YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS UNTIL YOU SEE IT! Straight from C-Span, this is how are House will pass ObamaCare!
Just watch this. This is our Democratic-Controlled House at work. It's their way all the way. (the video is very short and very maddening). [This is also how Murtha must have gotten the "International" airport built in his hometown that has only 4 flights per day.]
If any wonders about our Congress, and especially the House of Representatives, this YouTube video will open their eyes, it certainly did mine! We are losing this great nation and everything it stands for!!!
How long can they get away with this and why is it that every news station and radio station in the nation wasn't all over this?
Take a look..................
Somehow, you know its coming. That OMG moment is just around the corner. You can feel the inescapable reality creeping up on you. Something will leak. Someone will spill the beans.
“For nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light.” Luke 8:17
Obama “I have nothing to hide but I’m hiding it.”
5 hours ago
Unfortunately, YES I believe this. If Republicans had ever had the stones to do this sort of thing when they had the majority, it would be all over every network, (faux)news outlet, commentator's lips. As this is the 'one' & his minions, very few, if any comments on this behavior will ever be exposed.
Someday, I am hopeful, the American voter WILL wake up & realize that the people hired for a 'temporary' job are not only NOT doing the job, but are sucking the lifeblood out of the taxpayers.
I write about this sort of thing & all the other shenanigans but since my blog is tiny (, with few readers, I am hoping your forum is much more visible.
My next step is to add you to my blogs-of-note list.
Thank you for trying. It is critical that conservatives never, ever give up. It is critical that, because most 'news' is bogus garbage directed from this administration, you keep up the good work.
Thank you so much. I'm so glad I found you! God bless you for working to expose the chicanery going on supposedly to help the 'public'. These people, no matter the party, have had free reign for far too long. It's our own fault but now that we are slowly, but surely waking up, I am hoping things will change.
Anyone who knows history knows that the Republicans did this with Bush's corporate welfare program -- tax cuts for the wealthy. Don't give us that conservatives should never give up, baloney. Conservatives are the cause of the mess we are in. They are greedy and never learned to share.
I posted video evidence. Where is yours?
One can claim anything. Claims without evidence should be ignored and the claimant should be chastised.
Consider yourself chastised.
Also, haven't you caught on yet? The contest between Democrats and Republicans is an old paradigm.
The new struggle is "we the people" fighting against the government and the power elite.
"Conservatives are enemies of the government. Liberals are enemies of the nation because they are not enemies of the government."
Aristotle the Hun
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