Aristotle the Hun's comment on article below:
If you are not suspicious of a man who hides his history I have a bridge in the desert I want to sell you.
If you are unwilling to call for an investigation of a man who attempts to sell you a bridge in the desert I have some beach front property in Florida at the intersection of I75 and Florida # 29 that I want you to buy.
If you place a down payment on a contract for the bridge in the desert and the beach front property in the swamp I would conclude that you voted for Obama
Do you really think AKA Obama would have won the election if all the things he is hiding were made known?
Do you really think AKA Obama will be able to finish his first term if all the things he is hiding are made known?
The only conspiracy is the media and the obots who suppress the revelation of AKA Obama's history.
Obama “I have nothing to hide but I’m hiding it.”
Despite Media, Public Sees Truth about Obama
by Doug Patton
Jake Tapper of ABC News had, until recently, struck me as a fairly straight shooter. He's no Brit Hume, Major Garrett or Brett Baer, by any means, but during his tenure as host of ABC's "This Week" (the program started by the legendary David Brinkley and later turned into a partisan Democrat vehicle by former Clinton hack George Stephanopoulos), Tapper seemed to be aiming for something approaching the fairness of the late Tim Russert.
Not any more. Apparently again covering the White House, Tapper now seems to be drinking the Obama Kool-Aid along with the rest of his colleagues.
In a story concerning recent poll numbers indicating that as many as one-in-four Americans now believe that their President is a Muslim, Tapper went to great lengths to say that this was not true. Before Obama's comments in support of the controversial mosque being built at Ground Zero, Tapper intoned, "Eleven percent of Americans wrongly believed Obama was a Muslim. Now, 18 %believe that. They were wrong then, and they are wrong now!"
Obama is a man about whom virtually nothing was known prior to him bursting onto the national stage in 2004. He may well be everything he would like us to believe he is, but the evidence has not been forthcoming. Because he has glossed over everything from his birth certificate to his Indonesian Muslim education, from his college transcripts to his Law Review articles, from his radical associations to his discipleship under one of the most hateful, racist church leaders in the history of the country—the Rev. Jeremiah Wright—thanks to the fawning media who covered it all up, the American voter had little by which to judge the man.
In the last year and a half, we have seen the real Obama—and we don't like what we see. Look at his actions before the rest of the world. Does he ever proclaim American exceptionalism? No. Does he ever tell the dictators of the world that liberty is the byproduct of America? No.
Instead, he apologizes for us. He goes before our friends and our foes alike and tells them how arrogant America is. Our America, which has done more good for more people in more corners of the world than any other nation that has ever existed. Our America, as Colin Powell once observed, which has never asked for more land after liberating another country than was necessary to bury our dead.
Obama told our enemies in the Islamic world that America is not a Christian nation. In fact, he called it the largest Muslim nation in the world. He has said that the Muslim call to prayer is "one of the most beautiful sounds on earth." He has snubbed Christian observances of Christmas and Easter while celebrating Ramadan with Muslims in our White House.
And now, when he praises the odious idea of building a shrine to Islam on the very ground where nearly three thousand innocent people were murdered—by radical Muslims in the name of Allah—we are supposed to believe that he is a Christian?
A man operates out of what he believes in his heart, and only God can truly know what that is. But it is becoming clear to the American people that what Barack Obama believes is not what they believe.
It has become obvious that he favors Marxism over capitalism, and that he favors Islam over Christianity.
He claims he never heard the venomous sermons of Jeremiah Wright. He says, "This is the man who led me to Jesus."
The Jesus I know, the One from Nazareth, told His followers that a time would come when "another Jesus" would be preached to them. It appears that an ever-growing number of Americans believe that Obama's "Jesus" is called "Mohammad."
Despite the lies of this President and the cover-up by the national media, the people of this country instinctively know the truth. America is not the problem. It is the solution. Christianity is not the problem. It is the solution.
16 hours ago
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