Research help, Please
Besides being the First Sister Maya has a HawaiiaCertification of Live Birth despite be born in Jakarta Indonesia. Supposedly this certificate was used by the Daily Kos to forge an Obama version. Anyone find it odd that Maya, undisputedly born in Indonesia, would have the same type of document as Barack Obama
Did you know? Obama's half sister, born in Indonesia, has a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth - Orlando Orange County Conservative
UPDATE: Found this but would still like a better source and proof that she has a Hawaiian COLB:
I would really like an image of the Hawaiian COLB in Maya's name.
Maya Kassandra Soetoro Obama’s half sister who was born in Indonesia and her birth was later registered in Hawaii. And maybe Obama was born in Kenya and his birth was later registered in Hawaii. Hawaiian law allowed such a practice and Obama and Maya's mother probably knew about this loop hole for giving American citizenship to her children.
The practice of forgein born people obtaining Hawaiian COLB is well established. I want to attribute the practice to Obama's mother specifically. All of the articles about Maya's COLB are about how it was used to make the forged copy of the COLB Obama posted on his "smear" website. I have never seen a copy of Maya's COLB or even proof that it exists. That is what I am looking for.
Also see : Obama one of many foreign born with Hawaiian COLB
I found the comment below on this blog:
Maya has a Hawaiian COLB even though she was born in Jakarta. I wonder if she has a social security number? Has anyone done any research on her? I wonder if she's naturalized..
Also, this on Maya's personal page:
This is important information. If it can be nailed down from another source (hopefully more official) that Maya has a the same type of Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth as Obama even though she was born in Indonesia it proves that the COLB posted by Obama reveals nothing about where he was actually born.,_Hawaii_by_Online_Search_Evidence;_Maya_Soetoros_birth_IS....html
1 day ago
Hi, I was wondering if you have found out anymore information regarding this issue.
lots of theories and opinions but nothing can vett solidly
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