Sunday, July 31, 2011

VIDEO - Over one million hits - Obama's long form ripped to bits

Albert Einstein Renshaw Ph.D. -  16 year old computer whiz kid who owns his own software firm received 1.3 million hits on his video that ripped Obama's long form to pieces.

Scanned documents aren't valid evidence of anything even if they are legitimate. The entire reason there is a professional field known as forensic document examination is that a great deal can be told from examination of the original document itself. Much, much less can be told by looking at a photocopy of a document and very little, if anything at all, can be told from looking at a digital image that purports to be an image of an original document. Too much opportunity for adulteration, no opportunity to examine the paper, the ink, and any impressions made on the paper, etc. These online arguments discussing images are like people studying animals by examining imitation scat.

The documents Obama would like the public to accept would not meet the standards of "evidence" in any court of law, any administrative hearing, any congressional investigation, application for any license, passport. or official ID papers

We the People will never know if Obama is a fraud unless the original documents are submitted to a panel of court approved certified document examiners. Certified Diplomate, American Board of Forensic Document Examiners

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