For A Fist Full Of False Money More! The Coming Deluge.......
Guy Leven-Torres
27th May 2011

'Lehman's Brothers are further down! This is Barclays' lot!'
The elite are a mixture of idiot, dangerous idiot and crook! Within these are a plethora of categories of Idiot on a spectrum of 1-10. My father always told me that life was shades of grey: so are crooks and idiots- hence a spectrum of 1- 10, from 'off white' to 'jet black'.
The elite that never grew up and its even more immature, naive spawn, in the form of Sarkozy and Cameron, including Obama and the rest are enjoying a permanent multiple orgasm of post modernist, post democratic, post Marxist, Post 'Ism', something or other, that sees the Moslem world in flames and even in Europe and the until now, unreported gathering signs of open rebellion across the cities of Europe, especially in Portugal, Madrid and Italy but most importantly Greece, that is actually on the verge of something very nasty and violent. Yet the Elite still attends its social whirls, wining and dining each other, seemingly oblivious to the Deluge that is actually hovering over the lot of them. As they preen and admire themselves and each other, in the mirror and returned compliments, a gathering storm of such fierceness and Biblical proprtions, is about to hit them and blow them away like the strawmen and chaff they really are. I mean what I say and I promise, you this is going to happen very soon. There is no escape- The Party is over! The more money they print the bigger and harder they will fall! Print away scum!
Nobody I warn will have any of it, even my wife and daughter. They simply don't 'get it' or more likely simply bury their heads in the sand like the rest of the Ostrich humanity. I will take some pleasure regretably from seeing the reality, finally dawn upon them- as it will- within a very short time indeed. Because like all the rest, they have no excuse whatsoever, to hide reality as they do! From my own point of view, the sooner the Deluge comes, the better. Then we can start to rebuild and become Human again.
Tha Banking-Political system is a farce. It is simply a massive Racket of Rackets, designed to soak up and hoover as much profit for the scum above (I exclude my family of course), that thrive like parasites upon the imagined wealth, created by living off the Usury and debt amassed interest from the debt enslavement of some of the most poor and vulnerable in Society- indeed Global Society.
This is the true meaning of Global Governance- a Slave Indebted Econmony to fund and support a parasitic sybaritic elite- Rule by Finance. I am happy to tell you it will not work! One cannot create wealth from nothing.
This week I was charged £180 by Barclays Bank for going 1p over my limit-1p!
The profit on that?
This is not just 'happening' it is a Racket in the style of Al Capone. This is also happening to every living person in the world. I have to deal with an 'Indian' call Centre. I dread having to do so! They speak poor English, they are under educated and the simplest query, usually ends up with an exegesis on 'Merchant banking' or the 'Global Market'. To add insult to injury, my account was 'hacked' for a third time in a year, and I received somebody else's bank charges. The Indian even had the temerity to accuse me of 'fraud' but worse than this, the hacker was able to use my old bank card on my new account! This is a card that was 'stolen' last month and 'stopped' with a guarantee, that it could never be used again! What did the bank tell me?
'Oh no, under financial regulations we have to pay it!'
Those 'regulations' come from where? The European Union. All of this stems from there! I now have two cards in existence. My old one and my new one. So what am to do but close an account I have had for 30 years? And what is more, the scammers can continue to debit even my new account. The scam sets up a direct debit on your account using your card details.
I will from now on use only cash. However, I am still liable for any future 'debts' created even on the closed account. We are talking here of Bank integrity. I have news for you- there isn't any-not anymore. So even if you close and old account, kill it, pay it off! The debt is still created. What is worse the bank admitted to me that they knew the withdrawals were theft but 'regulations' state they must be paid! A perfect excuse to print money.
Today I am putting all my cash into an old fashioned Halifax account! In Common Law, to 'Knowingly, or have knowledge of a fraudulent act, commission of the aforesaid act, or information leading to the suspicion of such an act by person or persons unknown, shall be treated as an accessory after the fact and the offender shall face the same penalty as the person or persons committing the original offence'.
However, the Felony of aiding and abetting after the fact was abolished by Europe. Now we know why. In short dear reader, we are run by theives, criminals, carpet baggers, blackmailers, racketeers, gangsters and 'con-men'! they are also murderers as I will expalin in my next post! However, as the temporary camps spring up in city squares across Europe, events may proceed me. And the sooner they do the better. I think I can safely say we have all had enough.
Now if anybody can supply me with rope, wood, nails, my lads and I will do the rest like the good Roman legionaries we are. We just love a good hanging or crucifixion. The Elite will 'enjoy' hanging out together I am sure. The A30 will do for a start! We'll enjoy watching them too! Would yu alllike to view as well? RSVP of course!
Guy (Agricola)
"Government is...a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
George Washington
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty"
Thomas Jefferson
Guy Leven-Torres
27th May 2011

'Lehman's Brothers are further down! This is Barclays' lot!'
The elite are a mixture of idiot, dangerous idiot and crook! Within these are a plethora of categories of Idiot on a spectrum of 1-10. My father always told me that life was shades of grey: so are crooks and idiots- hence a spectrum of 1- 10, from 'off white' to 'jet black'.
The elite that never grew up and its even more immature, naive spawn, in the form of Sarkozy and Cameron, including Obama and the rest are enjoying a permanent multiple orgasm of post modernist, post democratic, post Marxist, Post 'Ism', something or other, that sees the Moslem world in flames and even in Europe and the until now, unreported gathering signs of open rebellion across the cities of Europe, especially in Portugal, Madrid and Italy but most importantly Greece, that is actually on the verge of something very nasty and violent. Yet the Elite still attends its social whirls, wining and dining each other, seemingly oblivious to the Deluge that is actually hovering over the lot of them. As they preen and admire themselves and each other, in the mirror and returned compliments, a gathering storm of such fierceness and Biblical proprtions, is about to hit them and blow them away like the strawmen and chaff they really are. I mean what I say and I promise, you this is going to happen very soon. There is no escape- The Party is over! The more money they print the bigger and harder they will fall! Print away scum!
Nobody I warn will have any of it, even my wife and daughter. They simply don't 'get it' or more likely simply bury their heads in the sand like the rest of the Ostrich humanity. I will take some pleasure regretably from seeing the reality, finally dawn upon them- as it will- within a very short time indeed. Because like all the rest, they have no excuse whatsoever, to hide reality as they do! From my own point of view, the sooner the Deluge comes, the better. Then we can start to rebuild and become Human again.
Tha Banking-Political system is a farce. It is simply a massive Racket of Rackets, designed to soak up and hoover as much profit for the scum above (I exclude my family of course), that thrive like parasites upon the imagined wealth, created by living off the Usury and debt amassed interest from the debt enslavement of some of the most poor and vulnerable in Society- indeed Global Society.
This is the true meaning of Global Governance- a Slave Indebted Econmony to fund and support a parasitic sybaritic elite- Rule by Finance. I am happy to tell you it will not work! One cannot create wealth from nothing.
This week I was charged £180 by Barclays Bank for going 1p over my limit-1p!
The profit on that?
This is not just 'happening' it is a Racket in the style of Al Capone. This is also happening to every living person in the world. I have to deal with an 'Indian' call Centre. I dread having to do so! They speak poor English, they are under educated and the simplest query, usually ends up with an exegesis on 'Merchant banking' or the 'Global Market'. To add insult to injury, my account was 'hacked' for a third time in a year, and I received somebody else's bank charges. The Indian even had the temerity to accuse me of 'fraud' but worse than this, the hacker was able to use my old bank card on my new account! This is a card that was 'stolen' last month and 'stopped' with a guarantee, that it could never be used again! What did the bank tell me?
'Oh no, under financial regulations we have to pay it!'
Those 'regulations' come from where? The European Union. All of this stems from there! I now have two cards in existence. My old one and my new one. So what am to do but close an account I have had for 30 years? And what is more, the scammers can continue to debit even my new account. The scam sets up a direct debit on your account using your card details.
I will from now on use only cash. However, I am still liable for any future 'debts' created even on the closed account. We are talking here of Bank integrity. I have news for you- there isn't any-not anymore. So even if you close and old account, kill it, pay it off! The debt is still created. What is worse the bank admitted to me that they knew the withdrawals were theft but 'regulations' state they must be paid! A perfect excuse to print money.
Today I am putting all my cash into an old fashioned Halifax account! In Common Law, to 'Knowingly, or have knowledge of a fraudulent act, commission of the aforesaid act, or information leading to the suspicion of such an act by person or persons unknown, shall be treated as an accessory after the fact and the offender shall face the same penalty as the person or persons committing the original offence'.
However, the Felony of aiding and abetting after the fact was abolished by Europe. Now we know why. In short dear reader, we are run by theives, criminals, carpet baggers, blackmailers, racketeers, gangsters and 'con-men'! they are also murderers as I will expalin in my next post! However, as the temporary camps spring up in city squares across Europe, events may proceed me. And the sooner they do the better. I think I can safely say we have all had enough.
Now if anybody can supply me with rope, wood, nails, my lads and I will do the rest like the good Roman legionaries we are. We just love a good hanging or crucifixion. The Elite will 'enjoy' hanging out together I am sure. The A30 will do for a start! We'll enjoy watching them too! Would yu alllike to view as well? RSVP of course!
Guy (Agricola)
"Government is...a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
George Washington
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty"
Thomas Jefferson
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