Obama has enlisted law firms across the nation to battle every attempt to access his birth, schooling, immigration or passport records. WHY? Because if these facts are revealed Obama will lose the Presidency.
There is still hope!
Obama really isn’t qualified to hold the office of President. He hides his birth certificate, his college papers, his medical records and his passport history
If Obama can be removed from office, because he is legally ineligible to be President, all bills that he has signed into law will become invalid, including the pork package “Reward Liberal Causes and Constituents Bill” called a Stimulus Bill.
We would all do well to support legal actions to remove Obama from office, to end this ill conceived Stimulus Bill.
Get Rid of Obama = Get Rid of the Pork
An exchange between attorney Orly Taitz and a concerned American:
See Orly's answer below. This is where these eligibility lawsuits are headed, imo.
Dr.Taitz, I am the son of a veteran and wish I could be included a plaintiff in the legal action filed by you as mentioned below
My question is this. Since Military members have a concern as to this Presidents eligibility , shouldn't any male under 27 who has registered with selective service also be eligible to be included in this legal action ?
Should a draft be implemented for an unforeseen reason, these young men would be in the same position as regular active duty military, deciding whether or not to obey the orders of a president who is possibly ineligible to give orders.
I'm just a 39 year unemployed American trying to think of a way to broaden the cause your fighting for.
Were I not unemployed I would be able to submit a donation, forgive the fact that I currently cannot.
Thank you for your time,
Dear Tommy,
I believe, we have good plaintiffs.
What we didn't have so far, is a judge with the guts and a spine to sign a judicial subpoena to demand BO's vital records.It is a reasonable thing to do, judges sign judicial subpoenas every day; and any judge, anywhere in the country is entitled to do it, since BO has subjected himself to each and every jurisdiction in the country, by running as a presidential candidate, and every judge is entitled to know, if the candidate defrauded the residents of his district. After the subpoena is issued, BO will have to comply and produce his records, or otherwise he will be in contempt of court . I suspect, that small town, red state judges are more likely to issue a subpoena. Keep in mind: local judges have to run for office and typically they are closer to real people, who demand answers. Federal judges and the Supreme court were not elected, they are political appointees and more likely to go with the establishment . A local judge in any red state can sign two pieces of paper: a pro hac vice, allowing me, as an out of state attorney to represent a client in his jurisdiction and a subpoena for a production of documents by BO. The moment a judicial subpoena is signed (it is different from the subpoena issued by an attorney), I suspect BO will not comply, since he knows he is ineligible. His lawyers will try to appeal, however I believe, that higher state courts will not overturn this decision by the lower state judge, as they know, that the pressure on BO is building and there will be revolt in their state, if they overturn. I think BO will try Supreme court, but I believe, it will be Watergate#2, SCOTUS will not overturn either and BO will choose to resign. This might be the most probable scenario among several scenarios.
6 hours ago
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