Thursday, October 20, 2011



The Truth Matters Coalition Is Born
By: Dean C. Haskins
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Posted: October 20, 2011
© 2011 The Birther Summit
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One of the most heartbreaking realities of contemporary Christendom is the obvious exponential decrease in its biblical discernment. While much of the civilized world has been wholly secularized, there was a remnant of believers in America that pushed against that godless agenda snatching this great Christian experiment from us. Sadly, if today's church were transplanted to the first century, we would likely be the ones responsible for the breeding of and caring for stadium lions. And, that is no better exemplified than by the church's virtual silence over the numerous crimes that have been committed regarding the illegal presidency of Barack Obama.
Biblical discernment is that which allows the believer to understand the deeper, or underlying, truths of God's Word, rather than what is often purported to be "truth," but is nothing but a worldly perversion of it. The misuse or misinterpretation of God's Word has been responsible for many atrocities throughout history, and there is presently one that is being widely used to promote the church's laziness and apathy in this arena: Romans 13:1,2 (Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.).
What the church must understand is that, even though earthly authority was established and ordained by God, He also clearly delineated limits to that authority. The authority of man plainly ends at the line where it conflicts with God's authority. In the book of Acts, we are told that the apostle Peter and others had been imprisoned by the governing authorities for preaching the Gospel, and then were supernaturally transported out of the prison, allowing them to continue their preaching. When they were, once again, brought before the governing authorities and questioned regarding why they were continuing to preach, when they had been commanded not to, their response was, "We ought to obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:29)
Had our forefathers subscribed to the current lukewarm understanding of these doctrinal principles, there would have been no America, and we would all be British subjects. America was borne out of the rejection of and rebellion against an ungodly, unjust government.
God has mandated that the church speak the truth in love; moreover, for the Christian, there is no distinction between the spiritual and the secular, for everything we do should be done to honor and glorify God. Therefore, acquiescing to any lie cannot possibly bring about such honor or glory.
That God "allowed Barack Obama to ascend to the presidency, and therefore we have no other duty but to respect him, be in subjection to him, and pray for him" is an insidious lie from the evil one. Again, that is nothing but a heinous misinterpretation of scripture. As with these constitutional crimes, God allows every form of sin to be committed, but we are certainly not to hold our tongues about the sin, nor are we not to warn about its eternal penalty. Yes, God allowed this illegal presidency, but that is different from ascribing it to being His will, for God does not trade in deceit or fraud. God does not lie to accomplish His will. God merely allows man the ability to commit those sins, and, having succumbed to the power of sin, He will turn man over to the destruction of his flesh (1 Corinthians 5:5).
Abortion is legal in this country, but the church has consistently stood up against it because it is clearly opposed to God's law. Is that not a form of rejecting the law of the governing authority? If it were discovered that Barack Obama had wandered out of the White House one night, and had committed a brutal murder, would the church's posture be that, since God commands us to be in subjection to the governing authorities, we should simply keep silent about the crime, and merely work toward voting him out of office in the next election cycle? While that question may seem preposterous, it is essentially the same pragmatic belief of many church leaders, since it has been irrefutably shown that fraud and forgeries have been used to enable Obama's usurpation of the presidency. To remain silent about those crimes is no different than silence about any other crime.
While this is not an absolute truth, it is often helpful to familiarize oneself with those who populate either side of an issue to glean further insight into it. Those who are fighting daily for this truth to be understood and rectified are patriotic, upstanding members of society, and many are Bible-believing Christians. The types of people who are our strongest opposition can easily be seen at websites like the Fogbow and the Facebook page "Orly's World." These are most often profane, juvenile reprobates who promote just about every "religious" belief other than biblical Christianity. For the most part, they appear to be primarily atheistic. They promote a forced tolerance of every ungodly, man-made religion, while maintaining an adversarial posture toward any biblical follower of Christ (often, they even preach a "tolerance" of Islam, which is not a religion, but a political ideology bent on the destruction of western civilization).
One of these internet posters even goes so far as stalking those who proclaim the truth in this matter, and his unwelcome messages are often laced with profanity, school-yard taunts, and he has even promoted violence against us, stating that he wishes that "all birthers would be prosecuted, lined up against a wall, and shot." The most incredible fact about this person is that he is actually a Philadelphia lawyer. But, he is typical in this crowd of creatures who lack any character, and are the antithesis of the Americans our Founding Fathers were. For the most part, it is difficult to imagine that any of them are even adults.
Why, pastor, would you align yourself with the likes of these who hate the Christ you purport to preach? Your continued silence does just that!
American Patriot Terry Lakin, the former Army Lieutenant Colonel who ultimately forfeited his career and spent nearly six months in Leavenworth Prison, did so for nothing other than asking to be told the truth—is Barack Obama eligible to be our country's Commander-in-Chief? Rather than receiving a simple answer through documentation proving that he is, the truth was hidden from Terry, and he paid a tremendous price. What pastors and church leaders might not immediately understand is that, with their current silence, we are all paying a vast price, for, as Terry has poignantly stated, "The truth matters . . . the Constitution matters." Right now, that Constitution is under attack, and it is that Constitution which allows believers to share the Gospel of Christ openly and freely. Do not mistake, pastor, the more our Constitution is eroded, the less free you will be to preach the truth to a dying a world in America. The illegal presidency of Barack Obama is just a further erosion of our Constitution by those who reject the fact that America was founded as a Christian nation and are abrogating the rule of law in this country.
The time has come for the church to end her silence over the current illegal presidency. This is not a political issue, so there should be no pastoral fear of speaking the truth in it. This is a matter of right and wrong, and should be handled just as you would any other form of sin. In light of that, we are forming The Truth Matters Coalition—a consortium of American pastors and ministry leaders who will commit to sharing the truth with their congregations and ministries about the illegality of Barack Obama's presidency, and the unspeakable price this country will pay if we do not rise up against it. To be sure, many Christian leaders openly oppose this administration's policies, and rightly so, but doing only that is akin to swatting at the tail of the beast while ignoring its head. It lends legitimacy to what is illegitimate, and allows an America-ending precedent to stand unopposed.
If you are a pastor, church leader, or ministry leader, we urge you to enlist in The Truth Matters Coalition by clicking the logo below. We will not share your information with anybody, but will ask you to join with us in spreading the truth about what has happened to this country at the hand of an incredibly corrupt government. We will gladly equip you with any information you may need in your mission of truth.
The time is now, Christian leader. Will you stand on the side of TRUTH?
If you would like more information about the Birther Summit or Vatteligibility, Inc., please visit our websites often at or, or contact Dean Haskins This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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