful wife,
went inside the Publix to get a copy of the newspaper article that was written about my essay on the coalescence of psychology, philosophy, religion, subatomic physics and astrophysics.
I thought to myself, “You’re doing pretty well for a 68 year old guy who, without drugs or surgery, has completely recovered from needing a heart transplant.”
Thankfulness flooded my total being.
Copy of the essay is available upon request as a MSWord document.
May your blessings continue.
God Bless.
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