Friday, October 28, 2011

Tea Party vs OWS - Hypocrites Won't Share the Food

They want the targeted Wall Street firms to "share the wealth" but they won't share a few scraps of food.

Now see them! This is the promise of the Obama administration. This is Obama's Promised Land, a fundamentally transformed America.

I have waited my time and analyzed the phenomena. Although, my initial reaction was that they may be a typical anarchist mob that the leftist rhetoric usually invokes, I must admit I understood their initial anger at the bailouts, a common theme with all Americans. And the fact that a whirlwind of social media was at its start and it could be said that there were many idealists that first came out could also be seen as encouraging. Despite the fact that this started in the heart of political idiocy and collectivism, New York City, home of the Progressive Pragmatic leaders of the Democratic Party and the most emotionally immature portion of the Democratic rank and file, it is quite clear that the OWS are the very image of socialism's spoon-fed anti-American rhetoric, ala' the Wisconsin Idea. The organizers are of various types of those who espouse a Centralized Collective Authority the rank and file, the angry, immature, un sophisticated children of the socialist dream.

The tyrant Obama (the crony capitalist leader) the international socialist leaders in congress like Nancy Pelosi and the lame stream press has endeavored to portray this rabble as akin to the Tea Party. The only truth in this comparison is a dislike of the bailouts and that, as the Tea Party is representative of America's Spiritual Evolution (The American Revolutionary Process the concept of bottom up mobility, individuality and reliance on God) that the Occupy Wall Street protestors are indicative of the ideas of the French Political Revolution (top down political control with no faith in the individual and a desire to control or be controlled.)

The OWS protests have now gone on long enough to do a comparison with the Tea Party as to its aspirations, goals, allies, tactics, ideology and world view.

The Similarities
• Tea Party: Dislikes Wall Street Bailouts
• OWS: Dislikes Wall Street Bailouts
• Tea Party: Dislikes crony capitalism
• OWS: Dislikes crony capitalism
• Tea Party: Unhappy with the state of our nation.
• OWS: Unhappy with the state of our nation.

The Differences
• Tea Party: Inspiration drawn from the American Revolution
• OWS: Inspiration drawn from the French Revolution
• Tea Party: Aspiration Traditional American values like the Founders and Framers are in favor of entrepreneurial ism, believe in individuality and smaller government.

• OWS : Aspirations vary there are groups like CAIR and union organizers like SEIU present as well as various communist, national socialist and socialist organizations who represent an assorted group of Centralized Collective Authoritarians. A large majority who want more and larger government or look to government to solve their personal as well as social problems. They all have a fundamental disconnect in the logic of their thinking because they are against crony capitalism but fail to connect the dots that crony capitalism requires a large government in which to plant the seeds of corruption and eventually use to exploit. Overall, they all seem to want some sort of large government socialistic system.
• Tea Party: Recognizes that unions and government together with international businesses are crony capitalism.
• OWS: Only dislike certain international businesses and cartels hold others blameless like unions and big government.
• Tea Party: Dislikes all bailouts of any kind, distrusts government involvement in business.
• OWS: Favors government involvement or bailouts of favored entities.
• Tea Party: Hated by the main stream media and most government employees and the entire Democratic Party. Disliked by many Republican Party officials, also.
• OWS: Loved by the main street media and most government employees, brings fondness to the hearts of the Democratic Party feared by the Republican Party.

• The Tea Party: Wants less taxes, less government regulations and interference, upset with government.
• OWS: Wants more taxes, more government regulations and interference, upset with government.
• Tea Party: Clean, respectful of authority wants to work within the system.
• OWS: Dirty, disrespectful of authority wants to destroy the system.
• Tea Party: Sober

• OWS: Intoxicated often on drugs.
• Tea Party: Often accused of racism by main stream media which defies' logic in that the Tea Party believes in individualism and that prejudice by definition is judging by the group.
• OWS: Excused by main stream media for blatant anti Semitism. Judges people by group, including financial status.
• Tea Party: Has a good opinion of Israel.
• OWS: Calls Israelites Zionists, hates Israel prefers, Muslim extremists.

• Tea Party: Believes in self restraint.
• OWS: Do not believe in self restraint.

• Tea Party: Self polices events, do not allow people with hateful signs.
• OWS: Anything goes.
• Tea Party: Works with police at events.
• OWS: Fights Police.

• Tea Party: Asks only that individuals at events hear their point of view. Shares any food at events with everyone.
• OWS: Demands wealth redistribution from banks, refuses to share their food with poor.

• Tea Party: Knows that the policies of the Democratic Party in general and the Obama administration in particular are the reason that our country is in the state that it is in.
• OWS: Think Obama didn't go far enough.

• Tea Party: Loves America
• OWS: Hates America
• Tea Party: In Almost three years time less then ten arrests (all were from anti-Tea Party pro union infiltrators)
• OWS: In one month's time nearly 1,800 arrests.
• Tea Party: Only one act of violence in three years which was perpetrated on an entrepreneur by SEIU thugs.
• OWS: Acts of violence assaults on police officers, rapes, all manners of crimes each with hundreds of incidents.
• Tea Party: Leaves site of events immaculately clean.
• OWS: Leaves a cesspool where they camp site.
• Tea Party: Wants America to be succeed.
• OWS: Wants America to fall.

I think that its safe to say that there are no similarities between these groups. In a short time, the Tea Party moved into the constructive business of participation in the election process. The Occupy Wall Street Protesters are the last gasps of the Socialists whose policies have failed here in America. In the end OWS are nothing more then spoiled crybabies.


Anonymous said...

Agreed. Though religion is not a prerequisite for morals, and is supposed to be, by the Constitution, separate from government. That is the one point I disagree with the Tea Party on.
Apart from that, this article is very accurate. The OWS here in Nashville leaves deplorable conditions behind and thinks they are owed a clean place when they are the ones that trashed it in the first place.

mpat51 said...

The things I have read show me this is the way the Socialist work and brainwashed the people they gather. They take key words of a good idea, then slowly start twisting them into something totally different u.til they mean something else. The people being fed all this (slowly) start turning the way the socialist want them to until they have taken over a whole movement. If someone was to check, I bet they would find that most these mis-guided young people had already had the seeds of Socialism sowed by their Socialist professors.

mpat51 said...

derThe things I have read show me this is the way the Socialist work and brainwashed the people they gather. They take key words of a good idea, then slowly start twisting them into something totally different u.til they mean something else. The people being fed all this (slowly) start turning the way the socialist want them to until they have taken over a whole movement. If someone was to check, I bet they would find that most these mis-guided young people had already had the seeds of Socialism sowed by their Socialist professors.

Pops said...

Vince, I have to wonder at your comment that the TEA Party wants religion to take over the government, or that the government wants to take over religion. The Constitution specifically states that government will not do anything concerning the establishment of a religion, nor prohibit the practice of religion. This is what TEA Party members believe and want practiced.

Dan said...

Vince. No where in the Constitution does it say anything about religion being held separate from government. The separation of church and state that people think is a Constitutional guarantee was actually in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson in an explaination of the First Amendment. Even George Washington once said you can't govern without God and the Bible.