Sunday, May 15, 2011
Dumbing down the Constitution
Exclusive: Joseph Farah supports 'ultimate rulebook for how we govern ourselves'
Posted: May 16, 2011
1:00 am Eastern
By Joseph Farah
In 2008, I initially dismissed the contention that Barack Obama might not meet the minimal constitutional eligibility requirement for president.
Surely the Democratic Party would not countenance the nomination of a candidate who was not clearly a "natural born citizen," I thought.
And what exactly did that phrase mean anyway?
There was plenty of politics to talk about in 2008, and no one paid much attention to concerns about Obama's eligibility.
In fact, all of the media's concern was over the constitutional eligibility of Obama's opponent – Sen. John McCain, a man who had spent decades in Congress and had previously run for president.
But by the end of that campaign, in which I supported neither candidate, I had become wholly persuaded that Barack Hussein Obama could not possibly be considered a "natural born citizen." And today, after participating in two-and-a-half years of investigative reporting on this topic, most of the results of which are contained in a new best-selling book by Jerome Corsi, "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to Be President," I am even more convinced.
While there is still deep-seated and widespread suspicion among the American public about Obama's eligibility, some believe the issue is over with following the release of what the White House purports to be his long-form, Hawaiian birth certificate.
Making that judgment, however, not only requires us to accept as legitimate the current occupant of the White House, it also requires us to dumb down the Constitution when it comes to future presidents and vice presidents.
That is something I am adamantly unwilling to do.
(Column continues below)
First of all, I believe Obama's birth certificate is fraudulent. I also believe it is provably and demonstrably not reflective of reality. But I also believe that if it is genuine and if it is factual, it provides absolute proof Obama is not a "natural born citizen" and therefore ineligible to be president.
That's why Corsi's book is so essential – not only for the remainder of Obama's term, but for the prevention of a second term and, even more broadly, for the future of the White House for generations to come.
The Constitution has already been dumbed down in far too many ways. It's been intentional, I believe, by people and institutions who don't like operating in a nation governed by the rule of law rather than the rule of men. Think of how little American schoolchildren are taught about the Constitution – and how little of what they are taught is honest and accurate. That's where the dumbing-down process begins. But it doesn't end there. The mis-education continues through adulthood with one compromise after another. It continues as the founders' intent is obliterated by unaccountable judges and unscrupulous politicians. It continues when the Constitution is no longer perceived as the ultimate rulebook for how we govern ourselves. It continues when the establishment news media misrepresent the subject altogether.
The issue of Obama's eligibility is not a matter of where he was born. It's a matter of whether he is a "natural born citizen." Whether he was born in Hawaii or not makes little difference if his father and mother are who he claims they are – people unable to confer "natural born citizenship" on their son. Whether he was born in Hawaii or not makes little difference if his birth certificate is fraudulent – a misrepresentation of reality and not reflective of his actual legal parenthood. The Constitution doesn't say anyone born in America is eligible to become president – and it doesn't mean that. That's a deliberate media misrepresentation of what it means.
What we all need to decide in the next two years – starting right now – is whether we want to dumb down the Constitution even on a matter as elemental and fundamental as the simple and non-restrictive as the requirements to become president.
That's what's at stake right now.
Do we want to remain a constitutional republic of limited government under the rule of law?
Or do we want to hammer what could be the final nail in the coffin of the greatest governing document in the history of the world?
18 hours ago
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