Naples Tea Party
By Barry Willoughby
We've discussed the modern day phenomena known as the Tea Party movement and the events which sparked the disgust towards those representatives in Washington supposedly accountable to we the people. Why the grassroots Tea Party took off so rapidly, and has made such a difference in slowing down the socialist takeover of America, is clear.
But, just who are those people or groups that participate in a Tea Party?
What are they like?
What are their values and vision for America?
Is the Tea Party movement part of a grand political machinery, well financed and dripping with elitism and power?
Those on the Left like to label them as part of an angry mob bent on obfuscating progress. They have been called radical right-wing racists because of a refusal to accept the first black president. Then, there are those who define them as religious fanatics trying to force their religious moral values upon society as a whole.
When these definitions fell flat, the Left is now content with calling them a lewd and offensive name right out of the pages of liberal accepted culture. How ironic…..what the liberal is really defining is their own acceptance towards engaging in debauchery and crass behavior.
The Tea Party movement is made up of individuals from all walks of life and a wide variety of political persuasions. The common thread that binds everything together is their love for America and the belief that individual freedom and liberty is the cornerstone of our Republic. This truth is self-evident and along with freedom comes the responsibility to protect and defend what the Founders envisioned for America when they wrote the U.S. Constitution and the concept of our nation governed by the rule of law.
In general, Tea Party members are devotees of private property rights, a competitive free market hinged to capitalism, less spending and taxes from a limited and smaller government and taking away the power of the government to redistribute wealth. They defend the rights of all Americans to bear arms and pursue their own individual religious path.
In summary, I guess one could read the Constitution and pick and choose the parts that are most dear to their heart as the reasons for attending a Tea Party. An ever expanding government and piling on public debt is not the answer to solving problems and socialism should be stopped in its tracks if we are willing to preserve what made America great.
As for the well greased machinery working behind the scenes running the Tea Party movement, let me share with you the local groups and organizations that support the Naples Tea Party.
Patriots For Freedom Foundation plans to fund educational activities helping to organize and maintain projects in the U.S. that foster acts of patriotism under an umbrella of freedom and liberty. Contact: asevva@aol.com for more information.
The SW Florida 9-12 Project, inspired by Glen Beck to stop extreme government spending and a march towards socialism. The Project endeavors to protect the Constitution and the principles and values that have made America the land of opportunity. Contact: naples912@aol.com for more information.
One Nation Under God, U.S.A. promotes rediscovery of American history and renewal of the vision and covenant of the Founding Fathers. Contact: www.onug.us for more information.
The Council For Constitutional Principles has presented talks about the Constitution for several years. With a growing membership, the organization has begun pushing for three focused outcomes: (1) defense of the U.S. Constitution; (2) preventing the U.S. from becoming a socialist nation; and (3) electing people who support the first two outcomes. Contact: naplesconservative4@gmail.com for more information.
Change For 2012 and Save America wants to take back Washington, including the White House and Congress. Some wish to change America…..we wish to preserve it. Contact: changefor2012@comcast.net for further information.
There you have it. Those are the main local organizations that are united with the Naples Tea Party, along with the thousands of individuals not affiliated with any group. I’m so sorry to inform the Left that we do not receive any funding from a national body like OFA (Organizing For America), ACORN or MoveOn. We are not paid to protest and do not take an oath of allegiance to anyone or anything other than to defend and protect the United States Constitution.
If this sounds like a movement you would like to participate in, don’t wait any longer. 2010 is an election year and there is much work to be done in order to eliminate the waste, fraud and special interests running things in Washington. Contact: bareftbj@comcast.net for more information.
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